My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 973: The tiger's body is shocked, and the domineering spirit is 4 shots!

To be precise, this director named Terry was three-headed.

On the one hand, several major pharmaceutical companies gave him instructions to let him delay as much as possible.

Give them plenty of time to find a way to save their company.

On the other hand, several major insurance companies in the U.S. continue to put pressure on him.

Let him approve Klick serum as soon as possible, so that the drug will be marketed soon.

As for the third party, it is the people who stop at the gate of the bureau every day to protest.

These guys, holding a sign every day, greet his mother and his eighth-generation ancestors.

Not only that, he smashed the glass of his house every night to deflate his car tires.

I don't know how these **** got in in the high-end community where he lives.

Maybe the security guards of the community have relatives with these people.

Even in the game, many people gave him pointers.

He even knew that several deputies in the game had been very active recently.

This group of grandchildren, I haven't abdicated yet!

Are you wondering if you find a black man to carry the coffin for Lao Tzu?

In the end, Terry played a rare time.

Directly gave instructions to approve the listing of Klick serum in the U.S. as soon as possible...

Of course, Xiao Feng did not know that the FDA Director was struggling during this period of time.

It's just that he receives several calls every day, and most of these calls are ‘decent people’ he met at the Russell cocktail party that day.

And these ‘decent people’ will keep whispering to him, even though they deliberately pretend to inadvertently reveal information.

But the meaning inside and outside the words is very clear.

Look, buddy, I also have a way out, and I can inquire about such news.

Moreover, in this matter, I also helped you...

What are the benefits in the future, don't forget buddies.

Xiao Feng naturally happily dealt with these people.

Armed with this information, he concluded that the day when Klick serum was officially launched on sale in the United States should be just around the corner.

And Lord Wan called this time, and there was another thing to inform him.

That was the matter about the Voegelin acquisition, and it seems something has changed now.

The company was in a hurry to sell before, but it seems that there have been some changes within the company recently.

There has been a lot of trouble recently as to whether the company is to be sold and to whom.

So he is also waiting, after the final decision over there, deciding what to do.

Xiao Feng wasn't in a hurry, and simply regarded it as a vacation.

Every day with Helen in the winery is not ashamed or embarrassed, and the days go happily.

Especially when Helen is such a big beauty, deliberately flattering every day.

This foreign girl is already open, and now she is determined to have a baby with Xiao Feng, so she has no bottom line.

Therefore, during this period of time, Xiao Feng lived a life like an emperor who only envied mandarin ducks but not immortals.

On this day, he slept three rods until the sun, and he just woke up and talked with the son of Wan on the phone.

Originally according to the script, he was waiting for Helen to make breakfast, put it on the bed, and wait for him to eat breakfast.

Unexpectedly, Helen came up and told him that someone was looking for it.

Xiao Feng was a little confused.


"I don't know either, but he himself introduced that it was introduced by Haiboge and he was of Chinese descent."

Helen told Xiao Feng.

Heiberg is a guy who has been in contact with Xiao Feng recently and is a good friend of Russell and Uncle Helen Dalton.

According to Russell, this guy is a powerful broker.

It's amazing to have friends in all walks of life.

So Xiao Feng became ‘good friends’ with him.

Since it was recommended by Haiboge, Xiao Feng naturally took it seriously.

He went downstairs neatly, just to see an Asian face with a big greasy head in the living room.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, my name is Bruce. Yang."

When the man saw Xiao Feng coming down, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

However, Xiao Feng could clearly detect the stiffness behind his smile.

With Bawangfeng possessing his body, his six senses are not so powerful.

Every time he meets with people, he can tell at a glance who is sincere and who is hiding a knife in a smile.

And this Bruce. Yang. He was about thirty years old, although he was smiling all over his face.

He looks like a harmless, amiable guy.

But Xiao Feng could feel that there was an unspeakable pride in this guy's bones.

Although he tried to hide, his eyes still flashed with contempt from time to time.

This makes Xiao Feng very upset, what on earth does this guy do?

Do you dare to look down on me when you come to visit me?

Who do you think you are!

But Xiao Feng did not show it on the surface.

He pretended to shake hands with the other party, then directly took out the handkerchief and wiped his hands in front of the other party.

Bruce. Yang's face looked ugly at once, but this emotion flashed by and was quickly hidden by him.

I have to say, this guy is really a master.

But who makes Xiao Feng the master?

He came to the door, obviously asking for something, so Xiao Feng was qualified to slap him in the face.

Xiao Feng laughed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm used to it. I have a cleanliness habit!"

"Uh, it's nothing."

Bruce cursed inwardly, and it turned out to be a soil bun from the mainland.

"Listen to Mr. Yang's accent, you are..."

"Oh, I am a frogman. I came to the United States to study and study 20 years ago, and I stayed here later!"

"This time, because I understand Chinese, the company sent me here to meet you."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Feng immediately understood why this guy would be hostile to him inexplicably.

It turned out to be a frog.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

His impression of Frogs is very bad, because as far as he knows.

At present, the most active group of mainland haters on the extranet are these frogs and cockroaches.

These guys take the Black Continent as their mission every day.

Spread rumors and fake news on several extranets every day to discredit the mainland.

I don't know what the psychology is.

Anyway, the mainland has a poor image in the international arena, and this group of grandchildren have contributed a lot.

Therefore, Xiao Feng has a very bad impression of frogs and cockroaches.

"I don't know, which company do you belong to?"

"Ah, look, this is my business card."

Bruce said as he took out a gold box from his arms, then took out a card from it and handed it to Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng took it over and took a look.

"Flagship Capital?"

"Yes, our company is an investment company that has been active in Silicon Valley and the West Coast for a long time..."

"In recent years, we have also made many successful investment cases, such as AAAbnb, and Nuclear Ark, etc..."

Bruce immediately began to introduce his company.

This set is almost the same as in China, so I will start by boasting that my company is so good.

Then introduce the success stories of your own company, it is best to be able to calm the other party and attract the attention of customers.

Xiao Feng, the flagship capital, has also heard that it is also a top investment company in the United States.

Although there is a gap between **** and top VCs like Sequoia.

But in the circle, it is not small, and its capital is also quite strong.

In many well-known venture capital cases, even if this company is not the lead investor, it is also a Series B or Series C financier.

This shows that this company is still quite powerful.

Bruce was eloquent and eloquent in front of him.

And he thoughtfully played with the card in his hand.

After a while, he saw that Bruce didn't mean to stop, and he raised his hand.

"Mr. Bruce, I understand your company, so why are you looking for me this time?"

"Huh? That's it, Mr. Xiao, as far as we know, the celebrity chef group you founded has not yet been listed."

"Our flagship capital intends to cooperate with you to help your company go public in the United States."

When Bruce said this, he raised his neck.

And the tone of voice has also changed, which means that helping a celebrity chef group to list in the United States is a kind of gift.

Xiao Feng immediately became angry.

"Wait a moment, when did I say that I wanted to be listed in the US?"

"Ah! Xiao Sheng, you can't think like that! Your celebrity chef group has such a good momentum of development, why not go public?"

"Only by going public can the greatest value of your company be reflected?"

"Moreover, our U.S. stock market is quite sound. As long as your business is in good condition, you will be able to raise large sums of money in the stock market..."

"The amount of funds I mentioned is not something you can get in the A-share market in mainland China."

"Moreover, we in the United States have the most complete legal system, which can guarantee that your company's interests are not infringed!"

The more Bruce talked, the more arrogant he became, and at the end, it was as if he was giving alms to Xiao Feng.

If you don't know, you will almost doubt it. It is Xiao Feng who is begging him now, not him.

"Wait first!"

Xiao Feng raised his hand to stop him, Bruce looked a little unhappy.

"What? Is there anything you don't understand?"

This is very unkind, or it can be said that this guy accidentally exposed his true attitude towards Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng's face suddenly became cold and severe.

Xiao Feng, who has been in the top position for a long time, made a fortitude in another world, and established a country. It is absolutely not too much to claim to be the overlord.

So his stare, really has such a domineering spirit!

His body was shocked, and Bruce's face was shot all over his face with the domineering aura.

Bruce, who was still arrogant, wilted.

There is blood suppression in the animal kingdom, and it is the same in the human world.

If you have been in society for a long time, you will have more knowledge.

You have to admit, whether it is in politics or shopping malls.

The upper person absolutely has a kind of aura suppressing existence to the lower person.

When they show their faces again, they can silence the lower ranks.

"Kneel down!"

Xiao Feng's eyes widened and his mouth hummed.

This Bruce felt like he had auditory hallucinations.

For some reason, his knees softened and he knelt down in front of Xiao Feng with a plop.

Only then did Xiao Feng laugh.

"Why are you so polite?"

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