My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 895: Pan American Agricultural Development Corporation

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And seeing that Xiao Feng took out these forage seeds and Wagyu JY, animal husbandry experts Antal and Yunduo were very happy.

"This is the seed of Yunduo No. 5! In order to cultivate this kind of Mu forage, I had to traverse several galaxies and searched hundreds of planets before cultivating this super forage!"

Yun Duo looked at the seeds of the pasture and said happily.

It turns out that this kind of pasture is not the kind of alfalfa on the earth that Xiao Feng understands, but the pasture carefully cultivated after clouds have traveled over a dozen planets.

It turned out that when Yunduo was working on the front line of animal husbandry in the early years, he discovered that alfalfa is indeed very suitable for high-nutrient feed.

But cattle and sheep cannot always take alfalfa as their staple food, because it is rich in daidzein. If you eat too much, cattle and sheep will have flatulence in their stomachs, and many of them will directly swell to death.

Moreover, although alfalfa is rich in crude protein, it is difficult for cattle and sheep to absorb too much.

Therefore, it can only be mixed with some other feeds to feed cattle and sheep, which greatly increases the cost of feeding.

There is also a bit of cattle and sheep who eat too much alfalfa, other grasses, and beans, and they will fart a lot.

But don't underestimate the fart of this animal. Australia is because of over-raising cattle and sheep in the past, so that there are too many cattle and too many cattle farts.

In the end, the fart of the cows actually smoked a hole in the sky above their heads and the ozone layer.

Australia has become a place with a high incidence of skin cancer. Since then, Australians have also begun to pay attention to controlling the number of cattle and sheep grazing.

It is precisely because all kinds of feed have certain defects that Yunduo has traveled across more than a dozen planets, using various special plants to hybridize, and cultivated this Yunduo No. 5 pasture.

Compared with ordinary alfalfa, this forage has countless advantages.

First of all, in terms of nutritional value, the protein content is extremely high, not only for cattle and sheep, but also for other farmed poultry and livestock, and even for humans.

In addition, this kind of cloud pasture is also very easy to raise. It does not pick water and soil, and it can be used on dry land or paddy field. Anyway, it has strong vitality and is extremely resistant to disease.

The cost of planting is very low!

And this forage is not only rich in plant protein, but also rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, from A to K, all of which are rich in machinery.

Listening to Yunduo's introduction, Xiao Feng was shocked. Then, can this crop be used as the vitamin extract of their health care product factory?

Wouldn't it be possible to greatly reduce the cost of their health care products factory?

"of course can!"

Yun Duo gave an affirmative answer decisively, and Xiao Feng was very happy when he heard it.

This has found another way to make money!

He used this kind of forage as a simple fodder before, but now it seems that Yunduo No.5 has a great effect.

"Then you have to keep the seeds, and don't let others steal them easily."

Xiao Feng suddenly remembered the importance of this forage seed.

How can DuPont, Syngenta, Bayer and Monsanto dominate the agricultural sector these days?

Isn't it the good crop seeds they cultivated? But these people also have tricks, as long as you don't buy their seeds for a year.

In the next year, the seeds you smashed from their crops will degrade, and the yield per mu and the resistance to diseases and insect pests will be greatly degraded.

So farmers have to spend money to buy seeds from them every year.

Taking into account the extremely high economic value of this crop, Xiao Feng naturally would not let this kind of child spread out in vain.

After all, this will only make the world's major animal husbandry countries cheaper, such as the United States, Australia, and even South American countries.

And among these countries, South America, other countries such as the United States, Australia, and Canada, seem to be very few against China.

Especially in Australia and Canada, there has been an anti-China vanguard momentum in recent years.

Every year, he would do a lot of nasty things, filling our country with disgust, Xiao Feng naturally didn't want to make them cheap.

And here, Yun Duo smiled and charged Xiao Feng with an OK gesture.

"Don't worry, boss, no one can take advantage of us. As long as I make some genetic editing for these pastures, others can't steal it even if they want to steal it, even if it is stolen, hey, they will only taste serious consequences. "

Xiao Feng smiled and nodded: "That's right! This Yunduo No. 5 pasture, I think it is very good, you should do a good job in agriculture."

Yun Duo nodded with a smile, and then Xiao Feng turned his attention to Antar's side.

"This frozen cow JY can be used, right?"

This time, the Niu JY that Xiao Feng brought back from another world was actually what Antal ordered him to do.

Like the pastures of clouds, this bison growing in another world is actually a new breed of beef cattle that Antar has traveled to more than a dozen galaxies, looking for all kinds of beef cattle and creatures, and bred after crossbreeding.

This Antal No. 3 beef cattle has a docile temperament and a large amount of meat. The most important thing is that the meat is delicious. It has always been the main ingredient in the fast-food restaurant made by the famous chef Xiao Feng.

But considering that the company is now getting bigger, there are a lot of eyes staring at him, he doesn't dare to use outsider beef too blatantly.

Now it is also starting to purchase some beef externally, which is mixed into the restaurant's supply.

But this will only increase costs in the long run.

There used to be no breeding bases, but now there are islands in the Karapag area, enough for Xiao Feng to engage in island breeding.

It's also time to bring the cattle from the outside world to raise, but it can't be done blatantly.

After all, the bulls in other worlds are twice as big as their cousins ​​on Earth. If such a behemoth is created, it will definitely attract unnecessary attention.

So Xiao Feng wondered, let Antar step by step and get some good breeds of cattle out.

And this task is a piece of cake for Antar.

"You can rest assured, boss, with the cooperation of Yunduo No. 5 pasture. In a few years, the good breed cattle can be freely listed. When the time comes, you definitely don't have to worry about the meat yield. At least it is now in Antar. It’s 1.5 times that of beef cattle, and the quality is nothing to say."

"Okay, very good. With you, my agricultural company will soon be on the right track."

Several major grain merchants in the world can make a lot of money every year just by buying seed pesticides, and Xiao Feng will naturally not let them be more beautiful than before.

So recently, he has registered a Pan American Agricultural Development Company in the Ithaca area.

When these new varieties are successively listed, his Pan-American Agricultural Development Company can take the stage.

"By the way, those horses will be handed over to you, JY, you have to train me a batch of excellent horses as soon as possible, I am useful!"

Xiao Feng said to Antar, and Antar nodded confidently.

"Don't worry, boss, this horse is also a breed I carefully bred."

It turned out that when he was in another world, Xiao Feng had a very good impression of the war horses in the other world.

Almost all of those tall horses can be used as heavy cavalry vehicles.

Moreover, he had been dealing with war horses from other worlds for a long time, and Xiao Feng discovered that these war horses were not only tall, but also fast and had good endurance.

It's simply a collection of many excellent war horses!

On the earth, such excellent war horses are very rare.

The Mongolian horse has good endurance, but its short stature is not suitable for heavy cavalry.

Arabian horses are tall and handsome, powerful and fast, but they have no endurance.

The Don Horse can be regarded as a military horse with relatively good overall quality, with good speed and endurance, but if it is used as a heavy cavalry horse, its load-bearing capacity is not enough.

But the kind of warhorse found in another world is just a collection of the advantages of hitting the warhorse.

The horse is tall and handsome, with strong load-bearing ability, explosive power, and particularly good endurance.

The most important thing is that this kind of war horse is also very easy to feed. I don't want Arabian horses to be so squeamish. They can run far away with a little bit of food, and they are not picky about food.

Cold-resistant, heat-resistant, and highly adaptable to the environment.

After understanding the advantages of these horses, Xiao Feng almost fainted. Isn't this horse too perfect?

But at that time, his career had just started, and there was no suitable talent under his hand, so he didn't dare to easily get the horse breed over.

But now his business has a solid foundation, coupled with the basics of the Karapag Islands, and experts like clones who don't have to worry about leaks.

Now Xiao Feng can confidently bring the horse breed over!

In the current world, although war horses have long since retired from the military sequence, those world powers still have a large number of horses.

The United States is the world's number one horse-raising country, and the horses they raise are mainly used to participate in various races.

There are more than 10 million horses in the United States alone, and more than 5 million people have participated in the horse industry in various capacities.

The horse industry alone provides GDP to the US government in excess of 50 billion U.S. dollars each year, and directly provides millions of jobs.

Australia is the world's number one horse racing country. There are more than 300 racecourses in the country alone. Every year, there are more than 500 races of various horse races. On average, there will be one race every day.

In Europe, the United Kingdom and France are also not to mention The history of horse racing in the UK has more than 300 years, and horse racing is now the second largest sport in the UK after football.

There are 270 racecourses in France alone, second only to Australia. They are the world's second largest horse racing country.

As for our neighbors, Japan and South Korea, who are engaged in horse-related industries, their output value is also amazing.

The foot pot has always been the most sold lottery ticket for horse racing, and the horse race gamblers of the foot pot are well-known all over the world.

For example, in the economic downturn in 2006, the betting volume of the foot horse fans was as high as 31 billion U.S. dollars, twice that of the United States...

The Southern Dynasty is also a late-developing country in the horse racing industry. After the ban was imposed in 1981, the horse racing industry in the Southern Dynasty is booming. Now every horse racing lottery is bought and flying, which is not much worse than that of neighboring countries.

How could Xiao Feng miss such a big piece of cake?

So he was ready to enter this market long ago, and with the horse breeds brought back from the outside world, I believe that Antar will soon be able to breed a batch of invincible fast horses, and then it will be time for him to reap wildly.

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