My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2257: last line of defense

The enemy's first attack wave was instantly destroyed.

But before they had a chance to breathe, the enemy threw a few grenades in the blink of an eye...

The shock wave of the grenade explosion directly pushed the tin table they piled up at the door a few meters back.

Fragments of the grenade smashed onto the tin table, making a sound like rain hitting bananas.

This time, the enemy rushed in in a swarm, but the enemy at the front was very ruthless.

What they held in their hands was the corpse of the bandit who had been killed before.

These guys actually used the corpses of their accomplices as meat shields.

Not to mention that this move is really ruthless, the most important thing is that it exceeded everyone's expectations.

Although the morale of the people in this bunker has risen, they have limited combat experience after all.

Marksmanship is also not very accurate, all they can do is strafing, which is very useful for dealing with densely charged enemies.

But when the enemy raises the 'shield', their marksmanship doesn't work.

The enemy is much more charged, and most of the bullets are blocked by the corpse in front of him.

And these bodies also have body armor, so the effect of blocking bullets is really good.

And after they rushed in, they also had a clear division of labor. Some people shot to suppress it, and some people started throwing grenades everywhere.

For a while, there were explosions everywhere in the room, and the screams of his own people were shot and killed.

Seeing that the enemy was so unstoppable, Captain Mu simply pulled Chen Cheng up, greeted another teammate, and several people fought and retreated.

He quickly walked to the back of the house, where a lot of people had gathered by now.

Obviously, no one thought that they would lose so quickly.

At this time, Captain Mu shouted loudly on the walkie-talkie and took off the night vision goggles.

Everyone was stunned, but everyone did as he said, and everyone guessed that they took off the night vision goggles.

Li Xingkai next to him suddenly pressed the remote control in his hand.

The lights in the room turned on again, which caught the other party by surprise.

You must know that they were all killed with night vision goggles, but there is a problem with night vision goggles, that is, they cannot be used in strong light.

If there is a sudden strong light, the user will be blinded instantly.

Taking advantage of such a stall, Captain Mu leaned out again and shot a shuttle.

This shuttle took five or six bandits away.

Then everyone took advantage of this time, and under the leadership of Li Xingkai, they got into a secret passage behind the command room.

After getting in, everyone was stunned.

Because everyone really didn't know it before, there is actually a secret passage here.

Li Xingkai led the way all the way, and soon led everyone to the front of a gate.

The door was open at this time, a heavy round iron door.

Inside the gate, the lights are brilliant, and what makes everyone stunned is that there are more than a dozen neatly arranged money mountains inside this gate!

That's right, a pile of money as high as a hill.

There are green dollar bills, red soft sister coins, and blue euros.

They are all thrown on the mountain of money in large bundles!

Everyone's eyes were spent, and then everyone understood why these gangsters would try their best to attack Paradise Island.

Emotions are the reason.

After a while, everyone retreated into the purse.

Captain Mu and Li Xingkai, with great effort, began to drag the heavy iron gate and slowly closed it.

At the moment of closing, you can still see the bullets shot by the enemy on the opposite side, and the sparks that hit the iron door.

There were screams and scoldings from the enemy in the corridor. Obviously, they did not expect that they would hide in the vault.

But now that the vault has been locked from the inside by them, it is not so easy for them to get in.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at this time they finally understood what Li Xingkai said about the last fortress.

When I rushed in, someone saw that the iron door of this vault could be fifty centimeters thick.

The door is so thick, let alone how thick the wall can be.

It is impossible for the enemy to come in from the outside.

Even if they bombarded it with cannons, they couldn't open this place.

Thinking of this, everyone could not help but relax.

At this time, Captain Mu began to count the number of people in the vault.

There are only about fifteen people, and the rest of the people should be less fortunate.

Seeing Captain Mu's actions, everyone else fell into silence.

A lot has really happened today.

And at this point, everyone finally had a chance to breathe.

Finally able to stop, Chen Cheng glanced at the crowd.

Fortunately, in the distance of the crowd, he actually saw his little friend.

He walked over as quickly as he did, and punched him.

"Good boy, I knew you would be fine."

The little friend looked up and saw Chen Cheng, and was very happy.

"I'm Cao, I know, I know..."

As the guy was talking, he actually hugged Chen Cheng's shoulder and started to cry.

Chen Cheng naturally knew why he was doing this.

There is the joy of escaping death, UU reading www.uukanshu. com may still carry the fear of just killing someone.

Thinking about the scene when you faced the enemy head-on for the first time in the stairwell, it is not difficult to understand why your friends are like this.

Every recruit has a stage after all.

Under his comfort, the little friend soon stopped crying.

At this time, Li Xingkai arranged for everyone to go to get food.

I really didn't expect that this guy's mind was so delicate, and he had already prepared this place as the final stronghold long before the enemy came in.

He had people put here a lot of boxes, bottled water, and a lot of cans and chocolates,

There were even a lot of drinks and drinks. Seeing these things, everyone finally relaxed.

There was even a woman who picked up a bottle of whisky and drank it directly.

Then the others started taking their turns drinking, apparently celebrating their escape.

But some people are not so optimistic.

After all, although they are safe now, who knows when the enemy will withdraw?

And when the reinforcements will fall, no one knows!

Chen Cheng can only comfort himself, don't think too much, just wait here.

But at this moment, there was a faint knock on the door of the vault.

Li Xingkai's face was a little confused, while Captain Mu stood up agitatedly.

"Morse code?"

"It's the gangster who is using Morse code to pass information to us!"

Captain Mu's words made everyone realize.

Soon a cryptographer was called, and he lay on the door and listened for a while.

Then he said with an ugly face: "The other party, let's get to know each other and open the door early. Now they are looking for the ventilation duct in the room."

"If we don't open the door, they'll block the vent and choke us to death..."


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