My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 934: Super profit bursting point

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Qinglang Eye Drops is not only in the area of ​​Bencheng.

Instead, it quickly burned the fire across the country.

After all, such a useful thing cannot be concealed in the Internet age.

And one of the main reasons is that Sunshine Hospital has medical and aesthetic consumers from all over the country.

The current Sunshine Hospital is well-known throughout the country.

Of course, it is definitely incomparable with the four famous courtyards of Beixiehe, Nanxiangya, Xihuaxi, and Dongqilu.

But in some specific professions in China, that status is No.1.

For example, in the field of burns, scalds and medical aesthetics.

The current Sunshine Hospital is the number one in China.

Although it is not a public tertiary hospital, its status in the hearts of burn patients in China is also quite high.

Even in many public tertiary hospitals, when there are patients with burns and scalds that cannot be dealt with.

It will also directly recommend patients to Sunshine Hospital for treatment.

Not to mention the medical aesthetics specialty.

Especially after Na Tian Zhenzhen broadcasted the whole process of her treatment at Sunshine Burns Hospital.

This hospital directly established the position of leader in the domestic medical and aesthetic circles!

Even the public plastic surgery hospitals that are well-known in the country do not have their authority.

Because in the field of medical aesthetics, many new technologies and new materials are their leading edge.

Even in the world, the medical aesthetics department of Sunshine Hospital is very famous.

Recently, many foreign consumers have come here especially.

It is precisely because of such a plentiful source of disease that when Sunshine Hospital once again launched a clear eye drops.

The benefits of this product soon followed these consumers and spread throughout the country and even the world.

Qinglang Eye Drops has only been popular in the Bencheng area for only a week, and the fame quickly spread across the country.

For a time, the customer service calls of Sunshine Hospital were blown up by consumers all over the country.

China itself is a big country with myopia, 600 million people in the country are short-sighted.

Because of the deformed education system, the current education system is still producing myopia every year.

Plus the myopia patients from other countries all over the world.

There are more than one billion patients with myopia, presbyopia and other ophthalmic diseases in the world.

And in the past, this kind of ophthalmology problem.

The medical profession has never had any good solutions.

Glaucoma and cataracts are easy to manage and can be treated by surgery.

But what do you do with myopia and astigmatism?

Although it is now possible to treat myopia through surgery.

But in fact, the results of surgery are not very good.

And it will be accompanied by side effects such as a high risk of retinal detachment and recurrence of myopia.

So many people would rather wear glasses than go for myopia surgery.

There are also many other problems with myopia.

First of all, if you wear it for a long time, your eyes will be deformed.

And wearing glasses will greatly affect the appearance.

If you take it for a long time, the bridge of your nose will be stamped.

In the winter, there are still breathing problems, and the lenses will wear out.

These are the main problems faced by patients with myopia.

And now suddenly there is such a product as Qinglang Eye Drops.

After dripping into the eyes, this nano-robot will naturally form a thin film in front of the eyeballs.

And this layer of film plays the role of liquid contact lenses.

After a period of use, it will automatically degrade.

Not only will it not hurt the eyes, but it can also protect the eyes.

Such a miraculous product has been launched, how can it not quickly become popular in the audience?

So soon, the Ben Thanh area was the first to go crazy.

Hundreds of schools, large and small, in the Bincheng area have all issued invitations to Sunshine Hospital.

Invite them to go to school to check the eyesight of the students.

In fact, this is helping them open up the market in disguise.

In the current school, since junior high, how many students are not short-sighted?

In high school, the myopia rate of students is as high as 95%.

So it goes without saying how big this market is.

Now Guan Zhenhai is crazy.

Every day, a small group of doctors will go to various schools to check the eyesight of the students.

In fact, it is the first refraction, and then according to the degree of myopia.

Prepare eye drops suitable for different degrees of myopia and distribute trial kits to students. ,

Once the students use it, they can immediately realize the benefits of this eye drops.

I will come to the hospital to buy it later.

Sunshine Hospital, just sit at home and count the money.

As for the foreign market, Guan Zhenhai has also formulated a preliminary sales plan.

That is, after the locally recruited doctors are trained to mature hands, they are sent to branch hospitals across the country.

At present, they have more than 20 branches in major cities across the country.

At present, only burns and scalds department and primary medical aesthetics department have been opened.

After these doctors are dispatched, an ophthalmology department will be established quickly.

Through those branches, and these doctors, to complete the downward penetration of the market.

"With this product as a primer, I expect our Sunshine Hospital's turnover this year will at least triple to more than 20 billion!"

When Guan Zhenhai said these words, it can be said that he was full of confidence.

And this data, he still conservatively estimated.

I didn't dare to let it go. In fact, according to his bold estimate, it is possible for the revenue of Sunshine Hospital to increase tenfold this year.

This clear and bright eye drops is their super profit bursting point for explosive growth this year.

But he didn't dare to say too much.

It's still a little safer to say that three times are safer.

This year's market development can cover one hundred million myopia patients.

With 100 million patients as the base, at least it can bring tens of billions of income to Sunshine Hospital.

Xiao Feng nodded after listening.

"How is the dentistry?"

"Ha, Dr. Masari is training our doctors. After all, they are bringing new therapies and using new drugs."

Guan Zhenhai said to Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng nodded. The popularization of new dental technology must be slower.

After all, compared with the 600 million myopia in China, it seems that there are not so many patients with dental diseases in China.

But in fact, it is true that the number of patients with dental diseases in China is actually no less than myopia.

Even more than myopia patients.

In fact, dental diseases have not been paid much attention in the country before.

Many people think that as long as I brush my teeth daily, there will be no dental problems.

As everyone knows, brushing your teeth does not completely remove bacteria from your teeth.

Moreover, many people brush their teeth incorrectly. In terms of dental common sense, the current domestic popularization is not quite enough.

For example, to brush your teeth at an angle of forty-five degrees, you must not only brush your teeth, but also brush your gums.

Try to use a small toothbrush when brushing your teeth, and brush your teeth for at least three minutes each time.

In order to effectively ensure oral cleanliness.

And to achieve dental health, there is a very key point, that is to get used to using dental floss.

This common sense is unknown to many people in China.

Using dental floss can better remove food residues in the gaps between teeth and clean up dental plaque.

Many people in China brush their teeth twice every morning and evening.

But each time brushing for less than one minute is over. It's not so much brushing your teeth, it's more like washing your mouth.

So maybe by the age of 20 or 30, there is nothing wrong with the teeth.

But after the age of forty or fifty, dental problems will gradually appear.

In this regard, our neighbors, Japan and South Korea, are doing very well.

They have taught children common sense about dental health since they were young.

How to brush your teeth is even more meticulous.

Not only are they required to brush their teeth in the morning and evening, they even ask the children to brush their teeth after every meal.

One is to keep the teeth clean, and the other is to ensure that the mouth is free of food odors.

Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, it is indeed very good to ensure the health of the teeth.

In this regard, we have not yet done so.

Therefore, the number of dental patients in our country is increasing sharply every year.

With the improvement of people's quality of life, more and more people begin to pay more attention to oral health.

This has resulted in more and more patients seeking medical advice from various dental clinics and hospitals in China every year.

But this time two cloning experts came back from the Karapag Islands.

However, the newly recruited dentists from Sunshine Hospital have brought brand new ideas for dental treatment.

At present, more than 80% of the patients who come to the dentistry for consultation, UU reading www.uukā all have pulpitis problems.

To put it bluntly, it is decayed tooth decay, causing the teeth to rot.

Dental nerve leakage infection, then swelling and pain.

The current dentistry community is concerned about this disease.

Basically, root canal treatment is used.

To put it bluntly, it is to drill a hole, put medicine on it, and kill the nerve.

After a few days, the dead pulp is removed, and then medicine is put in to block the root canal.

After that, the hole was plugged and the braces were made.

The new method that Massari brought back was to open the crown.

Put medicine, but not to kill the pulp, but to reduce inflammation of the pulp.

After that, it is enough to make a crown.

Compared with the traditional root canal treatment method, a set of procedures saves three weeks of time.

It also preserves the nerves of the teeth, allowing the teeth to live longer.

This therapy has just started to go online and has not yet been fully promoted.

"...But once it is promoted, I believe it will be our Sunshine Hospital, a new profit growth point. There are more dental patients in my country because of our large population. In Europe and America, they are because they eat too many sweets. , And because of their sweet habit, where will be our main market in the future..."

Guan Zhenhai smiled and predicted the future market prospects.

Xiao Feng also nodded in agreement.

He feels that Guan Zhenhai's analysis is correct. The future European and American markets will be the focus of their dental development.

At that time, there is no need for technical training, just buy their special anti-inflammatory drugs for gums.

This medicine is the key to their new treatment, and it is currently unique to their family in the world, and there is no semicolon!

If you want to treat your teeth to reduce pain, then just pay for it!

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