My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 825: Take you to install B and take you to fly

   The current CEO of Voegelin is also the largest shareholder of the company. It is estimated that he hated those union guys a long time ago.

   Because of Xiao Feng’s embarrassment, I heard Master Wan talk about it. In the past few years, at the critical moment when Voegelin acquired several other chain pharmacies, the trade union organized pharmacists from other pharmacies to strike.

  In the end, it was not until Stefano agreed to raise the wages of the pharmacists in these pharmacies that they died down, and Voegelin completed the final M&A transaction.

   And the wages of these employees have been increased, so the pharmacists at Voegelin Pharmacy will naturally have to increase their wages, otherwise these people will definitely get into trouble.

   Anyway, because of these unions, the cost of Voegelin's acquisition of several other chain pharmacies increased by at least 30%.

   Later, the wages of these pharmacists became a heavy burden on Voegelin.

   Even if Voegelin has suffered losses for five consecutive years, these pharmacists and unions are not willing to give in half a point. It is impossible to reduce wages.

   In the last few years, Stefano could only pay these people out of his own pocket.

   Seeing this, it's no wonder that the CEO, the adult, has the idea of ​​selling this industry?

   What's so special, where is the pharmacist working for him? This is simply that he will work for these pharmacists and unions again!

   So this Stefano must hate the American union more than Xiao Feng and the others. Let him help, get rid of those stinging pharmacists, and kill the eyeliner that the union had placed in the drugstore. I guess he must be very willing.

   Anyway, the business situation of the enterprise is not good, and if it continues like this, it will sooner or later go bankrupt. The government will definitely turn a blind eye to the actions of entrepreneurs.

   I want to go to court with such a company, hehe, the judge will definitely not be on the side of the union and the pharmacist.

   In addition, Stefano is already old, and several of his children have no talent in business management, and have no interest in inheriting and managing this company.

   If this enterprise is dealt with by the children, it is estimated that within a few years, the enterprise will have to be run by several children and go bankrupt.

   So he might as well sell the company while he is still in charge for a few years, exchange for some cash, and give it to his children.

  Because of this idea, it is estimated that Stefano will agree to Wan's request with a very high probability.

   Next, the two sides discussed the details of the cooperation, and then the division of the share ratio.

   "Brother Wan, since we have decided to cooperate, then what I want to say is that my brothers will settle the accounts. Otherwise, don't cooperate together to avoid hurting peace."

"Ha, this is exactly what I want to tell you. Brother, don't worry, I understand. I just calculated it. Our overseas assets, cash and physical mortgages, are estimated to be 22 billion in total. , If you look at Voegelin's convenient quotation, I can account for 30% of the shares!"

  Many sons are also on business.

   Since Xiao Feng agreed to join, he must take the bulk of the funds.

   Young Master Wan would also like him to lead Voegelin's future operations, after all, their family's main business has always been in the country.

   This Voegelin is nothing but a back hand that their family arranged overseas.

   In case one day they can't stay in the country anymore, when they go abroad, having this company can guarantee that their family will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

   So let Xiao Feng come to occupy the bulk of this enterprise, Wan Gongzi has no psychological obstacles.

   At the very least, he doesn’t need his father to use domestic assets.

   After all, the tree attracts the wind, the country is now strictly controlled, and I don’t know how many people are watching their every move.

   If you can stay in the country, it is better to stay still.

   Xiao Feng groaned and touched his chin. After a while, he nodded.

"Well, that's fine. You take 22 billion U.S. dollars. In the end, no matter how much Voegelin asks, I will pay the rest. But Voegelin's shares, I can only give you 20% !"

   Young Master Wan was very unhappy when he heard this. Although he knew that Xiao Feng would definitely lower the price, he didn't expect that he would be crushed by ten points.

   "Brother, you are a bit cruel!"

   Xiao Feng on the other side smiled and said to Lord Wan.

   "Brother Wan, we are both partners and friends, so I might as well tell you the truth. Even if you don't take the 22 billion, I can eat this Voegelin myself!"

   The words made Wan Gongzi feel even more uncomfortable, but after calming down, Xiao Feng did have such strength.

   Apart from anything else, just say that he is the third investment promotion conference of the celebrity chef group this time.

   In addition to domestically, it has joined thousands of companies abroad.

   The U.S., Europe, Japan and South Korea have friends. If he wants to raise money from overseas, those people can help him get tens of billions... U.S. dollars every minute!

   In addition to the ninth laboratory in his hand, not to mention the annual income, it is estimated that the income of the next few years will be pledged, and it is estimated that tens of billions of dollars can be obtained from the bank.

   So what people say is really not an exaggeration.

   Now think about it, it seems that someone is leading him to play instead of him leading him to play?

   I want to understand that these Wan Gongzi's angers have been smoothed a lot, and Xiao Feng on the opposite side has been paying attention to Wan Gongzi's emotions.

  If Wan Gongzi can't turn this turn, then he won't cooperate with him this time, so as not to hurt his feelings.

   After all, not everyone can accept the change of roles from elder brother to younger brother.

   If he can figure it out, it means that he is a mature and qualified businessman, and he can still do business with him, and cooperation can continue.

   Seeing the expression on Wan Gongzi's face, I can feel through the sixth sense that Wan Gongzi's original dissatisfaction has calmed down and disappeared, and then Xiao Feng smiled and said to Wan Gongzi.

"Brother Wan, the reason I gave you such a quotation. That's because I have those new drugs in my hands, which will be sold through the Voegelin channel in the future, so Voegelin's turnaround is easy for me... …"

   After hearing this, the son of Wan was deeply impressed.

  Why did Voegelin, who had been so turbulent in the past, lose money for two years in recent years?

   In the past, their main source of profit was health care products, and shampoo. As for the special medicines for various patients, they have no specialties.

   This is also the main reason why CVS joined the chain pharmacy industry afterwards and was able to defeat them steadily.

   First of all, more and more consumers now choose to buy shampoo and health products on Amazon.

  Almost all pharmacies sell specific medicines for various diseases. If Voegelin doesn't have any special medicines, then you can only eat it in the competition.

   And once Xiao Feng takes over Voegelin, there will be no problems with special medicines, health products, and even exclusive shampoos.

   So Xiao Feng said that it is not an exaggeration to let Voegelin turn losses into profits.

"...And it doesn't count to turn losses into profits. I expect that just by taking the volume from Voegelin, one or two billion dollars of goods will be sold every year, and Voegelin will earn billions of dollars in net profit every year. ."

   Is this an exaggeration?

   is not an exaggeration at all, think about the magic drug Xiu Mei Le, which is known as the king of medicine!

   can target 14 kinds of diseases, and the sales volume can reach 18.5 billion US dollars in one year. This is still the case of excluding the Chinese market!

   Why exclude the Chinese market?

   We must know that there are 10 million patients in China who need this medicine every year!

   But this medicine has a low market share in China.

  The reason is very simple. This medicine is too expensive. One injection in two weeks costs more than 7,000. Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary middle-class families can't afford it.

   Is this kind of medicine, just can be consumed in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, can be sold for 18.5 billion US dollars a year?

   And what about the medicine that will be launched by the Ninth Lab specifically for heart disease?

   That is also a drug that has specific effects for a variety of heart disease symptoms. How many heart disease patients are there in the world?

   Over 100 million!

   The number of people who die from heart disease in the world is more than 17 million every year. How big is the market at this time?

   So what Xiao Feng just said is definitely not an exaggeration.

   Especially when Xiao Feng decided to be honest with Wan Gongzi, and showed him some of the experimental data of that new drug, as well as the market report made by Xia Hongtao's team.

   Young Master Wan fell silent, he believed it!

   Now it seems that it is no longer the problem of him changing from a big brother to a little brother. It is that Xiao Feng let him invest in this It is entirely to take you to pretend to take you to fly!

   With 22 billion U.S. dollars, which accounts for 20% of the company’s shares, one billion U.S. dollars can be distributed every year in dividends.

   And in the future, as the Ninth Laboratory continues to launch a variety of new drugs, more dividends may be distributed, and perhaps 22 billion of the principal can be earned back in less than ten years.

   This is still not listed!

   If this company goes public in the future, it is estimated that the 20% of his shares will increase in market value every minute, exceeding US$100 billion!

   This is really not an exaggeration. It is just against the current serious asset shortage in the US stock market.

   After the integration, Voegelin will only need to regain profitability and announce its earnings for several years.

   Then the market value hasn't been turned over in minutes?

   The current valuation is 55 billion. After Xiao Feng and the others are integrated, it is estimated that it will become 55 billion in every minute.

  Of course, Lord Wan didn't want this Voegelin to go public. After all, in his opinion, this company was the way for his family to prepare.

   As long as it does not go public, there is no need to disclose shareholder information, so that it can avoid leaving words for those who are interested.

At this time, Xiao Feng on the other side added another sentence: "If you don’t believe in our profitability, Brother Wan, then I can still sign a guarantee agreement for you. If we take over Voegelin, we haven’t turned losses into profits within two years, every year. The dividends given to you have not reached one billion U.S. dollars. I can repurchase your shares at the original price. Of course, if you want to sell this 20% of the shares that day, you must first notify me that I have the right of first refusal... …"



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