My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 805: Enter the village quietly, don't shoot!

   "Then what do you mean?"

   Xiao Feng has actually guessed Xia Hongtao's plan, but a smart boss always gives his subordinates a chance to show it in front of him.

   As the so-called see through, don’t tell me!

   "I mean to grab a chip with him!"

   Xia Hongtao's plan is very simple and straightforward.

   Now he and his team estimate that Ma Wanli's plan has just begun. On Yinghuan Technology, he also holds 29% of the shares.

  If he wants to use the company's shell, he must hold at least 51% of the shares.

   At present, the company’s circulating stocks account for 49% of the company’s equity, but Xia Hongtao predicts that Ma Wanli will definitely not purchase these stocks from the market.

  Because at this time, even if you act cautiously, it will cause volatility in the market. If the stock price rises in advance, it will not be good for him.

   After all, 49% of the shares circulating in the market gave him room for future speculation.

   If there are no such outstanding shares, how can he raise the valuation?

   Because of the increase in stock price, you must have trading volume in the market. Otherwise, your price is shouted high, but no one is trading, then you still increase the stock price of an egg?

   Therefore, Ma Wanli's first choice is definitely to go back and talk to the major shareholders of Yinghuan Technology, because it is most appropriate to buy stocks from them.

   In recent years, Yinghuan Technology’s business has not improved much. With the rise of the electronic digital field, this high-end HIFI has no future. Except for some enthusiasts, not many people play this kind of thing.

   Therefore, the founder family of Yinghuan Technology and several veterans who hold shares in the company have been seeking buyers recently. This is not a secret in the market.

   If Ma Wanli wants to use the shell of Hobbywing Technology, the first choice is to buy the stocks in the hands of these people.

   And Xia Hongtao means to grab a bargaining chip with Ma Wanli, and Ma Wanli buys the stocks of those major shareholders, then they will buy the stocks of the retail investors in the market.

   Ma Wanli hopes to be quiet, but they just want to make things bigger.

"As long as we have enough stocks in our hands, he will not have too many choices at that time, and there will not be enough circulating shares in the market at that time. Even if he wants to speculate, he has no room for speculation. In the end, he can only choose high prices from us. Li repurchased Yinghuan Technology’s stock. This time, he was not allowed to cut a piece of meat, and he had to spit blood. Once things get big, it is not us, but him that is afraid. And what he lacks most is not money, and It's time!"

   I have to say that Xia Hongtao's judgment was very accurate, and he even got Ma Wanli's heart through.

   After defeating Ma Yutao, this Ma Wanli has become a frightened bird, and Wei Zeshi was brought down by him so quickly.

   Xiao Feng doesn't believe that Ma Wanli is not afraid, especially when his money is also not coming from the right way.

   He must also want to transfer money overseas as quickly as possible.

   In this case, what he lacks the most is indeed not money, but time!

   But in Xia Hongtao's plan, he always felt that there was something missing.

   "You mean that as long as we have a large number of outstanding shares in the market, even if Ma Wanli acquires more than 51% of the shares from those small shareholders, we don't need to be afraid?"

   "Yes, boss, as long as we have enough ammunition, he wants to increase the stock price in the market, but there are no tradable shares in the market, how can he get it up? He can only offer a higher price for the order!"

   "But what if he wants to issue private placements? Once he has more than 51% of the equity, he will be the company's largest single shareholder!"

"Haha, as long as we hold more than 30% of the equity in our hands, we can join the board of directors. Then, even if he wants to issue additional shares, he must also agree to it. If we don't agree, he won't want to issue additional shares. So In the end, he could only spend a high price, begging us to sell him the stock."

   No wonder Xia Hongtao is so self-confident, that Ma Wanli will surely be subdued in the end. It turns out that he has thoroughly understood the market rules of Hong Kong stocks.

   Xiao Feng nodded when he heard it, but he still felt that the plan was not perfect. He always felt that there were some loopholes, but he couldn't tell.

   So he was not in a hurry for Xia Hongtao to start execution immediately, but first returned to the president's office upstairs.

   After a while, Katya was called up again.

   "What do you think of Xia Hongtao's plan?"

   He asked Katya, Katya pondered for a moment, then raised her head: "I think Xia Hongtao's plan is not perfect, and there are still loopholes."

   "Well, I also think there are loopholes, but I can't tell you exactly where there are loopholes."

   "I was thinking about this issue just now, and now I finally figured it out. The loophole in his plan lies in Ma Wanli. He still thinks of Ma Wanli too simple."

  Kajia said that, Xiao Feng sat up abruptly. It was true that Xia Hongtao's plan seemed to be meticulous, but it was all based on the fact that Ma Wanli would come and go according to his expectations.

   But this Ma Wanli has been in the financial circle for so many years, and he is also an out-and-out tycoon. Will he be so simple and sublime?

Certainly not!

"In the past few days, I have been analyzing Ma Wanli's personality. And I also read the survey data we collected about him, especially his previous methods of operating the two stocks of XX City Investment and XX Bio. It can be said that This person’s methods are very old and he is a very careful and determined person. Xia Hongtao said that he might use Yinghuan Technology to hype, because technology stocks can easily become penny stocks. I also agree with this point. But I think he underestimated it. Ma Wanli’s execution ability, I estimate that Ma Wanli has now acquired Yinghuan Technology, with more than 51 shares in one hundred."

   These words that Katya said, Xiao Feng agrees very much. To become a financial tycoon, a few will be simple guys.

  Especially these financial players usually take one step and three steps, and with this temperament of Ma Wanli, maybe he has already started to deploy in the Hong Kong stock market.

   "Then what do you think we should do?"

   Xiao Feng asked Katya again, but Katya did not rush to answer his question, but continued.

"If we go to the market to buy the scattered stocks of Yinghuan Technology, as Xia Hongtao said, in addition to helping Ma Wanli raise the valuation, it will also arouse his vigilance. You must know that he has seven Xiangjiang companies in his hands. If he doesn’t play with Yinghuan Technology at that time, he will move to the seven or eight other six Heung Kong companies and buy the shares of those companies, and the money will also be transferred out. At that time, it will only cause the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Concerned, it's just being investigated, but when the money is transferred out, even if it is investigated, what about the fine?"

   What Katya said, Xiao Feng also felt it was very possible.

   If Ma Wanli takes this step, it is nothing more than a little higher cost, but as long as the money can be transferred overseas, what does it matter if the cost is higher?

   As for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the China Banking Regulatory Commission, it is a big deal when the time comes to push a few scapegoats out. If you pay more fines, it will be OK. What can you do?

   In this way, this Ma Wanli matter will be difficult to deal with.

   It seems that it is really not so easy to snipe him.

   "Then what should we do with him?"

   Xiao Feng also knows some elementary knowledge about finance, so he really had to rely on Katja and Xia Hongtao to make suggestions for this sniper plan.

   And now after such a test, it can be seen that Katya is still more trustworthy and a bit higher than Xia Hongtao.

   Although Xia Hongtao also had a background in finance, he was still influenced by his previous position. His vision was too narrow and his perspective was too narrow, so the plan he made was taken for granted.

   It's not that he is incapable, but that he needs more exercise.

   But Katya is different. After all, the former helm of the economic power of the big family is more comprehensive than Xia Hongtao.

   The loopholes in the plan made by Xia Hongtao were seen by her at a glance, so she must have a better way to deal with old skaters like Ma Wanli.

   "Have you heard of the Turbid Water Company?"

   Katya didn't rush to answer Xiao Feng's question, but instead asked a rhetorical question, Xiao Feng was also taken aback.

   He may not know much about other financial companies, but he has heard of the Turbid Water Company, such a famous This company is a U.S. financial company, and what does he usually do?

   is to study those Chinese companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange or Hong Kong stocks, as long as they find that they have problems, they will immediately short these Chinese companies on the Hong Kong stocks and the NYSE.

   In recent years, this company has frequently succeeded, and it is notorious in the Chinese business circle.

   But in Xiao Feng's view, what they did is nothing wrong with what they did. Who will let your companies fail?

   Bring the domestic fraudulent means to the international market, ha ha, domestic enterprises may be able to rely on relationships or local government protection to get through.

   But in the international market, who will bird you?

   Send it to the door for people to eat, there is no reason why people do not eat.

   At this time Katya asked him if he had heard of this muddy water company, and Xiao Feng had already vaguely guessed what Katya meant.

   "You mean, let us learn from Zhuo Shui Company?"

"That's right, buy the stock of Yinghuan Technology and see Ma Wanli in the market. This is too early to expose ourselves. I don't think this is a good idea. On the contrary, we should be lurking in the dark. Waiting for Ma Wanli to reveal itself. Flaws... so there will be no risk of getting rid of the grass. When Ma Wanli concentrates most of his energy on Yinghuan Technology, it will not be so easy even if he wants to withdraw at that time."

   After hearing what Katja said, Xiao Feng slapped his face sharply, that's it.

   Enter the village quietly, don’t shoot!

   Let him sink in first, and then attack, so that he won't worry about him running away.



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