My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 969: This is to send my face to me as a step footer!

As the so-called colleagues are enemies.

The truth that Wen has no first and Wu has no second exists in all walks of life.

Since the discovery of stem cells, scientists have had countless ideas on how to use this material.

But the only thing that can be done is injection.

Let the body absorb stem cells, and then use the function of stem cells to repair themselves.

Come to repair the damaged body.

But even so, it is not particularly good.

In addition, many scientists plan to use stem cells as raw materials to create a variety of replaceable human organs and tissues.

In the past, humans had organ transplant operations, and the source of this organ has always been a problem.

The scene of various organs in short supply has always existed in hospitals all over the world.

And scientists from various countries are also racking their brains to develop various replaceable artificial tissues and organs.

But there were many ideas before, but none of them were formed.

For example, the idea of ​​growing transplantable organs in pigs was rejected by the Medical Ethics Committee.

Knowing that stem cells have been discovered is a treasure for scientists.

The old scholars will not object to the use of such cells from the human body to cultivate organs!

As a result, countless universities and scientific research institutions invest a lot of funds in this area every year for research and development.

But now, everyone hasn't come up with any results yet.

You, a guy who was knocked off the altar, actually completed a beautiful salted fish turn over.

Say you made an artificial heart?

How do you make those professors who spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in investment every day in suits and shoes, sit comfortably in the spacious and bright laboratory, and receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual salaries, pay their money? The Lord confessed?

So, when the San Francisco UCSF Hospital just confirmed that He Fangzhou was going to perform a heart exchange operation on Brady.

In academia over there, it immediately exploded.

Countless experts and scholars jumped out and questioned He Fangzhou.

"Ah? I don't deny that Dr. He is a genius, but he can make an artificial heart? I doubt that."

"Behind us is a R&D team of hundreds of people, spending hundreds of millions of dollars each year, and there is still no result, but he said that he developed it? How is this possible?"

"I really want to see, under what circumstances did he develop the artificial heart technology?"

This was just polite, and those who were not polite, just jumped out and criticized He Fangzhou.

"I can't believe what a guy with moral flaws said!"

"Ha, use stem cells and 3D printing technology to create an artificial heart? Sorry, aren't you really an artificial organ grown in a pig?"

"It's not the first time that guy has violated public order, good morals, and morality anyway."

"If conditions permit, I would like to confront him face to face to find out whether what he said is true."

Experts and scholars from all walks of life have appeared in the interview programs of various TV stations.

Various questions were raised about He Fangzhou's plan, even his character.

There are more fans, this is also making a lot of noise on the Internet.

However, compared to those experts, the fans are very optimistic about He Fangzhou's heart change operation on Brady.

Because the UCSF Hospital in San Francisco has been on the official website, explaining in detail the benefits of He Fangzhou's heart exchange surgery.

Because you don’t use the heart donated by others, you don’t have to face the problem of foreign body rejection, and you don’t need to take long-term medication.

In addition, after this kind of heart is replaced in the body, it is basically the same as the self-generated body.

And as long as he recovers well, he won’t be a problem in returning to the game in the future.

This sounds extraordinarily illusory.

An athlete, even with a knee ligament injury, undergoes surgery and returns to the game, his performance will be greatly reduced.

And Brady wanted to return to the game after undergoing a heart-exchange operation?

Are you kidding me?

But for the fans, they have no choice at all.

Either Brady will retire, or he can only pray that what Dr. Ho said is true.

What's more, wouldn't it be better if Dr. He didn't lie?

Brady can change hearts, then we ordinary people, can't we also change hearts?

Moreover, the artificial heart is successful. After that, will artificial liver and artificial kidney be far away?

Therefore, ordinary people, like those experts, do not hate He Fangzhou so much.

On the contrary, he was eager for his operation to be successful.

But what is the most important thing in the United States?

The most indispensable are those arrogant conservatives, and Qiu Hua spouts.

The arrogant conservatives tend to be dominated by red-necked whites.

Because these guys have been influenced by the ‘patriotic’ media of the United States all the year round, they have the slogan of No. 1 in the United States every day.

I think that regardless of what matters, the United States should be born first.

The top military, the top science and technology, and the top financial system should all belong to the United States.

And now the Chinese people actually say that they have overcome the top medical technology, how can they accept it?

Needless to say, those Qiu Hua trolls.

Frog frogmen, Hong Kong Island waste youth, and various political speculators are the main components of this group.

At this time, we must not miss this opportunity to discredit China.

So soon there was a trend of crusade against He Fangzhou on the Internet.

"Huaguo liar!"

"How can the Chinese invent a technology that we have not been able to invent?"

"That is, the quality of Huaguo's products has always been tofu. He said that he can make an artificial heart. I am afraid that after Brady changes it, it will be put in the box within three days."

"Damn it, our firefly loves to stop Brady from listening to Chinese rumors."


All kinds of verbal and written criticism flooded the entire network.

Unexpectedly, the first to stand up against these sprays was actually fans of the New England Patriots and fans of Brady.

"Damn it, you bastards, can't you just shut up? Anyway, I hope Brady can try it, otherwise he will have to wait at home to die."

"Yes, I read Brady's interpretation of his condition. According to his situation, in fact, he can only choose to retire. Even if he retires, he will have to undergo heart-changing surgery, and he will need long-term medication in the future. But after this surgery, at least A glimmer of hope can be retained."

"Yes, he should try, even if he can't return to the game. But it's okay to get a healthy heart."

"So, you clowns, instead of typing on the keyboard at home, it's better to go out and find a job..."


Whether it's Lei Shimo, Xiao Feng, or He Fangzhou.

No one thought that this hype would bring about such a fierce online scuffle.

At first it was the people of North America, but later even the attention of the whole world was diverted.

At this time, everyone paid more attention to He Fangzhou than Brady.

This greatly exceeded everyone's expectations, but it also made Lei Shimo and Xiao Feng very happy.

Lei Shimo is worried that the paparazzi will pester Brady every day and affect his condition.

Now He Fangzhou took the initiative to help divert the fire, which is naturally a good thing.

As far as Xiao Feng is concerned, he originally hoped that He Fangzhou would be washed out by this incident.

Now that he can attract so much attention, it naturally saves him a lot of trouble.

After all, he knew that He Fangzhou was not bragging.

In the evening, He Fangzhou was also invited to participate in a talk show on NBC.

NBC also invited a cardiothoracic surgeon from the Mayo Clinic, Craig. Doctor Becker!

This old man has a pretty big background. He is the president of the American Cardiothoracic Surgery Association.

The associate dean of the prestigious Mayo Clinic and the editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Just take out a title, the kind that can crush people.

The show was recorded on the TV station in a temporary studio set up here in San Francisco.

The host is NBC's ace beauty host, Ruther.

Lasse introduced He Fangzhou and Craig before the show started.

He Fangzhou smiled and stretched out his hand, but Craig didn't even see it.

Obviously, this guy's attitude towards He Fangzhou was not friendly.

A burst of anger flashed in He Fangzhou's heart, but due to the camera around him, there was no attack.

At the beginning of the show, the old man directly attacked He Fangzhou.

"Doctor Ho, you said that you and your team have overcome artificial heart technology, then I have a question."

"How do you ensure that the heart can beat normally!"

"As we all know, the heart is actually composed of muscle and connective tissue."

"And ensuring the contraction of the heart muscle is the job of the pedicle organization, and this is the difficulty that currently plagues all scientists."

"I want to know how you solved this problem."

"Of course, first of all, you have to ensure that you have a team, don't you say, these results are researched out by you alone."

Craig. Although Becker is very direct, and his problem is very hostile.

But in He Fangzhou's eyes, isn't this the NPC who sent the door to him to get his achievements?

Answered his questions, and answered everyone's questions.

He is here to send his face over, as a step for himself, let himself step on the upper position!

So despite Craig’s blunt attitude even very unfriendly.

After figuring this out, He Fangzhou stopped being angry, but smiled instead.

"First of all, I have to explain, I do have a team, and my team is not small, now there are about 500 people."

Fuck, Craig immediately felt a little bad when he heard this.

Is this different from the original expectation?

I thought that no one would invest in a guy with a reputation like him, but I didn't expect that he would really find a local tyrant!

It seems that Chinese people are not as stupid as imagined!

Craig cursed inwardly. To be honest, He Fangzhou's achievements in the past were enough to make many people feel threatened.

The DNA editing experiment was completed single-handedly. How do you ask other scientists who receive tens of millions of dollars in sponsorships to explain to the sponsor?

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