My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2299: a task that can not be done

No, you can't be like this, and you have to fight against the opponent, you must find a way to break the game.

Looking at the three City Cs sandwiched between the four of them, Frank's eyebrows have been twisted into a Sichuan font.

At this moment, he already felt a very headache.

The opponent's three vehicles, bowing from left to right, sprayed bullets wildly in two wind directions at the same time, and the momentum was like a battle fleet that bowed from left to right in the sea.

At this moment, suddenly there was a swoosh in front of him, and a flash of fire shot out.

Before Frank could react, he saw the C City team sandwiched between them, and there was a 'boom' from the front car.

The hood of the car was lifted on the spot, billowing smoke rose, and the fire also spread.

Seeing such a picture, Frank was suddenly shocked.

good! Beautiful, who did it?

Looking up, it turned out to be McKee and the others.

When the Great Wall convoy was attacked by them before, they were a little flustered at the beginning, completely forgetting about chasing McKee's car.

This gave McGee and the others a breather, and they drove the car to the front, and the team members got out of the car.

In a short while, an RPG came out from the trunk, and a shot came according to the Great Wall car that was chasing behind.

At that time, the Great Wall car, which was quite crazy just now, was knocked three feet high.

Don't look at the spray of this car to prevent bullets, but after all, he is not an armored car, nor is it a tank.

In the face of the enemy's RPG, he is also helpless.

But the bulletproof spraying of the car still works, although the front cabin of the car was blown up.

But the people in the car were not seriously injured.

After half a minute of buffering, the people in the car gradually woke up from the explosion just now.

They jumped out of the car one after another, and at this time, the two Great Walls behind them quickly rushed to both sides of the car.

Protect the teammates who got off the car, and prevent Frank from flanking them on both sides, which can hurt the teammates.

At the same time, he also opened the car door and asked those teammates to get in the car quickly.

As for their firepower at this time, it was mainly concentrated on McGee and the others in front.

For fear that they were tinkering with a rocket.

And McGee and the others were also beaten, and the rocket egg just now was actually their limit.

After all, they were chased and spanked all the way from the beginning, and this was the limit of what they could do.

At this time, Frank was thinking about whether to take advantage of their numerical advantage and eat the other party in one bite.

At this time, Frank also saw that there were not ordinary people on the other team.

It can be said that they encountered the most difficult and terrifying enemy after arriving in the country.

Such an enemy, if given a chance, would kill as much as he could.

Absolutely avoid it, give them a chance to get back on the battlefield.

Because if they meet again on the battlefield in the future, then they may not be as lucky as they are today.

So Frank immediately passed the hand station, on the public channel, and issued an order to concentrate firepower.

At this time, Johnson also understood Frank's thoughts, and he was trying his best to greet everyone and set fire to the two cars.

Immediately, the two Great Walls were hit by fire, and they were embarrassed.

Although their body is sprayed, the safety of the people inside the body is guaranteed.

But at this moment, they have lost their momentum, and they have no way to shoot with Frank and the others like before.

The people in the car that was blown up in front of them were all still alive, but they were more or less injured.

They were rescued into the car at this time, and basically all zombies have the ability to fight.

And at this moment, the momentum of Frank and the others has been completely played out.

But he also saw the car of these guys, it was as strong as a turtle shell.

I don't know what kind of armor they use, anyway, their ordinary bullets can't penetrate at all.

However, Frank still ordered the siege, which was to buy time for McGee and the others.

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They are responsible for attracting each other's attention, while McGee's side is reloading quickly.

Ready to give the other party another shot...

Sure enough, the opponent's combat experience is still lacking, and most of the attention is now focused on saving people.

By the time it was discovered that the second rocket was fired from the opposite side, it was already too late.

Fortunately, the car on the left was braver, slammed on the accelerator, rushed in front of the other car, and then slammed the steering wheel.

Aim the car **** in the direction from which the rocket was ejected.

I have to say that the spare tire on the back of the car played a role at this time.

Or the armor spray on the cover outside the spare tire played a key role.

The rocket hit the bulletproof spray and exploded violently.

Although the warhead penetrated that thick layer of bulletproof spray, it also severely weakened the kinetic energy of the forward impact.

When it finally exploded, it was absorbed by the spare tire again.

When it finally spread to the back door, it was basically not so powerful.

The Great Wall's spanked **** was lifted up sharply, and finally fell to the ground again.

After the smoke cleared, what everyone saw was that the entire rear door of the car had disappeared.

However, the people in the car were still unscathed.

Because at this moment, the people in the car are pouring bullets frantically from the back door to the outside!

McGee and the others also hit and ran, but one of the team members was knocked down by the opponent's bullet.

And at this moment, Frank and the others also increased the intensity of their attack.

At this time, the two Great Walls also found that the momentum was not good, and began to increase the accelerator and rush to the outside.

And Frank was no longer thinking about annihilating the opponent, because he found that it was an impossible task at all.

The other party is really strong, so they also deliberately sold a flaw and let the other party rush out.

But this time, they didn't dare to follow each other's **** to hit.

You can only watch the other party go all the way.

Looking at the two off-road vehicles away, Frank could not help but spit on the ground...

Because he really couldn't understand, how did the cars produced by the Yan Kingdom become so strong?

And these cars, in the wild, have been driving for such a long time and operate so violently.

But the other party still gave him a feeling of being as light as a swallow. In this muddy field full of mud, the other side was actually as light as a swallow.

As long as you give the accelerator a kick, their car can go out quickly...

So it wasn't that he didn't want to chase just now, but he knew that they couldn't catch up at all...

At this moment, it was clear that they had driven the pursuers away, but I don't know why.

On the contrary, it is true that Frank and his party have a feeling of the rest of their lives in their hearts...Click to download the APP of this site, a large number of novels, and read them for free!

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