And this news will definitely continue to ferment. If word of mouth occurs, the Rejuvenation Capsules in the Ninth Laboratory will definitely be on fire.

  , even with the other health products they launched, they will certainly not worry about selling them!

   Xiao Feng really did not expect that Mr. Wan would send himself such a generous gift, especially when other health products in the Rejuvenation series are about to be launched.

   So Wan Gongzi has already given such a generous gift, so he naturally wants to reciprocate.

   The rejuvenation series of health care products launched by the Ninth Laboratory are sold exclusively in Wan Gongzi’s Haiwang Pharmacy, which is justified.

   "...Then, let He Xiaojun and the others talk about the rest of the matter..."

   As for the detailed cooperation details, Xiao Feng and Wan Gongzi naturally don't have to come forward. As their level bosses, they only need to grasp the general direction of the business.

   And Xiao Feng so readily agreed to the exclusive agency for the Rejuvenation series, Wan Gongzi was naturally very happy.

   Two years ago, when Xiao Feng’s Ming Chu Manufacturing first went public, in front of the Yida Group, he was not even a younger brother. At that time, Wan Gongzi had his roots thicker than Xiao Feng’s waist.

   But now, Xiao Feng's celebrity chef manufacturing has grown into a leading star enterprise in China.

   has two dozen sections, each of which is dazzling.

   Celebrity chefs make fast food, and they have only gone through three rounds of investment promotion, and they have spread all over the world, although they still can’t compete with the old world-class fast food like Golden Arch.

   But they are also the first Chinese fast food chain company that is popular all over the world.

   And the Sunshine Burn Hospital under another section is even more popular now.

   By virtue of the ultra-high methods in medical aesthetics and treatment of burns and scalds, they have now become a medical institution that can be named with the regular domestic top three hospitals.

   And the most important thing is that their reputation is not comparable to those of certain hospitals.

   Even the regular army of the government has to take a high look at them.

   How many people squeezed their heads and want to join their hospital.

  Who makes their hospitals have a good reputation, good treatment, and great development prospects?

  The most important thing is that, for these two greedy drooling companies, Renjia has not been listed for financing, and has not borrowed a cent from outside to develop.

   These years, companies that can rely on their own blood to make blood to meet the needs of companies' hairpins without borrowing a penny from outside are absolutely rare in China.

   Although this has made countless people who want to ride a ride hate their teeth, it is indeed very healthy for the development of the company itself.

   After all, as long as the money is not bad, then don’t choose financing. Such a business strategy may seem conservative, but in fact it is the most correct, because it can avoid many unexpected risks and disorderly competition.

   After all, in the business world, there are too many greedy people. If you open an opening for them, then, I don’t know what they will do next.

  In recent years, have domestic companies not done enough to attract wolves into the house?

   Wahaha was almost killed by Robust. Fortunately, they finally drove Robust out.

   Another famous example of being killed by foreign capital is Huiyuan Juice.

   is clearly a very well-run company, but I don’t know the leader, so I believe in the evil of foreign devils.

   I think that the introduction of foreign capital can improve the reputation and quality of the company. As a result, it sells itself with Coca-Cola, but people simply don't want to make you a Chinese brand.

  In the end, after a few years of doing it in the dark, Huiyuan is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

   In the cosmetics field, this is the most typical example. The domestic brands such as Ding Jiayi, Yu Sai and other domestic brands who did a good job in the cosmetics market clearly have a place in the domestic cosmetics market, and they are doing well.

   But everyone just believes in the evil of those foreign devils. They all think that selling the brand to international big names will increase their influence and get their technical support.

The results of it? Within a few years, these companies were killed by L'Oreal and Estée Lauder.

   Even if you introduce domestic strategic shareholders, it will be a danger to your future operations.

   For example, the more famous in recent years, the battle for equity in China M Electric? In the end, even the boss was hired, and the original state-of-the-art Electric Appliances, which was once infinitely beautiful, is now dying from tossing.

   There is also the good JD before. It is also because of the hidden shareholders who are not greedy and want to get rid of the boss. As a result, a series of scandals by the boss in Country M have been brought up.

   It is also thanks to the strong wrists of the big guys that they finally saved the company, but after that toss, JD was also badly injured, and now even the top three in the country have not been ranked.

   Therefore, Xiao Feng's business strategy of not going public and guaranteeing absolute control is nothing wrong in Wan Gongzi's view.

   What makes Wan Gongzi even more jealous is that this guy not only has a celebrity chef group in his hands, but also has another giant that grows quietly: the ninth laboratory!

   This company is so amazing!

   Before that, when it first went public, it made a big announcement, but since then it has been very low-key.

   It will occasionally appear in TV commercials, and usually rarely show up, but this company, now in the domestic cosmetics industry, is undoubtedly carrying the handle: NO.1!

   In the hearts of many female compatriots, that position is definitely just now, even higher than that of Papa Ma!

   Moreover, they have considerable influence in the international arena. Their cosmetics are now sold globally. This is not an exaggeration at all.

   Even if the fight between the U.S. and China Sweater Station was so fierce some time ago, the U.S. people clamored every day to sanction the Chinese high-tech enterprises, but no one dared to say that they would sanction the Ninth Laboratory.

   Even the US One deliberately excluded this company when formulating the list of sanctions against Chinese companies, and even sent them out for tax increases.

   not only did not dare to increase taxes on this company, but even deliberately lowered the company’s import taxes.


   Unless he wants to offend all female voters, let alone the president of the U.S., or any member of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, he dare not offend this company.

  Because of offending this company is to offend all female voters in the United States. When the time comes, when people call for you not to vote, you will be caught blind.

   is such a hungry company, but now it is low-key and unusual, and its development is quiet.

   Even now, China knows that Xiao Feng is the real boss behind this company, and I am afraid that there are no more than dozens of people, especially the outside world.

   When he thought that he was actually Xiao Feng's friend, Wan Gongzi was full of superiority in his heart at this time.

   He once thought that he was the best among the young people of his contemporaries, but now it seems that compared with Xiao Feng, he is nothing at all!

   When it comes to doing business, Xiao Feng is a real young talent. You must know that his starting point is much lower than his own.

And when it comes to the company level, it can only be described as one and the other. Yida, which has been infinitely beautiful in the past few years, now feels a little bit of a phoenix, while the formerly unknown celebrity chef group is now It's so hot.

   In the last two years, Yida's market value has shrunk significantly, and it has to sell a lot of high-quality assets to barely survive.

   However, the prospects for the development of commercial real estate are already unsustainable. Coupled with the impact of e-commerce, the current business situation of their hundreds of large-scale comprehensive supermarkets across the country is actually not good.

   The only bright spot at the moment is that the celebrity chefs he joined before make fast food and the barbecue restaurants he opened.

   There is also the film and television industry, Yida Cinemas.

   Last year, the country made a big move to rectify the entertainment industry, which caused the domestic film market to shrink drastically this year, which made Yida's life very uncomfortable.

   As a last resort, their family had to use the Neptunus chain pharmacy as a breakthrough for future development.

   The previous business model has basically come to an end, and the successive investment failures of many other projects have also made their family's life very difficult.

   Although their family is a major shareholder of Yida, they are also responsible for other shareholders. They always lose money, which will definitely make more and more people dissatisfied with them.

   At present, Yida's interior is not very calm. His father talked to him several times and asked him to start arranging the back road.

   Haiwang chain has always been a dark game in their family's hands before, and this year it is finally going to pay the surface.

   Previously, their family had also quietly acquired a number of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, which were able to produce many popular generic drugs currently on the market, but it was still difficult to stand out from the competition.

   And the success of this bundle with the Ninth Laboratory will undoubtedly allow their family's Neptunus chain pharmacy to grow further in the future.

   But in his opinion, these bindings are not enough.

"Brother, you have also read the plan. Our family is currently working on a pharmaceutical e-commerce platform while arranging outlets. We are planning to build a leading pharmaceutical e-commerce company in China, and you will need your strong support at that time! "

   "Oh? Are you still planning to build a pharmaceutical e-commerce platform?"

   Xiao Feng was also interested in what Mr. Wan said, but Mr. Wan nodded with a smile.

"That's right! I have this plan recently. At present, there are so many domestic e-commerce platforms, and they are doing well, and they also have medical sales. But after all, they are not professional medical platforms, and there are a lot of fakes. So this time we plan to deepen the field of pharmaceutical e-commerce and plan to expand a new platform."

   "This idea is very good, who is responsible for this matter?"

   Xiao Feng smiled and asked Wan Gongzi. To be honest, his thoughts about Wan Gongzi were somewhat ambiguous.

   Because Yida wanted to develop its own e-commerce platform a few years ago, but it failed in the end, and it can even be said to be a mess.

   This time, Mr. Wan said that he would build a medical platform. To be honest, he was not very optimistic.



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