My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 863: Country of gold

Remember in one second【】

If you have anything to say in person, it's better than someone who stabbed a knife in the back.

And if Li Xingkai didn't ask for it, it would appear abnormal.

And to be honest, Xiao Feng's appointment of Li Xingkai as the general manager of the Liangyang Railway Company was actually a test. If he really agreed, Xiao Feng would be even more worried.

But for the two ocean railways, with his help, the resistance will definitely be much smaller.

"I don't need money. I can help you for free in this matter, but I need your help elsewhere."

"Oh? You mean?"

Li Xingkai's answer was really beyond Xiao Feng's expectations, this guy was really bold.

Just now I was still talking about life saving, but now I actually talked about terms with Xiao Feng, and it turned out to be a bargaining high.

"Have you heard of this country in Sunan?"

"Huh? Where? An African country?"

When Li Xingkai reported a place name, Xiao Feng felt as if he had heard of such a place, but he was not quite sure.

Li Xingkai chuckled: "Gullit, Rijkaard among the Dutch football swordsmen, have you heard of them? If you haven't heard of them, then the hottest defender in recent years, Van Dyke, you should always listen to. Did you say it?"

Xiao Feng nodded. When Gullit and Rijkaard were players, he didn't know much about them, but when they were coaches, Xiao Feng had seen their coaching.

Especially Rijkaard, who used to be the coach of the Barcelona Dream II period, is quite capable.

As for Van Dyke, he also knows the hottest top defender in the world.

"Oh! I remember, they all seem to be born in Sunan!"

"That's right, their parents all immigrated to the Netherlands from Sunan. And Sunan is just above Brazil, next to the Caribbean Sea, and it's a tropical country."

"What? So is Sunan a South American country? I always thought it was an African country?"

"I'm so sorry for your geography teacher..."

Li Xingkai smiled bitterly and shook his head, this time it was Xiao Feng's turn to shrug.

Who cares about such a small country with no reputation? Apart from a few football players, this country really has nothing to remember.

"Well, tell me, what kind of help do you need from me?"

"Sunanli was a Dutch colony before. The main population here is Indians, blacks, and Indians, and there are 5 percent Chinese."

"Huh? There are so many Chinese?"

Xiao Feng was taken aback when he heard it, and Li Xingkai smiled and nodded.

"That's right, they are all the Chinese who fell here in the early days. The main source of income in this country is offshore oil exploration and the aluminum ore industry. This country is very rich in bauxite. Therefore, a large amount of bauxite is exported every year. In addition, this country is very rich in bauxite. There are also some planting industries, and the other most important supporting industry in this country is gold..."


When Li Xingkai talked about gold grabbing and refining, Xiao Feng finally sat upright, and he began to be interested in this country.

"The world knows that South Africa is the most gold-producing country in the world, but few people know that there is actually another country that also produces gold, and this country is Sunanli."

"I'm afraid this is also the reason why there are 5% Chinese in this country, right?"

"Yes, the earliest Chinese came to this country to search for gold, and later they stayed. It's just that the later Dutch government was uneasy and kind. In order to maintain their local rule, a large number of Africans were moved to this country, and Indians, this has greatly changed the demographic structure of this country. Now the main population of this country is actually Indians. Can you believe it?"

Xiao Feng was dumbfounded: "Then isn't this India, an enclave in South America?"

"Almost. One-tenth of the population in Sunan is of Indian descent, so their relationship with India is indeed very close. In addition, almost all of the large amounts of gold consumed by India are imported from this country."

Xiao Feng knew that India was the world's largest gold consumer, but he really didn't know that most of the gold consumed in India was actually shipped back from Sunan.

"Then you want to ask me to help you..."

"You also know that my main job is to help people launder money, and almost all of us Chinese in Sunan earn a living by opening money houses, so they collect gold from those natives..."

"Wait, are there really so many gold reserves in this country?"

"Haha, what do you think? According to geographical analysis, this country belongs to the South African gold belt. The gold reserves are so scary. And many gold mining areas are now in the virgin forest, where they are all natives. On the site, outsiders can't get in and mine at all. So only those natives can mine, but they... hey, you know..."

Li Xingkai shook his head helplessly again, and Xiao Feng also expressed his understanding.

Although the world has entered a modern society after two thousand years, many tribes in the tropical rain forests of South America still seemed to live a few centuries ago.

"But that's fine. The natives often take the nugget gold and go to the gold shop to exchange for money. Sometimes tens of thousands of dollars can be exchanged for more than a catty of nugget gold."

Xiao Feng was speechless when he heard it. If he got a catty of dog head gold, he would definitely have to sell a few million soft sister coins. This was a huge profit.

"I have a lot of gold business there, but recently my business has been threatened by some Indians, so I need

^0^Remember in one second【】

I want you to protect my business. "

Li Xingkai finally talked about the help he needed, but Xiao Feng felt that this guy didn't tell the truth to himself.

"It's really that simple? You should have been operating in Sunan for a long time? Don't you have a few friends?"

Being able to do gold business in such a country, Xiao Feng did not believe that Li Xingkai would have no friends.

In a country dominated by blacks and Indians, making golden saints without two brushes would have been swallowed long ago.

Li Xingkai stared at Xiao Feng for a while, then smiled and nodded.

"Okay! There are about 550,000 people in Sunan, and one of them is Indians and people of Indian descent. In fact, there are 10% of Chinese people, but only 5% of them are naturalized. Left and right. And these Chinese come from different parts of China, and they are also geographically divided..."


Xiao Feng sighed after hearing this. He already knew why Li Xingkai could not find help.

“Indians have always been the richest group of people in this country, but I don’t think this should be the case. After all, we Chinese control all the business of the gold bank, so why are they profitable? So I bought a bank. I didn't expect this bank to be a hole dug for me by Indians."

When it came time to play meat at last, Xiao Feng nodded, this guy said so high-sounding, I'm afraid he still wants to use this bank to launder money.

"Can the capital in Sunan free in and out?"

Xiao Feng didn't know much about the banking industry in Sunan.

"No, you can withdraw up to five hundred dollars a day."

"Huh? What are you doing in a bank? It's so troublesome to get funds in and out?"

Xiao Feng was surprised, this was different from what he thought.

"Ha! The key is that gold can go in and out freely, and with a bank, I can connect those gold banks together, form an alliance, and cooperate with my bank in Andres, so that a capital chain is formed. And just because the funds here are not free to enter and exit, this has become a blind spot in the supervision of the U.S. fbi..."

Li Xingkai fully explained, Xiao Feng had to nod his head when he heard it, this guy is really a little bold, just playing under the lights under the eyes of the Americans, this is.

It is true that the attention of the fbi anti-money laundering department must be more on places like the Viking, the Cayman Islands, and even the Andres Islands, but in their opinion, this is a remote place in the south of the country.

But although the outflow of US dollars is forbidden, you can't help gold.

The money is here, buying gold, then spending some water, and finally circulating out in the form of gold, who can notice it?

Moreover, gold, a hard currency that many tycoons like, is very valuable at all times, and it is easy to lose.

This Li Xingkai really has a brain, he actually wants to be the leader of those Chinese gold companies in Sunan.

Once his bank is established and his own gold bank is linked to the bank, then other gold banks have no choice.

If they all become an alliance with his bank, then he has the right to set prices.

Here he can use US dollars at the same price to exchange for double or even more gold than other regions, and this extra gold becomes his profit.

In this way, he has one more stable profit channel than other money laundering merchants.

Smart, really smart.

"Then how did the Indian cheat you?"

"Indians mainly control the country's oil is the most powerful group of people in this country. Recently they have also begun to penetrate into the financial sector. The bank I acquired was originally a Dutch Human, but the Indian wanted to grab it too, so they quietly bought a share of a branch. When I bought that bank, the **** Dutchman didn’t tell me about it. The problem now is, Although I am the largest shareholder of the bank, I am not an absolute controlling shareholder. Indians have been pulling me back."

Speaking of this, Li Xingkai was very distressed, and Xiao Feng probably understood his situation.

"And some time ago, they also started to take some paragraphs, you know..."

"They sent someone to chase you?"

"Well, I rarely show up in Sunan. They can't find me. But they sent people to attack some of my gold shops and robbed me of a lot of money. Before Li Fei and the others were still there, I am naturally not afraid, but now? So I hope you can help me and solve those unnecessary troubles!"

Xiao Feng touched his chin: "No problem..."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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