My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 849: The foundation of a medical empire

The reason for      is very simple. Once insulin is eaten into the stomach, it will be treated as protein, broken down by gastric juice, and then absorbed. After absorption, it is not so easy to synthesize insulin again.

   According to Professor Helmer, with this Roentgen Express, it is very easy to make oral insulin.

  As long as the silver is used to wrap insulin, avoid gastric acid dissolution, and be directly absorbed by the blood vessels in the wall of the small intestine, it will be able to play the role of insulin.

   And this kind of oral insulin, they have been using it for many years.

   Hearing what Professor Helmer said, Xiao Feng can be said to be amazed.

   I just thought about using K alpha active factor to ensure that collagen avoids being dissolved by gastric juice and is directly absorbed by the body.

   I completely forgot that it can actually be used for insulin. Indeed, once this new drug is made, it will definitely be a breakthrough in the history of human medicine.

   By then buying this medicine alone will be enough for him to make a profit.

   There are 500 million diabetic patients in the world. Once oral insulin is developed, the problems of these patients can definitely be solved.

  A big market of 500 million people!

   And there are 120 million diabetic patients in China alone!

what does this mean? One out of ten Chinese people has diabetes!

  Almost every seven seconds in the world, one person will die from complications caused by diabetes.

   Even for these people, Xiao Feng will develop this oral insulin.

   As for the European and American markets, ha ha, there is his money printing machine.

   Thinking of this, Xiao Feng felt that his eyes were red, and at this moment, he was determined to acquire Voegelin.

   The largest chain pharmacy in Europe and the United States controls the best sales channels. Once you master this pharmacy, you will have direct access to European and American patients' wallets.

   It can also have a significant influence on the U.S. Food and Drug Safety Administration.

   "Do you think the role of the Roentgen Express is just to treat diabetes? Wrong, the most important point is that it can cross the blood-brain barrier!"

  Professor Helmer, he disdains Xiao Feng who has never seen the world like this.

   "Blood-brain barrier? What is the blood-brain barrier?"

   Xiao Feng felt that he was completely trapped. It was difficult for him to understand these medical terms.

Professor Helmer rolled his eyes: "It is the capillary blood vessel wall and glial cells of the brain, forming an isolation barrier between the blood and hair cells. It is the most important protective barrier of the human brain. Isolate harmful substances in the blood, enter the brain, and cause damage to the brain."

   After listening to Professor Helmer's explanation, Xiao Feng felt a little understand, but he didn't understand.

   But what does this have to do with K alpha active factor?

"Well, the advantage of this blood-brain barrier is that it can ensure the safety of the brain, but the downside is that it is too overbearing. It will not only kill substances that are harmful to the brain, but also substances that are good for the brain. For example, there is a disease in a certain part of the brain, and we want to treat it, so we developed a drug, but when the drug is transported by the blood to the blood-brain barrier, the brain, before it enters the brain, it is shielded by the blood-brain barrier. , Or killed, so that we can only watch the brain disease continue to develop, but there is no cure..."

   Hearing this, Xiao Feng basically understood that the blood-brain barrier of emotions is a set of white blood cell system unique to the brain itself.

"With the Roentgen Express, we can allow drugs to easily pass through the blood-brain barrier to reach the patient's site, and effectively treat the brain's patients. For example, without the use of surgical operations, we can ablate the blood clots in the brain and remove them. Brain congestion. For example, we can use targeted drugs to treat brain tumors. The most popular one is that we can use drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy..."


   At the end of hearing, Xiao Feng could no longer sit still, and jumped up directly from the sofa.

   When it comes to treating brain tumors or something, he still doesn't feel much.

   But it can melt blood clots, remove congestion, treat Alzheimer's disease, and treat epilepsy without surgery. These few functions alone will definitely enable the inventor of this drug to win the Nobel Prize!

   He had a former classmate. After he graduated from high school and was admitted to university, he was hit by a car on his way home from the classmate’s entrance banquet, causing serious brain damage.

   Later, he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Because of intracranial hemorrhage, the doctor opened the skull and sucked the blood out. This process caused certain damage to the brain.

   Later, although the classmate was rescued, his intelligence was only seven years old because of a brain injury.

   Zheng Feng Hua Zhengmao's age, but it has been ruined for a lifetime. Thinking about the experience of that classmate, Xiao Feng feels distressed for a while.

  Moreover, many elderly people are prone to cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis. This kind of disease has many sudden emergencies, and rescue is very difficult.

  Especially for cerebral hemorrhage, if the amount of bleeding is large, surgery must be done to remove the congestion in the brain. Otherwise, the intracranial pressure is too high, which is likely to endanger the life of the patient.

   And the human brain is very fragile. If the operation is arbitrary, it is likely to cause permanent brain damage. Those who can't wake up will become vegetative, and those who can wake up will more or less have some sequelae.

   At present, the medical community is constantly innovating therapies for such diseases, but there has not been much breakthrough in drug treatment.

   The main difficulty is that it is difficult to break through the blood-brain barrier. Although some drugs have been found to be effective for patients with brain diseases, how to accurately deliver the drugs to the patient's area has always been a major problem that plagues pharmaceutical companies.

   Ordinary doses of drugs are difficult to break through the blood-brain barrier. Effective pharmaceutical ingredients are often isolated or killed by the protective layer when they penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

   If the dose is increased, although part of the drug can break through the blood-brain barrier, more drugs will circulate in the blood and be absorbed by other organs of the body. If the dose of this drug is too large, it will cause damage to other organs of the body.

This is a dilemma. In order to make the drug work on the brain affected area, it is necessary to increase the dose to break through the blood-brain barrier. Once the dose is increased, the brain problem is cured, but other organs in the body are not. Will be damaged.

   Now suddenly there is such a medium that can help the drug to smoothly break through the blood-brain barrier. What effect do you think it will be?

   Many brain diseases that have been plagued humans will be solved at this moment.

   Even he can treat epilepsy.

   The main problem with epilepsy is that drugs that specifically treat the diseased areas of the brain cannot break through the blood-brain barrier.

   And now with this new medium, the drug can smoothly break through the blood-brain barrier, then the treatment of epilepsy will save countless families.

   Epilepsy is also a very terrible brain disease, some are born, and some are sequelae left after the acquired brain is injured.

   And if there is a patient with epilepsy in the family, it will bring endless pain to the family.

   The patient is not only life-threatening, but also has the possibility of going crazy at any time, and once instigated, it is even more destructive.

   So if this Dr. Helmer can really create a special medicine for treating epilepsy, it would be a pioneering work that will benefit the world.

   And if epilepsy can be overcome, then the treatment of neurosis is not far away.

   There is also Alzheimer’s disease, which is commonly known as Alzheimer’s disease. Having this kind of disease at home is simply more painful than having a cancer patient.

   When Grandma Xiao Feng finally left, she had already had obvious symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, and he had been waiting by her side for half a year.

   For him, that half a year can be said to be worse than life. Looking at his loved ones, he lost his knowledge a little bit, sometimes understood, sometimes confused, and finally degraded to the point where he couldn't take care of himself.

   It is not only the patient's own pain, but also the great mental and physical pain to the family.

   But now there are more and more people suffering from this disease. Xiao Feng thought of Helmer and said that they could use the Roentgen Express to invent a drug to treat Alzheimer's. How could he sit still?

   If this medicine is invented, it is estimated that people all over the world will have to thank him!

  Because everyone will get old, everyone does not want their parents to get this terrible disease when they get old.

   "Professor Helmer, how long can you develop these drugs?"

   "Give me a team, a laboratory, and I can develop it in a month. After all, it is not a new drug, as long as you find the right raw materials, you can get it out."

   Professor Helmer said an Xiao Feng scratched his head in embarrassment.

   "That may take about half a year. After all, it takes a lot of time to build a laboratory. In addition, I have to recruit people for you and organize a pharmaceutical R&D team."

   "That's okay. It just so happens that I can take advantage of this period of time to learn more about the earth in this era."

  Professor Helmer was very humble this time, Xiao Feng couldn't help sighing, he was indeed a man of high IQ.

  Even if they are clones, they are very good at observing their words, not just like the clones in the movie, but a humanoid machine with no emotions.

  Although they are still tools in essence, they have human primary emotions, and in terms of DNA writing, they have been implanted with a program that never betrays them, and they do not have reproductive ability.

   Xiao Feng couldn't help but sigh, the invention of those people in the future is really so sweet.

   Regarding the future development of the Ninth Laboratory, he was not very good at grasping the direction, but now with these cloning experts, he has brought so many scientific research projects and research directions at once.

   Now the Ninth Laboratory has nothing to worry about, and he can also continuously deploy personnel from there to learn from these experts.

  With these cloning experts and the team they lead, his future medical empire has already taken shape.


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