My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 913: Accidental push

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On the other hand, Miss Dong of Midea, who is committed to technological investment and research and development, took the lead in breaking through the technology of air-conditioning compressors.

Then other people's enterprises became the domestic first brothers, and even went overseas.

Although it will also be affected by the economic cycle, it is a company that masters core technology.

Even if it will be affected, it will not be as big as a real estate company, and it will not fall so easily.

This is Xiao Feng's favorite company and the company he most hopes to see.

And he intends to make He Fangzhou a banner figure and the ninth laboratory to become a benchmark.

It is to let more companies until, if you want to become bigger and stronger, then you have to be willing to invest in high research and development.

Compared with some mobile phone companies, the annual profit is tens of billions.

As a result, R&D only invested 300 million yuan, but advertising and publicity spent more than 5 billion yuan. Such a company, even if it is blaring.

Xiao Feng would not buy his mobile phone either.

Such a company is another Lenovo.

"Give He Fangzhou more funds so that they can produce results as soon as possible. In addition, once the product is on the market, we will contact some media and give him a hype."

He Xiaojun naturally understood what Xiao Feng meant, and he smiled.

"There is no need for us to hype him. Just wait. Once his results are on the market. The media will definitely ask him to help him hype."

"Oh why?"

"Because, he is too topical! He used to think that he was involved in gene editing, and he became a notorious crossing mouse in the scientific world. Now he has turned over magically and developed a medicine that can cure heart disease. Then an artificial heart can be cultivated. I told you that these two items, any of them, are enough to make his name go down in history."

When He Xiaojun talked about this He Fangzhou, he also felt that this guy did have two brushes.

"The most important thing is what he has developed. It is really something that can make our Chinese medical community proud."

Xiao Feng nodded after listening.

"By the way, what about Jiang Gaofeng? How about his research?"

"Haha, he used our small-molecule collagen to synthesize gamma globulin and human albumin, both of which have been very successful. The clinical trials conducted in India have achieved surprisingly good results. They have basically been finalized."

"Oh? Is it sent for trial?"

"Well, they have been sent for review, and the domestic ones have also been sent. The US has also sent them, and the US Food and Drug Administration has approved them."

"What? So fast?"

Xiao Feng was shocked when he heard it. He had heard of the speed of the Food and Drug Administration in the United States.

A new drug is on the market. With their style and speed, you don't want to pass it easily if you don't judge you for three to five years.

Of course, if you are a big company like Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson, that's another matter.

Maybe within three to five months, the approval will be obtained.

But he did not expect that the nutrient alternatives studied by Jiang Fengfeng would pass the trial so soon.

"Haha, because the Americans are most afraid of death! The two nutritional medicines studied by Gaofeng Jiang are the most urgently needed life-saving drugs for Americans! That gamma globulin, and human albumin, are hundreds of thousands in our country. A bottle. It’s not cheap in the United States. A bottle costs hundreds of dollars. You said that with such a cheap alternative, will they pass the review quickly?"

"Ha, it really makes sense. But does the U.S. Food and Drug Administration really care about their citizens so much?"

Xiao Feng still has some understanding of the style of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"Furthermore, we launched these two products, but they will grab the market from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson. Will they let us pass the review so easily?"

In the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, there will naturally be eyeliners inserted by the large U.S. pharmaceutical companies.

Even some people are their representatives.

This kind of gamma globulin, and a substitute for human albumin, will steal their own business.

"Haha, they are definitely not willing to make our products so easy to pass the review. But insurance companies will! Do you think those insurance companies are vegetarian? That group of pharmaceutical companies make the price of medicines so high. Naturally these insurance companies are not happy. They will naturally push these new alternative drugs on the market."

"Haha, don't you say that I really forgot about these guys."

Speaking of the U.S. medical system, this insurance company is an important participant.

U.S. hospitals generally only have the right to write prescriptions, and patients can only buy medicines at pharmacies.

Naturally, major pharmaceutical companies will have public relations doctors to prescribe more of their own medicines when prescribing them.

However, no matter how many patients are, as long as the medicine is effective, you are not afraid of having insurance anyway. In the end, the insurance company will pay for it.

In this way, the medical expenses paid by insurance companies are sky-high every year.

And insurance companies naturally hate those expensive drugs.

As for cheap alternative medicines abroad, they naturally welcome them with their hands and feet.

Although they cannot go to a public relations doctor like a pharmaceutical company, they will specify in detail in the insurance clause.

If the doctor does not prescribe this effective alternative when prescribing the medicine, then they will not be reimbursed.

So this is equivalent to indirect replacement, the ninth laboratory's drugs opened up the market.

Those insurance companies in the United States have actually become unexpected boosters, which Xiao Feng hadn't expected before.

"It seems that we are really grateful to these insurance companies."

"Who said no!"

He Xiaojun replied with a smile.

"What about the domestic side?"

"Here, you can rest assured to let me handle it. Domestic insurance companies are naturally the most enthusiastic about this aspect. Especially a few people helped introduce people from the social security department. And they took the lead and introduced me to know Several leaders who are responsible for approving and approving them naturally welcome our new drugs."

He Xiaojun said that, Xiao Feng naturally understood.

Now gamma globulin and human albumin, such drugs are all high-level nutritional drugs.

Taking gamma globulin as an example, drugs urgently needed by severely ill patients can effectively improve immunity and can even be said to be a life-saving medicine for many severely ill patients.

One price ranges from 400 to 600 yuan.

Usually used in hospitals, and many patients still have social insurance and commercial insurance.

Once medical treatment is needed, social security or commercial insurance will pay for it in the end.

Now there are artificial gamma globulin and alternatives to human albumin. These insurance companies and the Social Security Bureau naturally hope that this drug will be approved and listed as soon as possible.

"With their help, don't worry, Mr. Xiao, I expect to pass the trial in China in one or two months."

"Well, you can do it without worry. When it is time to be generous, you must be generous. As long as it is not about shares or other issues, money is not a big deal."

Xiao Feng smiled and said to He Xiaojun, how could it not be...

"Don't worry, just leave it to me, you don't have to worry about it."

Xiao Feng patted He Xiaojun on the shoulder: "Thank you then."

After arranging things on the island, Xiao Feng flew directly back to the celebrity chef manufacturing headquarters.

After all, there are still a lot of things here, waiting for him to deal with.

The helicopter stopped upstairs in the headquarters. It was already afternoon.

Before he came back, he had already notified Zhu Ziqi to prepare dinner for the two of them to eat together tonight.

But when he returned to his mansion in the sky, he saw Wan Gongzi sitting in the living room, playing darts boringly.

Zhu Ziqi on the other side rolled her eyes while preparing dinner.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the light bulb that Wan Gongzi suddenly shot out.

"You guy, just called you, why can't you get through?"

"I'm on the plane. It's you. I called you so many calls before, why didn't you answer?"

"Hey! Don't mention it, I was also on the plane. In the last few days, it's really... hard to say!"

Although Zhu Ziqi was a little dissatisfied with the uninvited Wan Gongzi, she also knew the priorities.

Very well-behaved, prepared dinner for the two of them, and then went upstairs, she knew they had something to discuss.

"You girl, really good."

Lord Wan looked at Xiao Feng enviously, and Xiao Feng rolled his eyes.

"If you want to, you can have it in minutes."

"Haha, forget it, I'm destined to be a prodigal son who will pass by Wan Shu, a leafless prodigal."

This guy is a famous playboy, and on average he changes his girlfriend in a few months.

Xiao Feng didn't answer his words, and took out the Dynasty series fruit wine.

Unexpectedly, this guy took out a bottle of Moutai: "Today with me, I am depressed today, I just want to drink some spirits."

He poured a cup for Xiao Feng and himself, and didn't wait for Xiao Feng to speak, he got bored.

"Stop, let's slow down, or tell me, what's the matter with you?"

"Hey! Don't mention how depressed you are, this time you guys have been put on one."

"Oh? What's the matter? Didn't I open a club in Jingcheng and Puhai before? I didn't know that the grandson reported it to me. After being investigated, I went out and hid for two days, otherwise I guess I have to go in. In fact, we are not afraid to go in. The key is that we can't afford to lose that person. As you know, countless people are waiting to see my jokes now..."

As he said, Lord Wan looked up and bored another glass of wine.

Xiao Feng was not dissuading him but he immediately felt that this matter was not that simple.

Who is Wan Gongzi? Their family can be regarded as China's top giants anyway.

It stands to reason that there are people covering it, so why would someone want to check his clubhouse?

In fact, the clubhouse is the most unavoidable thing to check. If you check it carefully, you will definitely be able to find out something.

Even if it doesn't involve men and women, accounting and cargo issues, it's easy to get into trouble.

It seems that this time Lord Wan was hit by seven inches.

And with his status, there will be no less enemies in the circle.

Once he enters, it will be impossible for those people not to fall into trouble.

Even if Ten Thousand Young Masters can come out unscathed in the end, their reputation will be stinky by those people.

It's no wonder that Lord Wan would be so depressed.

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