My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2310: dare not touch them

"I knew it was you..."

Although there was some filth between the two of them, seeing Adams here at this moment can be regarded as a smile and a grudge...

And with the appearance of Adams, Frank also knew that this meant that Washington finally couldn't help it.

Adams came, which means that the organization behind him couldn't help but take action.

And that's going to let him go, which means his chance is here.

"By the way, did you gain anything this time?"

Adams handed Frank a cup of coffee and then asked, seemingly unintentionally.

Frank was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"More than 20 companions have died, other than that, there is nothing else to gain!"

Adams couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "Really?"

Frank cursed in his heart, and then said, "How is that possible, this raid on that research institute will still yield something!"

When Adams heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh? Let's hear what you have gained."

"A lot of details, nothing to know, but I saw part of the conversation on that computer."

"It probably said that in the past few days, an important person will come to the country to inspect some important projects here..."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"So, I thought, can we do something about this!"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Adams on the opposite side slapped excitedly: "Okay! I'll contact people in China and ask them to help analyze and see who this big man is."

Hearing Adams say this, Frank was relieved. He knew the power behind Adams.

Now that there is Adams' strong support, Frank is relieved.

He first went to check the team members he brought, and these people followed him to death.

Although they were killed from the siege in the end, everyone was more or less injured at the moment.

This time Adams also brought some life-saving medicines, such as some ointments for trauma purchased from the Ninth Laboratory.

In fact, there is a reason why the boss has not dared to sanction the ninth laboratory until now.

There's a reason other than the fact that they're able to deliver a life-saving rejuvenation line of capsules.

That is their special ointment, which has always been an indispensable life-saving medicine for the Eagle Army.

To be honest, on the Eagles side, I didn't take the drugs developed by the Ninth Laboratory seriously.

Because in their opinion, this company mainly researches health care products and cosmetics.

Although they are also developing some drugs, most of their drugs appear as alternatives.

Although the function is better than many other similar drugs, it is not indispensable.

Until they discovered the scalding cream from the ninth lab...

In other words, it still has to start with a famous child star on the side of a few eagles.

The reason why this child is a child star is not because he is a small Hollywood actor.

But because he rescued his little sister, who was only a few years old, from the mouths of several mad dogs.

And he was bitten by a crazy vicious dog and seriously injured, especially his face was severely disfigured.

Even the skin was swallowed, which was transplanted from other parts of the body.

At that time, after the child was on the news, he immediately became a national hero of the eagle.

He even got a lot of donations to help him heal.

After much thought, his family decided to take the child to the Sunshine Hospital in Longguo to complete the medical and aesthetic surgery.

At that time, many Americans did not understand this decision. Could it be that the medical technology of our Eagle Country is not good enough?

Why do you have to go to the Dragon Kingdom?

Until the rugby player who had a heart transplant stood up and helped the family out of the siege.

According to his words, the family's choice is correct, because Sunshine Hospital is definitely the best hospital in the world.

Although many Yingguo people heard this, they felt very uncomfortable, but after Googled the history of Sunshine Hospital.

He had to nod his head in agreement.

Because this year alone, this hospital has seen thousands of dignitaries from all over the world and various incurable diseases.

As a result, all these people were treated and recovered.

And got unanimous praise!

Of course, this is only reported, but not reported, it is said that it has exceeded 100,000...

Moreover, foreigners who want to come to Sunshine Hospital for treatment now have to queue up, and even the appointment has been queued up to three years later.

Of course, the operation of this child was also broadcast live.

During the live broadcast, people saw the doctor from the Sunshine Hospital, who used a magical ointment to stop the bleeding of the child.

Just smear a little and the bleeding stops immediately.

So this magical ointment became popular, and since then it has been on the list of Eagle Armament Purchases.

It is precisely because of this that no one dares to propose sanctions against this company.

Because if that congressman dared to keep his eyes open like this, he would be hit and killed by the veterans...

And the eagle soldiers who got this ointment did experience the benefits of this ointment in the later personal experience. UU reading

That really works!

No matter what kind of wound you have broken on your body, as long as you apply it in time, you can stop the bleeding immediately.

Even for some wounds that are not very easy to suture, there is no need to worry about sutures, just apply the ointment and bandage it.

The next day, or the third day, it will grow well. You say it is magical or not.

It can be said that the emergence of this ointment has completely changed the concept of modern battlefield first aid.

Of course, what they didn't know was that the ointment they bought was a defective product arranged for them by the ninth laboratory.

The real first-class products, naturally, can be used by our own army.

Naturally, what was given to the eagle was a defective product, but it was enough for them.

On the Eagle side, ever since he got this ointment, he has not lost his mind.

For example, several of their pharmaceutical factories started reverse research and development after they got this ointment.

But this research has **** them off.

These people from the Dragon Kingdom are very cunning!

It's not that there is any material added to this ointment. Anyway, you only need to open it within eight minutes.

The ointment cannot be applied to the wound of the wounded, then after half a minute, the ointment begins to lose its activity.

In less than ten minutes, the activity is halved, and after half an hour, it is basically solidified and useless.

So it **** off those drug companies because they had to race against time to open the ointment and put it under the microscope.

Otherwise, after a few minutes, the ointment will solidify and lose its effect...

If they do this, they will be busy working in vain!

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