My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2302: life and death

The other party's car was moving very slowly, and at this moment Frank had to let the people in the room relax a little.

Don't fire too hard and scare the enemy away.

He needs the enemy to get closer, because he also prepared a 'gift' for the enemy in those grasses.

As a commander with rich combat experience, how could Frank not see the loopholes in this ranch defense?

Although there is only one right way to the gate, what if the enemy does not take the right way?

So he also buried a lot of mines in the grass facing both sides of the house.

Just wait for those guys, walk to the mine line, and he'll detonate.

So after Dick's death, he didn't let other people take bazookas and attack the enemy's car.

You know they don't have any shortage of rockets, and that's why he's useless.

Just waiting for the enemy to fall into his trap, because he also saw that this group of enemies is very cunning.

With landmines, he felt that it was more powerful than rockets, and it was more difficult to dodge.

So at this moment he is always observing the enemy's movement, but this group of enemies is very cunning.

Their progress was very slow, and neither brisk nor slow, stopping for a while without taking a step.

And because their car's bulletproof performance is good, they are not afraid of their shooting.

It seems that they are also afraid of something ambush in the grass.

Seeing a picture like this, Frank knew it was time to put some pressure on them.


He yelled at the upstairs.


Johnson upstairs replied, and from the beginning of the fight, Johnson took his 12.7-caliber Barrett up to the third floor.

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The armor of the enemy's car is very thick, and ordinary 7.62 caliber bullets are difficult to break.

But if it is a 12.7 caliber high-power bullet, it will be different.


There seemed to be a sound of thunder upstairs, and Frank, who was holding a telescope downstairs, saw a big hole suddenly opened in the front windshield of the big car in the field to the right.

Then he also saw a splash of blood sprayed directly onto the windshield.

Finally, from the beginning of the battle, this group of tenacious enemies suffered the first casualty.

Before, when they attacked the vehicle that the enemy was chasing, it also caused heavy damage to the enemy.

But in the end, not a single enemy corpse was left at the scene, so although Frank was very uncomfortable, he also judged that the enemy had not suffered casualties.

All because of the protective gear on them, it's too awesome.

But this time, when he saw blood, the bloodthirsty factor in his blood was awakened.

"OK, well done, they have casualties!"

Frank loudly applauded Johnson from downstairs.

And the brothers on the same floor as him were all screaming and screaming at the moment.

Finally, the other side began to suffer casualties!

'Bang' There was another sound like thunder from upstairs.

Then came a series of 'bang bang bang' sounds, apparently Johnson was firing continuously.

And at this moment, the cars on the opposite side are miserable.

The convoy on the left, the leading vehicle, and the front cover were directly lifted.

The car turned off on the spot, and this time there were a few guys who immediately opened the door and jumped out.

As a result, one of them ran out not long before he was shot by Johnson.

Being hit by Barrett at such a close distance, the guy fell to the ground on the spot.

Maybe because the armor on his body is too good, he didn't turn into two parts.

However, Frank firmly believes that this full-power bullet, even if the protective gear on your body is awesome, even if the bullet can't penetrate it, it can shatter his internal organs.

Sure enough, the guy fell to the ground and didn't move at all, obviously he must have hung up.

At this moment, several other cars were also beaten by Barrett and unable to move.

Under this kind of pressure, the leader of the other party obviously had an explanation.

The originally panicked enemies scattered into the dense grass.

However, they did not retreat, but quietly crawled forward in the grass.

And their every move could not be concealed from the infrared telescope in Frank's hand.

Although it was dark, he couldn't see through the binoculars what the enemy was doing in the grass.

The enemy's every move is completely invisible in his infrared detection system.

Looking at more than a dozen enemies, they are already approaching, the line where he laid the mine.

He has even prepared people to detonate, as long as the dozen people are a little closer, he can set it on fire.

This time, you can directly send most of the other party's elite to the sky.

But at this moment, the group of people suddenly stopped, and they even started to turn around and retreat as if they had been instructed.

Seeing this, how could Frank let them run away so easily.

If they were to withdraw, wouldn't the mines he set up be in vain?

"Detonate, detonate..."

He directed at his teammates and made an explosive clean-up.

The teammate next to him ruthlessly twisted and pressed the motor in his hand, and there was a series of explosions in the barren grassland in front of the villa.

First, there was a series of explosions on the ground, and then countless black spots were lifted up by the shock wave of the explosion and sent into the air.

Then there was a second explosion in mid-air, and at the same time as the fire was shining, countless small steel **** flew out.

If this is an open area, UU reading such a letter chain mine can basically destroy more than half of the opponent's troops.

It's a pity that the place where the explosion occurred was a thatched grass that was as high as one person.

And the enemy is retreating frantically at this moment, a little far from the position of the explosion center.

Logically speaking, it should also be the killing range of these mines.

But the mistake is that the thatch here is too high.

A large part of the shock wave was offset by thatch.

The same is true for those Zi Lei that flew into the air and exploded. Most of the steel **** that were sprayed out were blocked by those thatchs.

Even if it is not blocked, it cancels out most of the impact and lethality.

That group of skirmishers, although a lot of them were hit by these steel balls.

But at this time, the protective gear on their bodies played a key role, helping them block the fatal blow.

Although many people were also hit by steel **** and fell to the ground, they recovered after a while.

Get up quickly and continue to run towards the outside of the farm.

There are only a few unlucky ones, who should have been hit where the protective gear was not protected and fell to the ground on the spot.

However, they were all dragged by their companions and ran out behind.

Seeing the enemy retreat like this, Frank slapped himself severely.

The original plan was to use landmines to directly make dumplings for this group of invading enemies.

Unexpectedly, by accident, most of them escaped.

No way, it seems that luck is not on their side at this time, but he is not angry.

Although it was not completely wiped out, this time it was considered a heavy blow to the other party...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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