My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 808: Mingxiu Plank Road Darkness Chen Cang

     Yinghuan Technology’s stock price fell to three yuan after only one morning event from its peak of 5.5 yuan.

   It is difficult for the stock price to rise, but diving can be very simple.

  Who makes Xiangjiang not very peaceful for more than half a year, so the market has been lacking in confidence!

   At the same time, in a villa on the outskirts of Greentown, Ma Wanli’s team is celebrating.

  Ma Wanli even took out the drinks that he had prepared long ago, letting everyone indulge in the carnival together, because the whole action is not over yet, so naturally there are no women.

   But it’s good to be delicious!

   At this time, the big oil head with gold glasses is reporting to Ma Wanli.

"Mr. Ma, we have already evened the cost of this investment when we sold at a high level before. And we also made a net profit of 300 million yuan. Today, when we went to me, we short Yinghuan Technology and made another 500 million yuan. So now we have It made a profit of 800 million..."

   Yes, capital is so bloody, in order to make money, they have no position.

   You can even short the stocks you own!

   Of course, this action must have been another team, in the name of other institutions, betting against other banks or financial institutions that hold shares in Yinghuan Technology.

   This wave of operations is definitely a classic.

   If you used to sit in the village, then Ma Wanli would definitely have to reap several times before he would stop.

   But his main purpose this time, after all, is not to sit in the village and cut the leeks, but to transfer assets, so such actions should not be excessive.

He nodded to the gold glasses: "Well, enough is enough! This afternoon is a holiday, and the stock price should stabilize tomorrow. We must hurry up and attract all those chips. Let Tianneng Technology do the same. Be prepared. Once we have enough chips, we will release the news."

   "Don't worry, boss, we know what to do. Now we still have 35 percent of the chips in our hands. Give us one day, and we will regain 70 percent of the chips."

   Ma Wanli nodded, then waved his hand to beckon him to go.

   But before the golden glasses man was about to walk out of his office, he still confessed.

   "In the afternoon, be gentle, but don't scare those big institutions away. It's not angry, that's not fun."

   "Don't worry, boss, I know how to measure."

   The man with gold glasses smiled and waved his hand, and then left the office.

   The market was closed at noon, and suddenly an explosive news broke out in the country.

   First, Tianneng Technology had a safety production problem in a mining area in a certain province, which caused three workers to be seriously injured, and then it broke the news that they had lost a bid in a certain mining area in the province.

   It can be said that the house leak happened in the night rain, and two negative news broke out one after another.

   This makes Yinghuan Technology’s stock price start to dive again from the beginning of the afternoon.

   When the market was closed at noon, the stock price barely stood firm at the price of three yuan, but it fell below 2.5 yuan in less than half an hour after the market opened in the afternoon.

   fell below two yuan an hour later, but also faced a situation where there was no market.

   Many institutions and retail investors that have bought the stock of Yinghuan Technology are all crying at this time. If they continue to develop like this, it will not be long before the stock price of Yinghuan Technology will become a junk stock as before!

   From junk stocks, to fairy stocks, to junk stocks, it didn't take a week!

   This is a roller coaster ride!

   When it was about an hour before the market closed, the stock price had fallen to one and five yuan, and it was about to penetrate the floor price.

   Finally, a few mysterious institutions have taken action. The stock price of Yinghuan Technology is at a price of one and five yuan, and it has been seen back and forth for about half an hour before finally bottoming out.

   was pulled up to two yuan before the market closed that day.

   In fact, this is also the result of the Ma Wanli team's shot, because if you don't do it again, then the popularity of this plate will be exhausted.

   Even if you are telling a story, it will not be easy to trick people in.

   Although Tianneng Technology and Yinghuan Technology have only spread scandals, this company can still affect the stock price of Yinghuan Technology. This shows that investors still have considerable expectations for their merger.

   And the next two days are weekends, and the market will be closed.

   What happened in the past two days did not disappoint the investors. For two consecutive days, people saw the photo of the president of Yinghuan Technology and the meeting with the president of Tianneng Technology.

   Finally on Sunday night, people got the latest news first-hand.

  Tianneng Technology successfully acquired Yinghuan Technology. On Monday, Yinghuan Technology will be suspended from trading and the business will be merged. In a week's time, Yinghuan Technology will officially resume trading!

   The retail investors and institutions who still hold Yinghuan Technology's stock are relieved. It seems that they are betting on this vote.

   After Yinghuan Technology resumes trading, the stock price will definitely rise again.

  As for those investors and institutions that have already sold off, naturally they can't help but yell at them.

   At this time, Neng Technology started Yinghuan Technology at this time, obviously it was picking up the bargain.

   But from the perspective of normal transactions, Tianneng Technology has done nothing wrong, and even the China Banking Regulatory Commission cannot investigate it.

   Is it difficult for adults to start when they are not at a low price, do they have to wait for a high price to start?

   And doing so, it makes people feel that at this time a very normal transaction.

   But many institutions predict that even if the two companies are merged, Yinghuan Technology’s share price will not grow too high after trading resumes.

   Because there are really no hot spots!

   You want the stock price to rise, you have to give a reason, right? Or maybe you have to make a gimmick?

   The stock thing is playing with confidence. Even if Yinghuan Technology merges with Tianneng Technology, Tianneng is now full of negative news.

   If you look at it this way, even if Yinghuan Technology resumes trading, it may be dragged down by Tianneng Technology. Not only will the price not rise, but it will drop a little.

   But just when these people were worried, on the third day after Yinghuan Technology was suspended, news suddenly broke out from Tianneng Technology.

   The company has acquired a piece of land located in the Piscana area of ​​copper country, and has started exploration in the area, and has found a saltwater lake in the area with very rich lithium resources.

   Preliminary estimated reserves can be 800,000 tons!

   Once this news came out, it would be equivalent to dropping a big bomb on the market!

   Countless investors and institutions, at this time, they are thumping their chests with hatred, crying and robbing the world!

   Tianneng technology is so cunning!

   special, they are clearly playing a hand, Mingxiu plank road dark Chen Cang!

   It is clearly said to look for minerals in the country, but in fact, the tentacles have been extended to the copper country. You must know that the copper country is also one of the few rich lithium resources in the world.

   At present, the world's proven lithium mine reserves are only 20 million tons, and the mines they found have 800,000 tons of reserves. This is nothing but a golden mountain!

   And mining in the country of copper, there are not so many rules and regulations like in China.

   The people implemented the Western system. As long as you find mineral deposits on your land, then this mine is yours.

   It doesn’t need to be like in the country. You have to ask your grandpa to tell your grandma to stamp it with more than a hundred pokes before you can mine.

   Tianneng Technology must have already had this mineral reserve, but when they acquired Yinghuan Technology, they never released any news.

   It is estimated that the premature announcement of the news will stimulate Yinghuan Technology's share price report and increase their acquisition costs.

   And now that they have acquired Yinghuan Technology, this is to announce the news, so that when Yinghuan Technology resumes trading, their company's stock price will naturally soar.

   The market value of their company will definitely go up somersault.

   When the time comes, just buy a little share and go out to cash out, and you can earn back all the money you spent on the acquisition of Yinghuan Technology.

   Anyway, this transaction is very normal.

   As far away as the Xia Hongtao team, who has been monitoring the Ma Wanli team's every move in Bincheng, at this time I have to sigh for the brilliance of the Ma Wanli team.

   "Boss, they must have prepared a second hand!"

   "Oh? What do you mean by that?"

   "He must be preparing for a series of acquisitions."

   "Serial acquisition?"

"Yes! I understand now. He arranged for Tianneng Technology to acquire Yinghuan Technology. In fact, this was a warm-up. After Tianneng Technology really acquired Yinghuan Technology, the stock price of Yinghuan Technology was speculated to a certain extent. At that time, he will arrange another company to acquire Tianneng Technology. At this time, there are several speculations, and the stock price of Yinghuan Technology has been speculated at sky-high prices. At this time, no one will say much about large-scale acquisitions. What. Then he can blatantly transfer the money overseas..."

   Xia Hongtao also had to sigh at this This Ma Wanli method is indeed clever.

   Two consecutive acquisitions, and he played so blatantly, but the more he did such a big fanfare, the less people would doubt him.

   From this point of view, his conspiracy was not small this time. He made such a big plate. This acquisition is estimated to cost 8 billion yuan.

   Xia Hongtao felt a tingling scalp when he thought of such a large number.

   Even if converted into U.S. dollars, this is a big deal worth more than one billion U.S. dollars!

   No wonder Ma Wanli chooses such a big hype. If the popularity is not up to a certain level, how can others believe his acquisition?

   The only way to increase the enthusiasm is to have credibility naturally, and others will not be suspicious about transferring assets out of the country.

   This guy is so courageous!

   Thinking of this, Xia Hongtao couldn't help feeling ashamed. Compared with Ma Wanli, he was really too small.

   When the boss said that there was a problem with his plan, he was still a little unhappy.

   Now it seems that I really think Ma Wanli is too simple, this guy is definitely a traitor!

   At the very least, just say that this courage is not comparable to me!


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