My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2206: new special zone

Looking at this hospital with people coming and going, Chen Cheng couldn't help expressing emotion.

I just don't know if the people here can enjoy the benefits of sunshine insurance!

"By the way, didn't the people here say yesterday that their locals don't pay for medical treatment!"

The companion next to Chen Cheng also guessed what he was thinking, and said something casually.

Chen Cheng's eyes widened, yes!

How could I forget about this? Calapag Island is said to be a special zone of the Copper Country.

This is the standard of living in developed countries. It is said that their per capita GDP is higher than that of the copper country itself.

Speaking of the economic level of the copper country, it is the level of the only developed country in South America.

The per capita GDP is said to be about 20,000 US dollars, but there is a lot of water in it.

The rich are very rich, and the poor are really poor.

And the reason for this is entirely because the country's GDP composition is relatively special, mainly relying on the mining industry.

Although this country is small in size, its terrain is also very special.

But it is because it is against the west road of the Andes and is close to the Pacific side.

Due to the compression of the earth's crust, the country is very rich in mineral resources.

There are not only the richest copper mines in the world, but also many large lithium mines.

In recent years, due to the skyrocketing prices of copper concentrate and lithium ore internationally, the country's GDP has also risen.

But unfortunately, most of these large mines are controlled by European and American capital giants.

It is mainly from Wall Street and Fleet Street. Of course, on the other hand, there are also many Japanese consortiums.

So even though they have made a lot of money by testing cars and exporting mineral resources over the years, the common people have not actually benefited much.

This is also the main reason why, in the past few years, the subway company wanted to increase the fare for the subway, but it was unanimously opposed by the masses.

Although it seems that it only increases the fare by a few cents, for ordinary people, it will greatly increase their living costs.

The last plan, of course, fell into disrepair.

From this, it can be seen that the real economic level of this country, and what it is like, can be guessed by everyone.

But here in the Calapag Islands is different!

Because the Calapag Islands used to belong to the nature of private land, but only nominally belonged to the Copper Country.

But it is actually a place of exile, specially prepared for those Chinese mercenaries who are ready to give up when they run out.

Therefore, in the past, the Copper Country did not pay much attention to this place, and it was difficult to call it an island before.

Because there is a freshwater crater on the main island here, and even this archipelago is not even shown on the map.

Because most of the islands have no fresh water on them, they don't deserve to be called islands at all.

So it's really a place where birds don't **** and no one cares.

The same is true for the Ithaca area. Originally, it was a place set up by the Copper Country to fend off tigers and devour wolves.

The saline-alkali land of the arid desert is the buffer zone for their war with Peru.

It is also a zone of no concern, and even many outlaws who cannot survive in the Copper Country will eventually flee here.

But in recent years, with the intervention of the celebrity chef group, the economic situation here has undergone tremendous changes.

First of all, a large number of pastures and factories have been built here, and the economy here has improved.

The life of the local people has naturally improved. In addition, in recent years, a large number of Chinese immigrants have poured in here.

This makes the economy more developed here, and because it is a special zone.

Gu </span> has a high degree of autonomy and can set its own laws, which has allowed the state government here to set many laws in recent years that are conducive to financial development.

For example, various open financial regulatory policies have made this place the favorite place for hot money in South America.

Because it is very safe here, we will not ask where the assets come from.

It can be said that this is a new tax haven besides the Cayman Islands.

Moreover, the zero-tariff policy here is also very friendly to the entry and exit of consortia from various countries.

So at first, a large number of companies from Long Kingdom came here to set up branch offices, and later Mao Xiong came to set up branch offices.

What is even more unexpected is that many European and American companies have also come here to open a lot of vests.

As for what it is used for, it is naturally used for tax avoidance.

And many countries have chosen to turn a blind eye to this place.

It is precisely because of the influx of a large number of companies that it has brought a lot of economic benefits to the local government.

This allows the government to have money to subsidize the local people. On the one hand, the average salary of the common people is higher, and on the other hand, various welfare benefits are also in place.

For example, the per capita salary of ordinary people has really reached 20,000 US dollars in the Calapag Islands and Ithaca regions. L

And their medical care and education here are really free.

And the housing is also very cheap. A three-bedroom, two-hall house with more than 130 square meters is more than one million yuan, and there is no public share.

Of course, the system of HDB in Singapore is also adopted here. Although the house can be very cheap, you absolutely don’t want to speculate.

It can be sold very cheaply, but it cannot be easily sold.

If you want to sell, you must meet the conditions of living for at least ten years, and you will also be charged a very high tax on the value-added part.

Basically, the higher the price, the higher the tax.

Anyway, if you want to make money by speculating on real estate here, then you should just wait to get caught!

Thinking of this, Chen Cheng couldn't help feeling a little sour.

"Let's go, go to the pier and have a look."

She also stayed at the entrance of the hospital for a while, and there was nothing to see. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The two decided to continue riding their bikes all the way to the south.

Although they came down from the pier yesterday, they simply walked around the pier.

There must be a lot of places they haven't seen, so they decided to go and see.

The two of them rode their bikes all the way to the south, when they saw many factories on the road.

These factories do not occupy a large area, and they mainly produce some marine equipment.

Because the Karapag Islands is now a large port, many ships have to dock every day.

Some ships even need to be overhauled, which requires a lot of spare parts.

Therefore, many of the factories here are producing marine spare parts.

Others are used to produce aircraft, of course, this is just what they heard from the locals.

As for whether the island can actually produce planes, the two of them don't believe it at all.

How many countries in the world can produce airplanes, how can you produce airplanes?

When it comes to building a ship, they can still believe it, but they really don't believe it when it comes to building an airplane.

And along the way, they also saw many other repair shops...


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