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Johnson didn't care about putting on clothes, but put on his body armor in three or two strokes, and then took the helmet and put it on.

He also slipped on a pair of combat boots that Frank had left at the door.

At this time, there were still bursts of vigorous singing and dancing downstairs, and from time to time the voices of his team members shouting loudly.

At this moment, Johnson is reminding him not to make a sound, so as not to startle the snake.

The two walked one after the other, carefully groping to a room at the end of the corridor on the second floor.

Johnson put his ear to the door, but there was no movement from the voice of men and women inside.

He reached out and twisted the door lock, but he didn't expect that the person inside also twisted the door lock at this moment.

The door was pulled open with a bang, revealing a face covered with sweat towel, black hair and yellow skin, obviously not their companion.

Johnson didn't have time to think about it at all, raising his hand was two shots.

The other party did not expect that there was someone outside the door, and was hit on the forehead by these two shots on the spot, and fell on his back.

"Get down!"

Frank shouted behind him, and Johnson instinctively fell to the ground.

The moment he fell down, he felt two bullets flying past his scalp.

In the middle of Frank's body behind him, this Frank is also brave enough. He was shot twice, and he just groaned.

But he was half-squatting and kneeling, and it was a quick shot towards the inside of the room.

‘Clap clap clap…’

In the blink of an eye, this guy emptied a clip.

"Change magazines!"

He shouted, then leaned against the hallway wall and started changing the magazine.

Johnson jumped up and rushed into the house.

There were three corpses lying on the floor of the room.

One of them belonged to their companions, and the other two belonged to foreign invaders.

Johnson knew that he just guessed correctly, he was having fun with the woman in the house.

But suddenly there was no movement next door. He knew that the next door was his old friend Johnny, who was a hungry ghost.

When I'm with a woman, I like a woman who calls out loud.

Just now there was a loud noise next door, but suddenly there was no movement, and he knew something might have happened.

So I just touched it and took a look, and I didn't expect that something really happened.

At this time, he didn't have time to feel sorry for his old friend, but grabbed the pants he put on the bedside and put them on three times.

Then put Johnny's gun on the bedside, reach for it, and walk out of the room.

Frank had changed the magazines by now, but he could still see two bullets in his chest.

Fortunately, he was wearing a bulletproof vest, otherwise he would never be able to hold it just two times.

At this time, the downstairs was already a mess.

Just now, it was still the music, the hip-hop teasing with men and women, and the shouts of playing pool on the other side.

But this time it was all replaced by gunshots, and they didn't even know where the enemy was.

All I could hear was the sound of submachine guns pouring down bullets like a storm.

At first, the screams of women and men could still be heard, but soon, the sound was drowned out by the sound of gunfire.

The two looked at each other, and they were all covered with chills. This must be the enemy's outflanking.

At this time, the door to another room was opened, and the two instinctively aimed their guns.

But after seeing that it was Jack who was fully armed, the two were relieved.

Fortunately, this guy was not touched by the enemy...

Jack winked at them, and the two hurried back to their rooms, taking everything they could with them.

Frank is neatly dressed, and the most important thing to him is that he is a mobile phone. As for the case that came from the research institute, it is no longer important.

At this moment there was a knock on his walkie-talkie, apparently the brother downstairs, contacting them.

Using Morse code, tell them that a few surviving brothers are hiding in the bar at the moment.

The life and death of the other brothers were uncertain, and the enemy had already come in from the outside.

He made a gesture to Jack's pen, and Jack turned and went into Johnny's room.

A few intruders just climbed in through this window, because this is the only second-floor room with a balcony.

Frank asked Jack to see if he could get out from here, and then find a chance to copy the intruder's back path.

And he and Johnson came to the stairs, and from here they could just aim in the direction of the gate.

As long as the enemy downstairs passes here, they can shoot the first time.

But the enemy was also very cunning, as if he knew that someone was waiting upstairs, he stopped a little before the entrance of the stairs.

Seeing this, Frank didn't hesitate, and made a gesture to Johnson's pen.

Johnson threw his hands off two shock bombs, and the moment the grenade exploded.

Frank leaned halfway out of the stairwell, picked up the hk416 in his hand, and swept the intruder downstairs.

I have to say that Johnson is indeed a veteran of urban warfare.

These two shock bombs were thrown just right, and two in a row, the enemy who had been waiting for them lost most of their combat effectiveness.

The few people walking in the front, unprepared, were shocked by the shock and lost their ability to move.

Instantly knocked down by Frank...

A few intruders in the distance were about to turn their guns, but this guy, Frank, actually shrank back in a thief.

Several intruders yelled in anger, and at the same time gestured various tactical actions, signaling their companions to outflank.

But they only took a few steps forward when a dark shadow suddenly popped out behind them.

Holding a m249 against the backs of several people is a mad sweep.

I wrapped all these people on the spot and swept them to the ground...

At the same time, Frank and Johnson also jumped down from the upstairs and began to finish.

The intruders who were extremely powerful just now were all killed on the spot.

Seeing that there were no standing intruders in the house, Frank hurriedly called Jack to guard the gate.

Prevent other intruders from following.

At the same time, he and Johnson began to greet the other living companions in the room and hurried out.

The enemy must have caught up, UU reading www.uukanshu. com They have to retreat quickly...,

He quickly hid in the kitchen, and his companions behind the bar stood up one after another.

Everyone seemed to have lingering fears. Thanks to their quick response, the veterans knew where to hide.

Otherwise, even if the enemy swept the house so messily, none of them would be able to escape.

However, the owner of the bar, and the female companions they found were all out of luck, and few survived.

The same is true for their team. Although everyone hid quickly, seventeen or eighteen were still killed on the spot.

The remaining twenty or so people were already packed up after a while...

"Head, someone is coming!"

Jack, who was guarding the door, shouted to Frank and Johnson in the room at this time, and both of them looked cold...

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