My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 867: Unexpected visitor

Mrs. Lin is very talkative, and the price is not high, one million dollars, she is willing to sell the shop.

She really wants to go back to her hometown in Hainan as soon as possible. After all, her family is now an orphan and widow. It is too difficult to mix here without a man.

Her husband and son were gone, she didn't want her grandson to be in an accident.

Public security in Sunan is very chaotic now. It is no longer the simple country when they first came decades ago.

They smuggled out of the country 40 years ago, and then came to Sunanli. At that time, the folk customs here were still very simple and the local residents were also very friendly.

Twenty years ago, more and more people came from China to seek life in Sunan, more and more people were engaged in gold business, and the Chinese made more and more money, and the situation began to change gradually.

Those locals who were lazy and stupid began to jealous of the Chinese and moved their brains.

Stealing your shop or blocking the way to **** your gold jewelry are all trivial things.

Robbery of Chinese shops, kidnapping of Chinese bosses, such big cases happen from time to time. If you encounter such cases, even if you go to the police to report to the police, it will be useless in the end.

Those gangster policemen, not to mention being stupid, and deliberately procrastinating, anything secretly handed over to them can screw you up.

I can't solve the case in peacetime, but the fines are the same. Do you come to the Chinese neighborhood to find trouble, and you will be fined at every turn, which makes the Chinese boss angry.

In recent years, many Chinese on this street have chosen to leave.

Some went back to their home country for retirement, and some went to other South American countries to pan for gold.

And this time, she intends to return to the roots of Fallen Leaves. When she was a teenager, she drifted overseas with her family.

Fortunately, she made money in her early years and bought a lot of real estate in her hometown in Hainan. Coupled with the existing savings, she has no worries about food and clothing. Her only idea now is to return to China and raise her grandchildren healthy to grow up.

Xiao Feng also took a look at their inventory. In fact, it was just one or two catties of bulk goods and not very pure golden beans.

According to the current market conditions, it is worth tens of thousands of dollars. As for their property, it is even less worthy in Xiao Feng's view.

The only valuable thing in their gold shop is the license issued by the Sunanli government that allows them to engage in the gold industry and their family's network of relationships in the jungle.

Several important cities in Sunan are all concentrated in the Caribbean coastline, while the inner hinterland is almost all undeveloped virgin forests.

Those gold mining belts are all deep in the primeval forest and are controlled by the Brazilians.

Almost each of these Brazilian mine owners has a fixed transaction partner. There are many regular customers in the Lin family, and this is their most important asset.

Mrs. Lin meant that if Xiao Feng was willing to take over her shop, then she would be willing to join the line and call in and introduce to Xiao Feng the Brazilian mine owners whom her family trades frequently.

Xiao Feng laughed and talked about the bargaining at last, and the shop had sold for half a million US dollars.

Later, under the introduction of Li Xingkai, two other gold shops with a smaller scale were settled, and the total cost was about one million US dollars.

With this gold, it will be much more convenient for Xiao Feng to buy gold from another world in the future, and he is not afraid of people coming to investigate.

The most important thing is that with these gold shops, he can let Pablo set up funding channels in South America.

With the gold output here, there will be more ‘circulation’ and ‘in and out’ of funds in certain areas.

Things went smoothly, and three gold shops were settled in just one day, which was enough for Xiao Feng.

Back at the bank, Xiao Feng contacted Pablo and talked with him about this. Pablo, a cloning financial expert, was very satisfied with Xiao Feng's actions this time.

You know that he has taken over a lot of flour dealers' assets this time, and there are many plantations in these assets.

To be honest, because it is too easy to make money in the flour business, the flour traders have not taken care of their plantations very carefully, so their plantations are not very good.

Recently, with a team of agricultural experts, he took half of the more than 100 plantations they copied from Colombia.

However, a serious problem was discovered during this trip, that is, most of these plantations were not fully developed and utilized, and many of them were even semi-abandoned.

I have to say that these South Americans are far worse than the Chinese people who are full of agricultural skills.

If you want to plan and sort out all these plantations, then you need a lot of investment. According to the estimation of the agricultural team, each plantation needs to invest at least one million U.S. dollars.

More than one hundred plantations would cost more than one billion US dollars, which is not a big deal for Xiao Feng.

But the key is that the plantation needs to be continuously invested, especially those gardens that grow fruit trees, which have to be continuously invested for several years before they can be effective, and the costs involved are relatively high.

The other thing is to dispose of some of the flour trader’s assets. Those money also need a channel to be washed away. With these gold shops in the woods and areas, his capital chain and channels are much smoother.

With the gold in Sunan as collateral, he can easily get money from the bank, and then invert his left hand and right hand. After a few hands, all the ugly assets will appear in the sun. Up.

Pablo raised many plans with Xiao Feng on the phone, and Xiao Feng passed them directly. Pablo, an expert in finance, obviously knows better than him.

Pablo also said that he would immediately bring people over to take over the gold shop here and get in touch with the mine owners.

Just put down the phone, Li Xingkai came to his office: "Would you like to see a guy named Sunan?"

"Sunan? Who?"

"An American of Sunan Chinese descent."

"Or you should contact him first and see what he is coming from."


Li Xingkai nodded, and then walked out of the office.

Xiao Feng notified the security and helped him get the surveillance video from the conference room.

Soon he saw Li Xingkai's meeting with Na Sunan on the TV screen of the president's office. This guy whose name resembled the Chinese, but he was an out-and-out black.

But it can be seen that he is the kind of black who has a very good education, and he should come from an unusual family.

"Ha! Hello Mr. Li, this is my business card."

This guy was very enthusiastic, and as soon as he came up, he took out his business card and handed it to Li Xingkai.

Even though Li Xingkai is secretly a money laundering dealer, he is a banker on the surface, and he is quite famous in South America.

And he took a look at his business card, and he was taken aback: Chevron lives in the Sunan region president!

Huh! This title is not low!

He put his business card on the coffee table in front of him, and Xiao Feng also saw this guy's title clearly, and he also felt a bit of a heartbreak. Why did this guy come to the door?

Li Xingkai and Sunan exchanged greetings, and the secretary brought them coffee. After chatting for a while, Li Xingkai asked.

"Mr. Sunan, don't know what can I do for you?"

"Well, then I won't give up on the circle. I heard that Mr. Li, you recently contacted a partner. Our purpose is very simple. We want to get some hard currency through your partner."

A weird smile suddenly appeared on Sunan's face. Li Xingkai, who was on the opposite side, stiffened, and Xiao Feng, who was sitting in the office of the president, was also shocked.

U.S. people are so well informed? Know your identity so soon?

But after thinking about it again, it's relieved. This South American region can be said to be the back garden of the United States. He has made great efforts in the development of Tongguo and Chen Yonglu.

Then they instructed Li Yun and Li Zhen to seize power in Colombia and make such a big disturbance. How could the Americans not know?

So what does this guy want?

Li Xingkai was also very curious: "Mr. Sunan, what do you mean by hard currency?"

"It's Venezuela's oil!"


Li Xingkai was also confused after hearing this answer.

Even after listening to Xiao Feng, he was taken aback. This Sunan was really straightforward.

"This? Can you introduce me to..."

Li Xingkai felt dizzy in his head. It stands to reason that Americans are not short of oil?

Because of the maturity of shale oil extraction technology, the U.S. has become a major oil exporter by itself. But why should the South of Jiangsu find Xiao Feng for oil?

"Then I'll get to the point! In fact, we have invested in several refineries in Texas. In the past, these factories were specialized in processing heavy oil imported from Venezuela. But now because of national sanctions, we can’t deal with Since Venezuela does business, we can’t import Venezuela’s heavy oil, and these equipment will be left unused. This is a huge waste for the company..."

Li Xingkai may not understand yet, but Xiao Feng did.

It turned out that Chevron’s flesh hurts!

When I was planning to do Venezuelan oil business before, UU read www. He also investigated the history of Venezuela's oil.

When Venezuela discovered oil in the last century, Venezuela's oil quality was still very good, but at that time, almost all of their domestic oil exploration and refining were done by U.S. oil companies.

It was Mobil Corporation at first, and after Mobil was split up, almost all of the seven sisters who were split up did business in Venezuela.

Among them, the deepest deal was Texaco. Later, Texaco was annexed by California Petroleum, and then California Petroleum changed its name several times to become Chevron.

Chevron can be said to have always been the main oil exploration and refiner in South America, and the largest upstream distributor in South America.

Many countries’ oil is directly or indirectly provided by Chevron, such as the Sunanli, although their domestic oil is extracted and refined by the Sunanli National Oil Company.

In fact, Chevron is the major shareholder behind the Sunanli National Petroleum Corporation, because their oil extraction and refining, and even storage and transportation technologies are all provided by Chevron.

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