My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 903: Juice and coffee

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This is a very good business, and once it becomes popular, he plans to separate the beverage department.

This drink is a big business, and it is very profitable.

Every year, beverage giants like Coca-Cola make billions of money from China, and the unit is still US dollars.

And Xiao Feng does not intend to get involved in the carbonated beverage business, because as Chinese people pay more and more attention to health, carbonated beverages are destined to decline.

As consumption upgrades, juice, milk tea, and coffee are destined to become consumers' new favorites.

In this regard, just by looking at Nestlé’s annual turnover of 47 billion from China, we can see how profitable the beverage industry is.

When Xiao Feng worked in the food import and export industry in Beijing, he knew the situation of this industry.

Especially in the juice industry, the profits are very considerable.

There are a few concentrated fruit juice companies in China that produce concentrated fruit juices in large quantities, and then export them to foreign countries.

But in fact, what you make is hard money, and all the real money is made by foreigners.

If it were not for the domestic export tax rebate and import protection mechanism, these domestic juice beverage companies would have been shocked to death by their foreign counterparts a long time ago.

Speaking of foreign juice, if it is produced in large quantities, the cost is really much lower than ours.

Nearly there are South Vietnam, Thailand and other countries, the climate conditions are very suitable for growing fruits, and their juice costs are particularly low.

Most of the 100% pure fruit juice drinks bought in foreign supermarkets are not expensive.

And that kind of mixed juice is even cheaper. You can buy a large bucket of 2.5L for two or three yuan.

On the other hand, in our country, the chaos of juice drinks is really exhausted.

For example, peach juice, pear juice, and other beverages that are more than three dollars are bought on the market.

This kind of drink is the same as our domestic sausages. It is estimated that 5% of the domestic sausages in 100 kri are meat, and the rest is a mixture of starch and flavor.

The same is true for fruit juice drinks. A bottle of beverage contains 5% juice, and the rest is a mixture of water, flavors, and sodium cyclamate.

The real 100% pure juice is also a concentrated juice rejuvenation, and it contains more water than similar foreign products.

You only need to sell a certain source of apple juice and compare it with imported apple juice.

The taste is even worse when it tastes.

Generally, pure apple juice from abroad has a stronger fragrance, sweeter taste, and obviously less water.

And the apple juice from a source, hehe, is almost the same as water.

But even so, a source of 100% juice products can be regarded as conscience products in the domestic industry.

As for the juices launched by other beverage companies, really, everyone can stop drinking as much as possible.

If you want to drink, choose 100% juice as much as possible.

I would rather spend more money to ensure my own health.

When Xiao Feng was in the food import and export business, he knew how profitable the juice beverage industry was.

For example, the cost of a bottle of the so-called "juice drink" that is sold for three or five yuan on the market is less than one tenth of the price.

However, in recent years, they have licked their faces and increased their prices, especially those two Wanwan companies that started as instant noodles.

As early as more than ten years ago, these two companies also started to make beverages, and their beverages are the most typical representatives of flavor mixed water.

Every year they kill countless people, but they make this money while returning to Wanwan to support...

And a source of juice, is also a company that makes Xiao Feng feel speechless.

Originally, I did a good job, and I have achieved the status of the industry's first brother in China.

It's a pity that he did it by himself and didn't want to work in a field he was familiar with. Instead, he believed in the evil of some successful masters.

What diversified operations are going on today, and what will be spreading risks tomorrow

To put it bluntly, the money is made too easy, too fast, too much, and then lost.

This is also a common problem for most companies in China. They caught a ride in the country and made a lot of money at once, and then they lost their lives.

Thinking that money was earned by his own ingenuity, he didn't know that he was just standing on the wind.

Then when they started to think seriously about how to continue to run the business, the business was naturally destroyed by them.

There are simply too many such examples.

This source is typical.

Founded in 1992 and spent 70 million in 1996 to buy CCTV’s five-second advertisement, it became a hit and became a well-known high-end juice drink in China.

It became the pinnacle of the company when it went public in Hong Kong in 2007.

After too much money, the helm of the company began to float.

It’s a pre-prepared cocktail, and it’s also a quick-frozen dumpling. Anyway, I didn’t think about it and continued to work hard in the field I’m best at.

I have never thought about the fact that beverages have low profit margins. Is it possible to use the money from the stock market to study the Tetra Pak pillow technology used in the packaging box.

To know that the carton packaging they use, they also have to pay a lot of patent fees to the Swedes.

Anyway, after a few years of tossing down, all the money made in the previous years was accompanied by all the money, and the company is almost tossed.

Now Xiao Feng intends to enter the domestic beverage industry. On the one hand, it is because of the discomfort of the two Gulf companies. On the other hand, he also hopes to set a new benchmark in the domestic beverage industry.

And the beverage industry is a big industry he values.

With so many plantations in South America, he produces countless juices every year.

When he went to check on those orchards before, what he saw could only be described in one sentence. The waste of those guys was amazing!

For example, there are apples and oranges on the tree. Sometimes there are too many oranges, and the locals are tired of eating them, and they can't buy them at the market.

So the people in the orchard simply let the fruit rot on the tree.

Even some fruits that have been pecked by birds, and some fruits that have been bitten by insects, simply pluck them and throw them away.

Some fruits with bad appearance, let alone throw them away.

And if this is in China, these fruits will all be picked and sent for juicing.

Even if it is dropped on the ground, it must be picked up and sent to be juiced. It is really not a single cent to be wasted.

So Xiao Feng plans to make full use of those plantations.

Some vegetables, melons and fruits can be used for the ninth laboratory to make essence extracts.

Others are simply used to squeeze the juice. Anyway, they can not be bought at the local supermarket or in the market.

The cost of those concentrated fruit juices, even if they are shipped to China, is lower than that in China.

In the past two years, domestic labor costs and other costs have risen too sharply, and many products have no price advantage in the world.

On the other hand, in the more than 100 plantations he acquired in Colombia, more than 20 of them are still coffee plantations.

Colombian coffee is very famous.

A certain Buck in the United States and Nestlé purchase large amounts of coffee beans from Colombia every year.

However, after understanding the price they gave, Xiao Feng couldn't help but curse, really black.

Anyway, the profits were all made by them.

But this time Xiao Feng had an idea, that is, in China, he also wants to build a chain coffee shop like a certain Buck.

Think of a certain Buck, this company in China is not only a profiteering machine, but also an IQ harvester.

They buy a cup of coffee for 3.8 dollars in London, and 4.8 dollars for a cup in China.

Their prices in China are the highest in their global chain stores, even 26% higher than those in Hong Kong and Tokyo.

But even so, many domestic criminals who pretend to be B, still like to be taken advantage of.

It's like drinking a cup of coffee for thirty or forty yuan can make them a little more expensive.

This situation is exactly the same as Pizza Hut. It is an ordinary fast food restaurant abroad, but when it comes to China, it has become a high-end restaurant.

Of course, this is also related to the Chinese people's Chongyang mentality!

Until recently, a certain Xing coffee came out, it was a B that beat a certain Buck, and B, who has always been high on the top, was not discounted. This time, I couldn’t hold it anymore.

Since last year, various discount promotion methods have been frequently launched.

This allowed Xiao Feng to see that there was a complete opportunity to take advantage of it.

Of course, Xingxing Coffee is not a good product. It was put up a while ago. UU reading broke out a scandal about drumming and spreading flowers.

The boss came up with various subsidies, promoted coffee, and then was exposed to financial fraud and other news, causing the stock price to plummet.

Many people say that this boss has a history before, and he is not a business man at all, but a capital player who sees the right time, hype a certain business, and then cashes out on the market.

But anyway, he went to the U.S. to cash out and harvested foreign leeks, so Xiao Feng felt that others were not bad.

Of course, if you can make a good coffee, it is naturally the best.

In fact, the quality of Moxing coffee is not bad, and the price is not expensive, no matter how you say it, it must have benefited Chinese consumers.

Just at the point that he had been messing up with a certain Buck, who had always been aloof, Xiao Feng felt that Mouxing Coffee was very good.

With the coffee beans from Colombia in South America, he feels that he also has the capital to play this industry in China.

What's more, he can get a lot of more delicious coffee beans from other worlds?

The last time he went to another world, he brought a lot of tea and coffee seeds to the other world, and people began to plant these crops in large quantities.

Moreover, there is a large amount of juice produced every day in the alien world, and the Ministry of Agriculture led by the dark wizard Majes is not eating dry food.

At that time, juice, tea, and coffee from other worlds, mixed with juice, coffee, and tea from South America, will be re-exported to China.

The cost of his beverage empire naturally came down, and when the cost came down, he would continue to purchase a large number of farms in South America...

The ranch in Argentina, the orchard in Uruguay, these are world-famous.

As long as this chain runs smoothly, his agricultural empire will be complete with one piece of territory.

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