This is equivalent to entrusting China to help the Karapag Islands with infrastructure!

   Such a job Hua Guo is naturally the most happy, even Qin Xiaotian was happy when he heard this.

   If this achievement is brought back, it will be far more than just completing the task of debt collection, and it can even be said to have achieved a major political achievement.

   Now China is full of excess infrastructure capacity, and people all over the world want to help people build bridges and pave roads.

   Once the bridge and pavement are completed for the other party, the local resources will naturally become the circle of interest for China.

   This is like the same reason that European and American powers built railways in China at the beginning of the last century. It seems that they will build railways for you, but the natural resources within a few kilometers of the railway will also belong to others.

   This is also the main reason why European and American powers reacted so strongly to China's rampant construction of railways and roads in Africa.

   Because of these roads, the local governments are getting closer and closer to the Chinese, and they will also lose control of those countries.

   Some people also said that Europe and the United States have so strong technology and so rich, they can also go to Africa to build railways?

   Ha ha, if it were decades ago, maybe this is still possible.

   But now that they can't even build their own bridge, they are going to help Africans build roads? They simply can't afford the suffering.

   Now on the Kalapago Islands, they are willing to use the lease of several islands to let China help them build infrastructure for free. This is a big business for Qin Xiaotian.

   Don’t think that the first pen is free, such as helping to build roads, docks, and even airports. A lot of work is donated to the people of Karapag for free.

   How about your later maintenance?

   Take the telecom base station, for example. When the base station is repaired on such an island, the life of the base station components is generally not long.

   Other places may only need to replace parts in three to five years, but here may need to be replaced once a year. Isn’t it costly to replace parts?

   And once the Chinese standard telecommunications equipment is adopted for the first time, the Chinese equipment will also be used when upgrading in the future. At that time, there was no saying that it would be free.

   So the first payment is free. Actually, it is not a big deal for China. Long-term cooperation can still make a lot of money in the future.

   And this Karapag Islands is not the kind of place where there is no output and birds don't shit.

   The output here is so rich!

   The boss, Xiao, is said to be engaged in island farming here!

   is not only raising cattle and sheep, it is said that they have also set up a few marine ranches, even salmon.

   If these resources are shipped back to China, they can be exchanged for a lot of money.

   So, if you count it this way, it's absolutely cost-effective to help them build infrastructure.

   Qin Xiaotian is happy, and Xiao Feng and Chen Yonglu are also very happy.

  Because the Chinese construction team came in, it also saved them a lot of trouble, because they are now employing hourly labor teams.

   And if Qin Xiaotian sent someone over, it would be the national team, the construction speed, and the standards, they are not comparable to these small construction teams.

   The most important thing is that people don’t want money!

   They also know that it costs money to maintain and upgrade in the later stage, but what about it, it can save a lot of money in the early stage, and once the economic chain of the Kalapag Islands is operational in the later stage.

   Are you afraid of not having money then?

   So the two parties quickly finalized their intention to cooperate, and in front of the two, Qin Xiaotian made a phone call to China.

   And some people in the country he contacted were excited when they heard that there was an archipelago and needed them to do infrastructure construction.

   Although Xiao Feng and the others don’t need to pay, they can apply for subsidies with China. Even if the domestic subsidies are not provided, they can still get subsidies from Huaguo Petroleum.

   Therefore, the construction party must not suffer a loss. This is a win-win-win business.

   The other party sent several planning experts the next day. These people were all those construction teams who were urgently deployed from South America.

   At this time, Xiao Feng knew how deeply China had penetrated the South American continent.

   It turns out that we are in countries like Peru and Bolivia, but there are always construction teams.

   And these construction teams are almost inextricably linked with the national team.

   For example, some construction teams are under the railway construction, some are under the petroleum system, and some are under the telecommunications unit.

   Anyway, they were sent to the South American continent in the name of repairing bridges and paving roads and building telecommunications base stations.

   The few representatives who came here this time belonged to the Railway Construction and the Petroleum System. Everyone is very concerned about the infrastructure of the Karapag Islands.

   It was even decided on the same day that they would donate to build a hospital, a school, and a gymnasium on Meihua Island. They don’t need to worry about building other ports.

   Just bring the drawings and let them take care of the rest.

   Such a fanatical working attitude really surprised Xiao Feng and Chen Yonglu. Xiao Feng had also heard of these domestic construction teams before, and they were crazy overseas.

   Unexpectedly, he was so enthusiastic.

   When he was hosting the construction team for dinner later, he understood why the other party was so excited.

   Feelings, they are also forced!

   The leader of the construction team of the railway construction is a middle-aged man named Deng. After a few glasses of wine, his eyes are a little red.

"Brother, don't you know how depressed we are working in Bolivia? That place was originally a plateau, and it was rainy and humid. The climate was not very suitable for us. I wanted to finish the work soon, but the local workers really made you Silent. Work for one day, repair for two days, often pay today, and no one will be seen tomorrow. One project, originally scheduled for 60 days, will be abruptly able to work for 180 days... Working with them, I really feel suffocated. It's a fire in the stomach!"

"Hey, why are we in Peru? The locals are lazy and greedy, and they often encounter bandits, and you won’t be allowed to work without paying. Some people become guerrillas at night and kidnap us. Engineer of mine, my grandmother in the grass tower."

   The leader of the construction team under the oil system, Mr Chang, also complained.

  They are all engineers of the country. There are tasks on them, so they can only come here to work, but if they cooperate with those slackers, they are really about to explode.

   And when they knew that there was a Chinese autonomous region on the copper country, and an island of 100% Chinese ancestry, they were excited when they were about to develop it.

   If this island is built, it will be the southern gate for China to enter South America in the future.

   With such a strategic fulcrum, they can advance and attack, and retreat and defend.

  I was tired of working in South America, so I ran to the island to rest for a few days. No matter what, the Chinese-speaking environment here is better than living with those slackers.

   So these two foremen are very enthusiastic about construction.

   And Qin Xiaotian also meant this. Once the Karapago Islands complete the infrastructure, this is the gateway for China to enter and exit South America.

   Xiao Feng and Chen Yonglu naturally understand this, which is equivalent to getting on a ship in China.

   Other than that, they have no better choice.

   Everyone chatted very late this night, and the guests and hosts enjoyed the meal.

   And Xiao Feng returned to Lijiadao in the evening, but when he went back, he was called by Antal and Yunduo.

   "Mr. Xiao, today we made a major discovery while visiting Nantai Island."

  Antar said.

   Xiao Feng was taken aback: "What are the major discoveries?"

   "We found a treasure on the island?"

   "What treasure?"

   "Look at it."

  Antar said, took out a camera, called up the screen and showed Xiao Feng.

   Then he showed Xiao Feng dumbfounded. It was a brick wall made of gold bricks, and there was a gold mountain on the other side, all made of gold and silver jewels.

   This is simply the legendary treasure cave. Thinking about this neighborhood, but a famous pirate treasure place, Xiao Feng wondered, isn’t this the place where the pirates treasured treasure before?

   But he quickly threw this idea out of his mind, looking at the neatly stacked gold bricks in a hard-shell storage box. This was not the purity that could be extracted in ancient times.

   He suddenly sounded Li Zhen and said to himself that the Li family had been planning a sneak attack recently. On the one hand, they wanted to find the place, and on the other hand, they wanted to take out the treasure they had hidden on the nearby island.

   These should be treasures left by the Li family!

   Thinking of this, Xiao Feng immediately sat up straight: "What island did you say?"

   "Nantai Island? Here, this is the island."

   Yunduo took out a tablet, then pulled Xiao Feng up.

  The photos on the tablet are all photos of Nantai Island they took. The area of ​​this island is not very large, it can be several square kilometers.

  The island is full of steep hillsides and lush dense forests. The topography is not suitable for island and such islands are in the Karapag Islands, which is much more.

   Even according to international judgments, this cannot be regarded as an island at all, because according to international standards, if you want to be an island, the island must first have sufficient fresh water resources.

   If there is no fresh water, then it is not worthy to be called an island, and it does not even have the qualifications to be marked on the map.

   There are literally thousands of such small islands in the Southwest Pacific.

   Xiao Feng had never noticed this Nantai Island before, so it seemed very strange at this time.

   "Where is this island?"

   "It is in the northeast of Lijia Island. Because there is no fresh water, there is no one on the island. And because of the terrain, the island is not suitable for island aquaculture."

   "Then how did you discover the treasures in this island?"

"After evaluating the other 20 islands today, we found this island on our return trip. We thought it was very suitable to set up a laboratory on this island. We went on the island and took a look, but unexpectedly found it on the island. A cave, walking along the cave, we found this treasure."

   Yun Duo said to Xiao Feng as if asking for credit, Xiao Feng nodded.

   "Well, let's go over and take a look."


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