"This time you walk in the front, and the team spreads out a bit. Don't worry, we will clear it at a designated point in the back."

The clone instructor said loudly to Li Yun and the other warriors.

When these people heard this, they were also stunned. It turned out that the instructor did not intend to be with them!


In fact, this is also a temporary intention of the clone instructor. To be honest, he has played against each other a few times before.

The instructors didn't take any shots, because they mainly wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to train the courage of these people around them.

After all, this is a rare opportunity to play against the world's top players.

If these instructors made a move, it is no exaggeration to say that the mercenaries on the opposite side would not survive a round.

But that would be meaningless. After all, the order they received this time was to train troops.

Provide the best exercise opportunities for these employees of the Kestrel Company as much as possible.

For example, the fifty-odd people brought by Li Yun are already the elite troops of the Kestrel Company.

But even so, most of them usually only practice on the playground, and there are not many opportunities for actual combat.

And most of the actual combat opportunities they only have are fighting with local gang members.

That kind of fighting level is really a street fight with guns, and there is no law at all.

The competition is all about firepower, any cooperation is nonsense.

Compared with those gang members, these people are really powerful.

But compared with these top mercenaries in the world, they are naturally not enough to look at.

This is also the main purpose of Xiao Feng's order to let these people participate in combat training as much as possible.

So this time the instructors didn't show up, but let Li Yun and the others take the lead.

Although Li Yun's group was a little nervous when they first started, they thought about the protective gear on their body again.

And the guys who just came back to life, so everyone doesn't panic.

Indeed, afraid of an egg?

As long as they weren't killed on the spot and the instructors were there, everyone could be rescued, so what's there to be afraid of?

Li Yun quickly gathered the team to his side, and then simply arranged the combat mission.

I have to say that this guy is quite talented, and the tactics class he took before was not for nothing.

Soon the twenty-odd people were divided into several battle groups, and their respective directions of attack were divided.

He even contracted out several windows of the building inside.

A dedicated team is responsible for a dedicated window.

After solving their own problems, other teams can come to support other teams.

After explaining the task, Li Yun was about to set off with the team, but before they set off, they were stopped by the instructor.

"I think you still need this thing!"

Seeing the smoke bomb handed over by the instructor, Li Yun couldn't help but feel ashamed. He was still inexperienced!

I forgot something so important.

The group quickly returned to the barbed wire outside the ranch, and then Li Yun found a few soldiers with strong arms.

After swinging it round, he threw the smoke bomb out, and soon the battlefield was covered with a thick plume of smoke.

Frank and Johnson, who were hiding in the farmer's house, couldn't help frowning when they saw such a scene.

The other party really had something, and the smoke bombs were thrown out.

And this smoke bomb is different from any kind of smoke bomb they have encountered before.

Because other smoke bombs can cover the enemy's body, but they can't hide their infrared imaging system.

Through the infrared thermal imager on their head, they can still see the enemy in the smoke.

As long as the enemy is still hot, they can see each other.

But this time, too bad, the smoke actually obscured the thermal imaging.

In other words, this smoke bomb is not an ordinary smoke bomb, and their thermal imaging system is useless in front of this smoke bomb.

Frank panicked a little now, he raised his head and shouted, "Johnson!"

Johnson's hearty laughter came from upstairs again: "Don't worry, boss, their tricks are useless!"

As he said that, he remembered the slightly dull gunshots of 'dong dong dong' upstairs.

As soon as the gunshot rang, Frank immediately felt relieved, he knew that it was the M2 heavy machine gun in Frank's hand that appeared.

This house is a safe house specially prepared here by a domestic secret service agency.

Not only is the house sturdy, but there are also a lot of weapons and equipment hidden inside, as well as food and fresh water, and even first aid medicines and so on.

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Before their arrival, the weapons here were obviously updated and supplemented.

Because according to Frank's previous experience, he knew that in such a safe house, at most, some automatic rifles such as M4 would be placed.

If you think about a powerful heavy machine gun like the M2, it will basically not be placed here.

After all, this kind of military weapon with huge lethality is not used in ordinary occasions.

But this time, after they came to the safe house, he happened to appear.

This shows that someone above has paid attention to the exchange of fire between them and this group of people.

And also secretly rubbed to provide them with help, that's fine.

With such a big guy, they are naturally more confident and deal with each other.

Although the other party's smoke bomb was very powerful, he didn't believe that the smoke could stop the bullet.

Sure enough, after the M2's bullet was shot into the thick fog, there was a panicked sound from the opposite side of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com.

Obviously, the enemy was also caught off guard by them. They didn't expect to have heavy machine guns here.

When he thought that the other party might have been swept away by a heavy machine gun, Frank couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

Although this M2 is a century-old gun, this heavy machine gun has been in service since the last century to the present.

His excellence can be imagined.

Frank knew that the armor on the enemy was very good, but he did not believe that the armor of the opponent could block the bullets of the heavy machine gun.

Now he picked up the binoculars again, although he couldn't see exactly what was hidden in the smoke.

But he always hoped that he could see the wolves of the enemy being hit by Johnson's heavy machine gun.

But at this moment, he saw in the air ahead, a red dot was approaching their safe house at high speed.

An extremely bad mood rushed into my heart immediately.

"Johnson, hurry up and hide..."

He only had time to roar, and then saw a flash of fire under the red dot.

Immediately afterwards, there was a 'boom' explosion from overhead.

Even if they were hiding on the first floor, they felt their feet swaying a few times, and a lot of dust fell from the ceiling above their heads.

Several mercenaries hiding on the first floor were all ashen-faced at the moment.

Obviously they didn't expect that the other party actually had a gun in their hands...

At this moment, their public channel was dead silent, and no one knew how the casualties were upstairs.

Frank was just thinking about having someone go up and check it out...

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