My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 871: The overall situation is set

Li Xingkai originally didn't want to come, but as the Li family, he has actually seen a lot of **** scenes.

But he had seen those, mostly fierce fights, fights, and fights, although sometimes white knives would go in and red knives would come out, but they rarely hurt their lives.

Of course, he has experienced a gun battle once or twice, and the dead have seen one or two, but this is the first time he has seen a scene like today's Shura field.

Although I have seen such scenes in war movies before, when you are on the scene, in such an environment, watching blood on the ground, the air is full of blood, and there are broken hands and feet everywhere. , And the internal organs of the human body.

He collapsed all at once. The cat went down and vomited for a long time. The food was vomited out all day, and in the end he even vomited bile.

And Albala on the other side was no better than him. Although he had seen more **** scenes, it was the first time that it was as tragic as today.

So Albala also vomited, but fortunately, he recovered much faster than Li Xingkai, and he vomited out in a while.

The reason why he adapts so quickly is also because of his hatred of Shah Rukh. He wants to torture him before this guy has died.

Under the leadership of his men, he soon came to Shah Rukh.

At this time, Shah Rukh had long lost the demeanor of a Brahmin noble. He leaned on a wooden box to linger, with a big hole in his stomach, and his internal organs had already flowed out.

After Albala saw Shahrukh, his eyes flashed.

"Thank God, you son of a **** is not dead yet? Haha, how are you now? Honorable Master Brahman, haha, you would never dream that one day you will die in one, who looks like a cockroach in your eyes. Is it in Dara's hand? Bastard!"

Albara's expression was a little hysterical. Think about his mother, who was slaughtered by these Brahmin nobles like a dog butcher during a conflict.

What is even more hateful is that those **** judges actually acquitted the Brahman.

So from then on, he hated all these **** nobles, wishing to kill them all one day.

Later, he slashed his enemies and fled from India to Sunan. He didn't expect that these **** Brahmins were still doing majestic blessings here, bastard.

Fortunately, today he finally killed this Shah Rukh.

At this time, Shah Rukh was already in shock due to excessive blood loss, but Albala still did not let him go, and rushed up and gave him a few big mouths.

"Asshole, you are not allowed to die, you are not allowed to die. I still have no news to tell you? Do you want to know where Jabbar is? Haha, do you think he is loyal to you? He is the same as me, he has been to you for a long time. The bitter hatred, today is the **** who deliberately introduced you into the ambush. And he is now in your house, enjoying your wife. As for your little cubs, don’t worry, I’ll be my boy. Cast them all and send them to Thailand to be shemales. Female, I will send them to the beef farm in Delhi..."

Perhaps it was the last few words that irritated Shah Rukh. The guy returned to his glory and sat up abruptly, reaching out to grab Albara's neckline.

But he was kicked to the chest by Albara, and finally fell to the ground and uttered a few unwillingly, and then suffocated.

The enemy finally belched, and Albara was revenge. He immediately turned around and came to Xiao Feng obediently: "Boss, everything is done."

Although he had discussed many things with Li Xingkai before, he knew that the person behind Li Xingkai was the real boss.

And the thunder method that Xiao Feng showed today is to make Albala's legs soft. Of course he knows what Xiao Feng meant by letting him look at the picture.

It is nothing more than to shock him. If one day he betrays Xiao Feng, then what is waiting for him will be today's end.

And this is also a show for Li Xingkai. Don't think that I admire you very much in the last few days, so you can lift your tail and do things for me.

If you have two hearts, then this is Harukh today, and you will end up tomorrow.

No matter how many security guards you hire, you can use each one. Take a look at Brian and their bravery. Do you think the bodyguards you hire can stop it?

Li Xingkai is a smart man, even Albara can understand Xiao Feng's intentions, let alone him.

Xiao Feng nodded: "Leave the rest to you, Shah Rukh's gas station, you send someone to take over, then someone will contact you. Don't overdo some things."

"I see, boss."

After talking, Xiao Feng turned and left, Li Xingkai and Brian hurriedly followed.

Albala is a smart man, he naturally knows what to do next.

All the gas stations in the country in Sunan are operated by the Pashal family. If all of them are suddenly replaced with Chinese faces, it will easily arouse the suspicion of others.

Therefore, it is appropriate to put Albara's people in the front. As long as the financial and supply channels are blocked, you are not afraid of this guy making a ghost.

And after today's scene, Xiao Feng believed that Albala didn't have the guts.

In addition, it is also useful to have a vicious dog like Albara. At present, the mainstream upper-class economy in the country in Sunan is mostly controlled by Indians.

With Albala, the shit-chucking stick, they can prevent them from twisting into a rope, and if there is any dirty work, they can also be dealt with by the people of Albala.

After all, the Chinese are law-abiding citizens. There are many bad things, but you can't let your compatriots come forward, just in case they are infamy.

The overall business situation in Sunan has been determined, and the rest will be handled by Li Xingkai and Albala.

And Xiao Feng returned to Colombia first, and at this time He Xiaojun, Zao had already brought his team to Colombia.

The main reason why He Xiaojun brought so many people here is because the rejuvenation series of health care products in the Ninth Laboratory are too popular.

The raw materials in the factory were already in short supply. This time I heard that Xiao Feng had set up a lot of farms in South America, so he led a team to take a look.

The health care products of the Ninth Lab mainly focus on rejuvenating health capsules. Recently, it has been too popular. Recently, the king of cars has gone from coma to sober, from paralysis to rebirth, and live advertising fermentation that can stand and walk. At first, it spread all over the country, and later it spread all over Asia, and now it has begun to enter the European and American markets in large numbers.

The rejuvenation series of health care products are more easily absorbed by the human body than other health care products because they are escorted by the K alpha active factor.

The health care effect is more immediate than other health care products, and it quickly gained the reputation of the brand, established the influence of the brand, and brought a hot sales frenzy.

Vitamin blend tablets under the Rejuvenation brand, VC, and even health products such as fish oil, allicin, anthocyanins, propolis, chondroitin, etc. are all following the big hits.

Even in many places, there are often out-of-stocks. Even the Haiwang pharmacy with Wan Gongzi has been very busy recently.

As a result, Mr. Wan had to speed up the speed of opening branches across the country. At the beginning, he planned to open 70 branches across the country this year, and these 70 branches will be completed in a year.

But as the rejuvenation series of health care products sell well, it has also driven the sales of other drugs in the Haiwang chain pharmacy.

Because they control several pharmaceutical factories, the prices of common medicines in their pharmacies are about 20% lower than those of other chains. This time, Neptunus pharmacies are also popular all over the branches, almost The construction was completed within a month, and with a big wave of his hand, Wan Gongzi directly opened another 80 stores, raising the number of pharmacies opened this year to 150.

And recently, Lord Wan called him frequently and kept asking him how well his new drug is being developed and when it will be launched.

There is also how well the testing machine he said is being developed, and how far the self-service medical examination concept has been completed.

Xiao Feng also took the trouble, and even hung up as soon as he saw this guy calling.

He Fangzhou and Jiang Gaofeng, the drugs they developed, are currently undergoing final clinical trials in India. Although the experimental progress is relatively fast there, it is only half a year old.

Whatever it takes, it takes a year before they dare to put the medicine out on the market. This is already the fastest speed.

This is still the case when they spend a lot of money, and launch hundreds of live test drugs at the same time every day.

Those big European and American pharmaceutical companies are not as crazy as they are. Those European and American pharmaceutical companies generally have to go through clinical trials for two to two and a half years, and only after a long period of time, even five years or so, will they launch new drugs Listed.

The speed and efficiency of He Xiaojun and Jiang Gaofeng's team are much better than those from European and American pharmaceutical companies.

Of course, it is mainly related to the two guys' eagerness to produce results.

Pulling away, back to He Xiaojun's side. He came to Colombia this time not only to inspect Xiao Feng's newly harvested plantation, but also to bring a team of more than one hundred people.

He has established the NJStar Agriculture Company on the Karapag Islands, and the farms and plantations of Pablo's newly established asset management company will belong to this company in the future.

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