My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2305: The original surgery can do this?

Next, the instructor took out something similar to a Band-Aid from the bag.

The inner sticker was torn off, and then it was attached to the wounded man's wound.

Next, the jaw-dropping scene happened. The flesh-colored Band-Aid actually merged with the wounds of the wounded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the wound on the man's leg seemed to have healed...

Everyone who watched this scene was dumbfounded. The guy who was in pain just now, has recovered after so much effort?

"Okay, stand up and take two steps, try!"

The instructor said with a smile to the wounded man, the wounded man's eyes widened and he pointed at his nose.

"Me? Get up and try?"

"That's right, get up and take two steps!"

The instructor continued to encourage and said that the wounded still did not dare to move.

Although this instructor's treatment method is amazing, this is the first time they have seen such treatment.

Although he feels that the effect is very good, but now you ask him to stand up and try, he still does not dare to exert force.

Because according to his common sense, he was just hit by a fragment of a mine, but luckily he didn't hit the key.

Although it was only a bite on the leg, there was an open wound, which has been treated properly.

But you made me get up and run and jump, which is absolutely irresponsible.

If I get up and walk around and the wound ruptures, won't I be punished twice?

And as everyone has seen just now, when you treat the wound, you don't always sew it up.

I just used a little gel, although the ointment was really comfortable after applying it.

But who knows, that thing is safe or not?

If it's not safe, what should I do if my wound collapses?

And don't think I don't read much, I don't know.

This wound is a little deeper, and it is the aorta of the leg.

If I act a little too violently and tear my blood vessels, it means that the immortals will not be able to save me.

So the wounded thought a lot, but he didn't dare to stand up and try.

And Li Yun, who had witnessed the entire treatment process with his own eyes, was very confident in these clone officers.

"Li Han, what kind of ink marks are you, please stand up for me and try..."

This guy happened to be one of his distant cousins, and Li Yun was very annoyed when he saw his unseemly look.

Lifting his leg, he kicked over, and then Li Han saw Li Yun kicked over.

As soon as he instinctively dodged, he actually stood up after such a dodging effort.

And when he stood up and his feet landed, he was stunned.

You must know that he was resisted by his comrades from the grass before.

Just after being shot, the piercing pain made him stop walking, he couldn't even stand up.

But at this moment, he was able to stand again, and he couldn't feel the pain of the wound at all.

He tried to take two steps forward, and hey, it really didn't hurt at all.

He accelerated and ran two steps here, and it didn't hurt at all, and he didn't even feel the wound.

As if he had never been injured, he looked down at his thigh, which was indeed intact.

Even where the bullet had just been shot, there was no wound at all, not even a scar.

'My Cao, you are awesome! ’

Li Han was really convinced now, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

At this moment, the instructor patted his **** with a smile: "Look for a pair of pants and put them on, we'll need you later!"


Li Han shouted and replied, at this moment he felt that he was full of energy.

And he's no longer afraid to fight because he doesn't think there's anything to be afraid of.

As long as his head is not smashed, he firmly believes that these instructors can save him.

At this time, the instructor has come to the front of another wounded.

This guy's situation is much more complicated than Li Han's.

He was hit by several shrapnel, which penetrated the body armor of his lower abdomen. This time the situation was very serious, and the shrapnel was shot into his inner abdomen.

At this moment, the man's face has turned yellow, his anger is like a gossamer, and it seems that he can't hold on.

When these people saw the situation of their comrades, they were in a bad mood.

Before joining the Kestrel Company, most of them were gangsters who licked blood on the street.

Many people have been in the streets all year round, fighting and even killing people.

So looking at the situation of this comrade-in-arms, they knew that this comrade-in-arms might not survive.

But at this moment, the instructor came to the front of this comrade-in-arms and briefly checked the situation.

Without much nonsense, their rescue operation began.

First, I took out a small box, opened it, and suddenly a scent wafted out.

As soon as you smell it, you will know that this is a life-saving rejuvenation pill!

This stuff is very expensive in South America, and it can cost thousands of dollars a piece.

But even so, you still can't buy it, only the rich and rich can afford it.

One can sell for tens of thousands of dollars on the black market.

But although expensive, this thing saves lives and works wonders.

This time, everyone witnessed a miracle with their own eyes.

The originally dying comrade-in-arms, after eating a rejuvenation pill, immediately glowed and breathed with strength.

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At this time, the two instructors repeated their old tricks and injected him with a burst of anesthesia.

Then they started rinsing the wound, and this time, they weren't as rude as last time. UU Reading

Instead, he took out a pump first, followed the guy's wound, and pumped into his stomach.

Soon the guy's stomach bulged like a balloon.

At this time, the instructor took out the pen again and probed into the guy's wound.

At this moment, everyone was engrossed in looking at the screen of the mobile phone in the hand of the other instructor.

From here, you can clearly see that the probe in front of the pen has detected the situation.

You must know that once the bullet enters the internal organs, it is more complicated than hitting the thighs and backs where there are many muscles.

Because the inner abdomen of a human being is a cavity, there are many important organs in it.

If a single tablet hurts a vital organ, it will be a big problem.

Sure enough, the instructor first found a fragment on this guy's liver.

Then he pressed the button again, and two mechanical forceps immediately protruded from the front of the pen, which quickly completed the cutting of the shot site of the liver.

Although the liver is the most important hematopoietic organ in the human body, it is also an amazing organ.

Because this thing is one of the few organs in the human body that can regenerate.

So cut a small piece, don't be afraid.

After finishing the cutting, the next scene is surprising.

Because of that pen, another needle was protruded, and the blue gel just now was smeared on the wound where the liver was cut...

This scene made everyone look stupid, and even directly subverted everyone's cognition...

The original surgery can do this?

2305 The original surgery can also do this?


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