My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 847: Fluoroscopy imaging equipment

    According to Antar’s description, this crop is resistant to drought, pests and diseases, and also resistant to wind disasters. It does not require high levels of land, and even has the effect of fertile soil.

   can absorb a large amount of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the air, and then through the magical photosynthesis, while generating crops, it will also produce a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer to enrich the nutrition of the land.

   This sounds like a fantasy, but in reality there is such a crop, the magic soybean, which has such a function.

   Even corn has a similar effect.

  According to Antar's description, the Caiyun No. 3 crop, when it grows up, looks similar to corn in shape and produces similar fruits.

   But there is only one rice core in each ear, and there is no corn cob in the middle like corn.

   The final output of this crop is more like a grain of rice magnified a thousand times.

   And this crop is very rich in protein, and various trace elements, vitamins, can be steamed or boiled, can also be crushed to make flour, anyway, it is a very versatile crop.

   later became the main source of food for the Falkens.

   And hearing this, Xiao Feng was already stunned. If this kind of crop is really cultivated, it will definitely be another important crop that can save the human food crisis!

   can definitely be regarded as one of the greatest agricultural inventions in human history comparable to soybeans!

  Since the economic value is so high, this project must be launched.

   "Okay, that's it!"

   Antar and Yunduo happily high-five each other, while Xiao Feng opened the space directly and put all the cash and jewelry into the space.

   The reason why the Li family hid the gold bricks and cash here is because they think it is safe.

   But from Xiao Feng’s point of view, his space is the safest. After emptying the treasures here, he called the security captain Chris over and whispered a few words to him...

   After returning from Nantai Island, it was already near the property, but Xiao Feng couldn't sleep with excitement.

  Although he is already a billionaire, he has made a windfall today and he is naturally very happy.

   So he asked the cook to prepare a supper for himself, and ate it with a cold beer.

   After eating and drinking, he suddenly remembered something and called Chris over.

   "In our expert group, are there any medical experts?"

   "Yes, in these batches, we have cloned a total of eight medical experts! Among them, Dr. Helmer has the most senior qualifications."

   Chris is the head of a security expert and Xiao Feng’s butler. His intelligence is much higher than that of other clones, and his intelligence is even higher than that of many geniuses in this world.

   So he is usually not only responsible for Xiao Feng and the security work on the island of Li’s family, but also the chief steward of the human cloning expert team.

   Xiao Feng was interested in medical experts, and Chris quickly found Helmer.

   This clone Helmer, but the DNA was taken from Dr. Helmer, the greatest medical expert in the history of the Falkens, and then developed.

   So Chris called him Dr. Helmer. This was a white figure in his forties. He was tall and thin, with a bald eagle nose, and gold-wire glasses. He looked like a Frankenstein.

   "Hello, Dr. Helmer."

"Hello boss."

  Sure enough, unlike other clones, Dr. Helmer spoke with a somewhat dull air.

   "Well, Doctor, I will open the door to build a mountain. I have used a medical cabin..."

   Xiao Feng described the image of the medical cabin he had previously used when he found the escape cabin in the Dragon City in another world and was rescued by a robot.

   Dr. Helmer has been listening silently in front of him, and when he finished speaking, Dr. Helmer spoke.

"The full name of the device is not actually called the medical cabin. It is actually a K-838, a self-service medical robot. It can not only scan and diagnose illnesses and injuries, but also accurately perform 1,888 operations on the human body, with a success rate of 99.99%... "

   is worthy of being a medical expert, a lot of data, people just open their mouths.

   After listening to his introduction, Xiao Feng's heart became even more meaningful.

   "Then Dr. Helmer, can you make a scanning device for that robot?"

   "Mr. Xiao, you mean, do you want a medical imaging device?"

   "Uh... yes."

   After all, it is a professional one to get the point. Xiao Feng wants this kind of equipment.

   This is also the only way for him and Mr. Wan to complete the network medical platform. If doctors want to complete network diagnosis, it must have clearer and more modern fluoroscopy imaging equipment.

Nowadays, almost all hospitals are equipped with X-ray machines, CT machines, MRI equipment, etc., but these equipments are X-ray machines, and other CT, MRI, and other equipment are very expensive, and one set can cost tens of millions. .

  Moreover, many hospitals generally only have one. When there are many patients, they have to line up for use. Sometimes, if you want to get a CT, you have to line up for several days.

   And the fast-paced modern life, and the little white-collar workers have no time to take the CT machine, so it is usually too late to take the photo again when the condition is serious.

   And after Wan Gongzi and Xiao Feng proposed his idea of ​​an online medical platform last time, Xiao Feng seemed to have completed this self-test.

   Machines like blood tests are easier to do, but the most difficult ones are CT and MRI equipment.

   These equipments are not only expensive, but also cannot be operated by non-professionals.

   So he wondered whether he could invent a fool-like medical fluoroscopy imaging device that would allow patients to take pictures by themselves.

   Once such testing equipment comes out, it can quickly complete the part of the self-service medical examination center, and promote the promotion of the network medical platform.

   Of course, others must have thought about this idea, but for the current medical device R&D unit, such equipment R&D is definitely very difficult.

   But for medical technologists like Helmer in the future, that shouldn't be a problem.

   Xiao Feng chatted with Helmer for a long time, and he described his thoughts to Helmer in a very specific way.

   Helmer also asked him a lot of questions, such as the current level of medicine on this planet and the commonly used medical devices.

   When he heard that the humans on the earth have not yet conquered cancer, Dr. Helmer couldn't help but yelled God!

   When I heard that the hospitals on the earth now mainly use CT and MRI for medical imaging, Dr. Helmer couldn't help but grab the few hairs on his head.

   "The true **** are too..."

   Dr. Helmer talked to his lips several times, and finally stopped talking.

   Xiao Feng was also embarrassed for a while. He knew that the earthlings at this time, in the eyes of Dr. Helmer, must be no different from the savages who drank blood.

   After all, compared with them, the current earth technology is too backward.

   Dr. Helmer pondered for a long time before he accepted the fact that they were in a technological barren era.

   "Well, I understand, Mr. Xiao now wants to build a self-diagnosis platform, but he lacks the necessary equipment, especially the medical fluoroscopy imaging equipment?"

   "Yes! You have heard of the main medical fluoroscopy imaging equipment currently used on our planet. What advice can you give?"

   "Well, give me some manpower, I can build a brand new perspective imaging device for you, it is not a problem, we can even make a 3D imaging device!"

   "I'm a big man, this is a bull nose, I need this."

   Xiao Feng is excited. You must know that the current medical fluoroscopy imaging equipment, even CT and MRI, is often not very clear.

   And medical film reading is still very sophisticated. Many second-rate doctors can't even understand the film. At their level, let alone see a doctor to save people, it would be good if they don't die.

   But if this kind of 3D medical imaging equipment can really be produced, it will be a big hit. It can be said that Scorpion Baba is the only one at this time!

   Don't talk about self-service testing, he can make money even if he buys this kind of equipment in the hospital.

   For Dr. Helmer, these devices are simply a piece of cake. They have even eliminated the technology for more than a thousand years.

   But for Xiao Feng, with this equipment, his self-service testing station plan can be realized.

   "Well, this equipment is probably this big? It needs materials XXXXC..."

   Helmer was a real person, and soon introduced Xiao Feng about the equipment, and Xiao Feng was stunned.

   "Doctor, can't you do that?"

   "Huh? Why? This is already very old equipment?"

"Um... the old is only for If you take this device out, you will definitely shock the world here, because of this device, you are already at least ten positions ahead of other peers. ...No, we have already dumped them out. If this device is taken out, it will definitely attract the attention of those guys. If they don't understand, they will definitely cause us trouble..."

   Xiao Feng explained to Dr. Helmer again.

   There is no way, sometimes the things you make are too advanced. In this world, you are a genius if you are half a step ahead, and you are a lunatic!

   And when those white **** who are accustomed to the logic of European and American robbers, once they find something you invented incomprehensible, they will have a serious tendency to violence.

   such as Copernicus who was burned to death...

   Even if modern civilization has developed to where it is today, Xiao Feng still doesn't quite believe in the people's character of these Westerners.

   You said that you can build a device the size of a computer case that can do fluoroscopic imaging of people without any radiation hazard, and can also produce 3D color images.

  What's so special, it's almost equivalent to pulling humans from a 14-inch black and white TV into the era of watching a 60-inch curved screen 8K high-definition LCD screen.

   When most people can’t accept it, they will work together to slice and study you, especially if your equipment can bring huge profits...


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