My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 937: Scorpion Baba alone 1 serving

I have opened a new book "I Have a Treasure Map". I kindly ask book friends who like black technology and double-wear texts to collect, recommend, and leave a message! Ants kowtow!


"Yeah! That's okay!"

This thing can actually identify the gender of a person?

Guan Zhenhai turned his head and glanced at Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng nodded at him with a smile.

Then there was a camera on the top of the screen, which shot a red light and began to scan his face.

At the same time, it was accompanied by electronic sound prompts to signal his eyeballs to cooperate in various actions.

After a while, the diagnosis of his eyeballs appeared on the screen.

The degree of myopia, whether there is astigmatism, etc. are all displayed on the screen.

And the accuracy is actually quite high, which shocked Guan Zhenhai.

At present, optometry in hospitals requires the use of special equipment and then special instructions by doctors.

But now he just stood in front of a machine and followed the instructions of the electronic sound to complete the process that used to require the guidance of a specialized doctor.

This is really incredible.

The most important thing is that the accuracy of the inspection is quite high.

After that, he scanned the palmprint on the palmprint lock at the door, and then the door opened and he was invited into the cabin by the electronic sound.

As soon as I entered, the electronic door closed.

It seems that this only detection cabin is quite privacy-conscious, and only one person is allowed to enter at a time.

"Welcome to use Tianyan self-service physical examination and testing equipment, please press 1 in Mandarin, and press..."

"Customer Instructions... During the testing period, please strictly follow the system prompts, your every move will be recorded..."

"During this period, there must be no threats to destroy equipment. Otherwise, the system can lock the cabin, select the alarm, and make appropriate uniform actions to avoid unnecessary property damage..."

Listening to a series of electronic notification tones, and introduction to the purpose.

Guan Zhenhai has been dumbfounded, fucking, this system is actually so advanced?

Then what kind of process introduction is normal.

But the most amazing thing is that this system actually knows self-protection.

It will also record and record the process in order to avoid unnecessary disputes.

If he meets a madman, he will defend himself. This is too awesome...

The initial shock has not passed, and the system has prompted him to go for a urine test first.

The hatch opened and a urine pocket appeared.

He walked over to pee, and he didn't use his hands during the whole process.

After the urine is collected in the urine bag, it is automatically sent to the back for examination.

He hadn't thought that he could still operate like this.

And the process is still transparent, obviously to avoid the impression that people will have a mechanical black box operation.

The urine is collected in a small bottle under the urine bag.

Then the small bottle is placed on the conveyor belt by the manipulator and sent directly to a detection box at the back to start the detection.

The whole process can be seen very clearly through a layer of plexiglass.

Then came the next room, where he was actually pumped blood by the machine.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he felt like he was going crazy.

Sit on a chair, roll up the arms of the sleeves, and place them on a shelf to fix them.

There is a manipulator, which will automatically tie up his arm to be blood drawn.

Then the needle was held mechanically, positioned, and then inserted into the blood vessel.

Once successful, three tubes of blood were drawn quickly.

If it weren't for seeing it with his own eyes, Guan Zhenhai felt that this must be bullshit.

You must know that without a nurse who has been tempered for several years, it is impossible to get this accurate.

Moreover, his blood vessels are thin, and every blood test is a big problem.

Often encounter the problem of rolling needles, if you encounter a novice nurse, it will be miserable.

But now the work of drawing blood is actually done by robots.

He didn't feel a little groggy in his mind. It seems that many nurses will be unemployed in the future.

After that, the three tubes of blood were taken by the manipulator to the back machine for testing.

The entire process is also completed through a transparent glass plate.

The movements of the robotic arm can be seen clearly, and there is no need to worry about the suspicion of black box operation.

After that, he was arranged to enter the next cabin.

Here, there is another mechanical arm, which listened to his heartbeat, and then put on something similar to heart monitoring.

Had a heart check.

Then in the next cabin, he was also clearly arranged by a few manipulators, and he did a B-ultrasound.

The last one is even more remarkable.

This is actually a perspective department.

It is the radiology department that the hospital has now.

But it is different from those ordinary radiology departments.

There is neither an X-ray machine nor a CT machine.

He followed the system's prompt tone and came to the center of the room.

Standing in a circle drawn on the ground, he took off the metal objects on his body.

Take off all watches, belts, and metal objects anyway.

After standing still, I saw a row of lights on the distant wall, emitting a red light.

Started to scan himself up and down.

The row of lights moved up and down on the wall, and at the same time, on the top of the head, there were similar things moving on the left and right sides of the body.

The whole process was over after about ten minutes.

Then he walked out of the cabin in the system prompt.

Only then did he discover that a process has been completed.

When I arrived outside the cabin, there was a place where I could take photos of photo stickers.

Open the curtain and walk in, then press the palm print onto the palm print lock.

The front camera, after scanning his facial features.

The medical examination report appeared on the screen, prompting whether to print it.

He chose to print.

After a minute, a simple medical report will be printed.

After seeing this report, Guan Zhenhai has been trapped.

Isn't this too fantasy?

Looking at the values ​​on the physical examination report, especially the blood triathlon and liver function, he was already stunned.

You must know that it was only a week ago that the hospital organized a welfare checkup for the doctors.

He also participated at the time, and he only got the medical report yesterday.

The data above is still hot.

And at this time, take this report and compare it with the previous report.

I dare not say that all the values ​​are the same, but there is not much difference.

Even in some places, it is more detailed, which all explains the awesomeness of this self-service medical examination center.

And what surprised him most was the self-service perspective project of the medical examination center.

After seeing the perspective image, he was blindfolded.

Why is this different from what X-rays and CT-rays he had seen before?

Guan Zhenhai is also an old doctor. Although he is a professional in burns and scalds, he can still understand X-rays and CT films.

But the perspective pictures this time really blinded him.

At this time, Maurizio took the pictures and turned them over.

Put it in front of Guan Zhenhai, and then explain it to him.

At this time, Guan Zhenhai only listened to it for a while, and he understood it as if it were a divine enlightenment.

"Fuck, what kind of technique is this? Isn't this too awesome? I havetily..."

Guan Zhenhai could no longer hold back his excitement, because the technology of fluoroscopy imaging was so awesome.

The reason why he didn't see it before was because he had never seen such a perspective picture before.

However, he never thought that there could be a machine to take such pictures after perspective.

This kind of perspective picture is different from the previous two-dimensional pictures, this time it is a three-dimensional picture.

In these pictures, his organs can be seen clearly.

And all the organs can be seen very clearly, even his fatty liver can be seen clearly.

What makes Guan Zhenhai happy is that with such technology, the work of doctors will be easier in the future.

This will be a technology that will disrupt the times!

The previous see-through light film.

X-rays are mainly used to look at bones and some blood vessels in internal organs.

CT is a layered view, mainly looking at the brain and internal organs.

However, some places are still not very good-looking. Doctors with average reading skills are likely to misdiagnose.

If neither of these works, then go to MRI.

This kind of perspective imaging is even more troublesome.

Before going on, you have to take special medicines, which will emit light according to the medicines and be absorbed by human tissues.

Through fluoroscopy, we can see the drugs absorbed into human tissues to diagnose diseases.

It is also very radioactive.

Generally, after using CT and MRI, you can't have children for six months to one year.

And it can't be used frequently, so CT and MRI are actually not very convenient.

But the fluoroscopy equipment of the self-service inspection center in front of me is and I didn't take any special medicine, just after a few rays of light were swept through.

It will be able to see you clearly and see this three-dimensional picture.

Even a rookie doctor, as long as he has memorized medical books. ,

Take it and compare it, and then you can make an accurate diagnosis.

This greatly improves the diagnosis efficiency of doctors, and even robot doctors with automatic diagnosis may appear in the future.

Thinking of this, Guan Zhenhai couldn't help it anymore.

He turned around and grabbed Dr. Maurizio next to him.

"Maurizio, can you explain to me the principle of this machine, does it have radiation?"

"Ha, this is a Roentgen radiometer, which emits rays in the wavelength range of XXX. This kind of rays is completely harmless to the human body, but it can be fluoroscopically imaged... At present, only we have the technology for this kind of equipment. Here you will be the first trial network..."

"As for radiation, you can put a hundred hearts on it. This kind of machine is completely non-radiating, and it is completely different from the current CT machine and MRI..."

After listening to Maurizio’s explanation, although there are many terms, I don’t quite understand it.

But Guan Zhenhai was still very excited, because he understood one thing.

That's this machine, anyway, it's awesome, and they are currently the first people in the world to eat crabs.

This is the only one for Scorpion Baba!

No, you should immediately find some reporters and writers to build momentum for Sunshine Hospital.

If this thing is announced, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Not to mention the patients, just to watch the excitement, there will be countless people.

Without stopping the machine 24 hours a day, the inspection efficiency is much higher than that of manual inspection.

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