My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2339: Build an international city

And Frank was only aware of so many changes when he was watching the news the next day.

The Yan Guo team defeated the European champion this time, which is a big news in itself.

Turning around, the championship team aggressively bought players from the Yan Kingdom championship team, and the news became even more lively.

You must know that Yan Guo has never produced a few players with a net worth of tens of millions of euros before.

And this time, the European Red Devils alone spent more than $100 million on this team.

To be honest, when he saw this news, Frank's heart could be said to be mixed.

You know, over the years, they've been looking for ways to slow down each other's development.

But so far, many approaches have not been successful.

Not only what they do, but there will be a steady stream of funds flowing into this market every year.

And these dollars will fuel the development of this country, which is really giving Frank a headache.

Especially the trip to Bencheng this time left a deep impression on him.

First of all, not to mention the urban construction here, but to say that all kinds of startups are springing up here.

Frank was surprised and envious again.

After all, even in America, there are not so many innovative companies right now.

Moreover, most of these innovative companies are dominated by Yan Guo people.

They have developed a lot of new technologies, and even if there are no new technologies, they have made up for their original shortcomings.

This really made Frank feel a burst of heart palpitations.

You must know that they have been able to maintain their status as world hegemons until now.

It relies on hegemony in finance and technology, as well as in the military field.

But now, as people continue to catch up in the field of science and technology, this makes him feel a strong sense of crisis.

Especially in Ben Thanh, he has seen many new technologies that are different from the Western technology system.

This made him even more worried.

Now people are catching up not only in the field of technology, but also in the field of sports.

He even has a feeling that if those players are allowed to develop smoothly in Europe.

Maybe in a few years, the national team of Yan Guo will be able to win the World Cup.

But don't underestimate such a sports event, just such a grand prize, but it will bring incomparable confidence and motivation to a country.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a headache.

After watching the game that day, he had planned to return to America immediately.

But after that, he suddenly changed his mind and planned to stay in this country for a few more days.

Especially Bincheng, a newly discovered engine of economic development in the Yan Kingdom, he intends to study the development of this city.

Unexpectedly, the next day his son and his wife, who had just come out of the hospital, took him to see the house.

His son told him that he planned to buy a house in Ben Thanh.

Because he has lived here for three years and has fallen in love with the city.

And after graduation, he is not in a hurry to go back to America, and even if he goes back, he does not plan to stay permanently without him.

Instead, he plans to live in the Yan Kingdom for more time in the future.

Since you plan to live here, renting a house is worse than buying one.

After all, the rent here is not low, especially if you want to ensure that they have an American standard of living.

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To rent a house like that, the monthly rent alone will cost tens of thousands of yuan.

Instead of renting, buy a house.

And now Yan Guo's house can be said to be the most valuable asset in the world.

The most important thing is that the housing prices in Ben Thanh are not expensive now. Although they increase every year, they also increase moderately.

It is similar to the national inflation rate every year. If you don't consider investment and just live in it, then it is very cost-effective.

Because the city's restrictions on real estate speculation are very strict, it is restricted to group loans for real estate speculation.

And once you find out that you are a real estate flipper, you will be taxed heavily when you sell it.

This will completely deduct the profit of your real estate speculation.

And it is this harsh method that ensures that the city's housing prices will not be very expensive.

It has given young people hope to struggle here, and it has continuously attracted the influx of people from all over the world.

It was precisely because of all these rhetoric that Frank was also moved.

Although he was extremely opposed to his son in his heart, he took root in the Yan Kingdom.

But thinking about it again, I owe my son a lot.

And in the future national game, what will happen is not necessarily the case.

So spread betting is also a good way.

If he fails, his son can continue to live a stable life in the future.

So he agreed to his son's request and started looking for a house here.

As a result, this time I really didn't know if I didn't find it, and I was shocked when I found it!

Because they discovered the development of Bencheng for the first time, it was actually different from any other city in the Yan Kingdom.

Originally, the main urban area of ​​Ben Thanh had only four major districts and two development zones in the north.

But now, he has brought in two subordinate prefecture-level cities and one subordinate county.

And the functions of each area are carefully divided.

For example, the former Jinshan City has become a traditional industrial processing area. UU reading

Many manufacturing companies and industrial companies have been classified here.

The original Pumao City was divided into a port area.

Most of the import, export and trade enterprises are classified here.

The original old city, in the south, is divided into a high-tech industrial park.

After all, many universities are there, and the ninth laboratory is also there, so it has become a high-tech zone.

The two districts in the north are divided into innovation districts.

After all, there is Quanye Fund, so many venture capital companies have settled here.

The remaining three old urban areas are divided into main urban areas, commercial areas, and living areas.

In recent times, many buildings in the old city have also been demolished and renovated.

After all, because now the city has begun to internationalize.

Now a large number of domestic college graduates and returnees pour into the city every year.

And there are also a large number of foreigners flocking to the original old town, if not transformed.

I am indeed sorry, city managers, for the vision of building an international city.

To say that in the past, the old town in the city was basically the buildings of the last century.

Many buildings are already aging.

But the previous managers couldn't move at all for these old buildings.

First, there is a lack of funds, and it is also because the resistance is too great.

After all, the residents who have passed through the previous real estate era have a lot of appetite.

If you want to demolish their buildings, many people will open their mouths...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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