My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 975: Install B in front of me? You do not deserve!

At this time, Bruce no longer had the arrogance he had before.

At some point, the steam on his forehead was already steaming, and big beads of sweat from soybeans kept slipping from his neck.

Before he knew it, his back was wet.

He felt Xiao Feng's gaze on the opposite side, like a blade, shaved his face painfully.

And his previous series of questions were more like a slap in the face.

He bowed left and right, already rumbling in his pumping ears.

Mad, how could this guy be completely different from the old hats of mainland soil he met before!

In the past, those mainland Chinese buns, when they heard that flagship capital was going to raise funds for them, they couldn't keep their mouths together if they weren't happy?

When I saw myself, it was as if I saw the uncle.

When I heard that it could be listed in the United States, it was even more glaring.

You guys, always think that the money of Americans is easy to cheat.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of Americans, they are the out-and-out leeks.

But today he encountered this, it was completely different from those mainland bosses in the past.

Not only was he not interested in the U.S. stock market, he even dared to question their financing methods.

You know, they used to evaluate other mainland companies.

Then how much they open, that is how much.

Of those mainland enterprises, which one dare to stab them?

This is the first time I have encountered it today.

Bruce gagged a few times before squeezing out a word.

"That's because they are American companies..."

Xiao Feng immediately smiled coldly.

"He, tui!"

"What? Are American companies more noble?"

"Why do you call a professional investment team look at the country to value the company? Isn't it based on the company's asset size and profitability?"

"In this way, your business is not so good?"

Xiao Feng looked at Bruce's smile, full of contempt.

Bruce's fire can't be suppressed anymore, it's really a mother, it seems like he has been caught in evil today.

In the past, in front of mainlanders, he was used to being arrogant, but today he was humiliated by this guy in every possible way.

I slapped face to face several times.

This made him no longer able to take care of his demeanor.

What's more, when he was sent this time, his immediate boss held great hope for him.

I hope he can use his blood and language advantages to make this guy confused.

But now it seems that people don't take him seriously at all.

In the past, those mainland bosses would treat him as compatriots when they met him.

And he didn't want to use those guys as a purse, while despising those wicked pens, and helping to make their money.

But today this guy is like his fame nemesis.

Once the aura leaked, he knelt inexplicably, making his face scandalized.

And now Xiao Feng actually expressed skepticism towards the company he worked for, which was really rebellious.

You are a mainlander, how dare you doubt our tall American companies?

Even if you dare to suspect that we are not professional?

You are not good enough!

"Mr. Xiao, isn't that what you said?"

"As you know, Chinese companies are not performing well on the U.S. stock market."

"Many rating agencies do not give high ratings to your Chinese companies, so we have relatively lowered their valuations."

"You can't suspect that we are unprofessional because of this!"

Xiao Feng raised his hand and interrupted Bruce.

He watched Bruce not speaking with a cold face, and Bruce felt like a prey targeted by a tiger.

Xiao Feng's stern face, with a host of unspeakable powers, made him breathless.

"First I think you have to figure out one thing."

"That is other Chinese companies, other Chinese companies, our celebrity chef group is a celebrity chef group."

"Don't confuse us with other Chinese companies!"

"Besides, you have to understand that we haven't asked you from beginning to end."

"And it's not that we took the initiative to come to the U.S. to list and raise funds."

"It's that you want us to come to the U.S. to list and raise money."

"To put it bluntly, you want to make money from our celebrity chef group."

"So after you understand this sequence, you will understand where you are wrong?"

"First of all, you should be polite to me!"

Xiao Feng's voice was like a heavy hammer.

Hammer after hammer hit Bruce's heart, and at the end he couldn't help but sigh.

This Chinese man seems to be totally bluffing!

Since the front is not soft, then if it is hard.

Thinking of this, Bruce also raised his hand and interrupted Xiao Feng.

He sneered at Xiao Feng and said.

"It seems that Mr. Xiao, you don't seem to agree with our proposal."

"Can I understand that, Mr. Xiao, you are not willing to be our friend?"

The intention to threaten inside and outside the story is already very obvious.

Looking at this guy's sullen expression, it was like a monkey, pretending to be handsome and cool in front of the tiger.

"You can understand that!"

Xiao Feng immediately gave a positive reply.

Bruce didn't expect Xiao Feng to be so agile, and he couldn't put it on anymore.

"Well, you a mainlander who doesn't know how to promote, you give me..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped.

Because he had to stop, Xiao Feng grabbed his neck.

Xiao Feng pinched this guy's neck with only one hand.

Then he picked him up like a chicken.

At this time, Bruce was like a salted fish on the shore, with his feet constantly kicking.

It seemed that he would lose his breath at any time.

At this moment, Xiao Feng looked at him with a sneer.

"Do you know that if a rabbit dares to provoke a lion, it has to pay a price?"

"Not to mention, you are just a frog!"

"Remember your identity, you are a frog."

By this time Bruce's tears had already come down, and he had no doubt that if he was **** his lips.

Xiao Feng pinched himself to death on the spot.

"You know I hate toads the most in my life! Letting you sit on my sofa is already giving you face."

"Pretend to be B with me. You are not worthy. If you dare to pretend, I will trample you into the flesh with one foot."

After speaking, Xiao Feng released his hand.

Bruce was slammed to the ground.

Bruce was coughing on the ground for a long time before he eased his breath.

At this time, he was extremely frightened, although he wanted to put down a few ruthless words.

But the cold temperament of Xiao Feng on the opposite side really made him not open his mouth, nor dared to speak.

Can only stand up dingy, ready to get out.

But after taking a step, I heard Xiao Feng shout from behind.


‘Puff! ’

Bruce couldn't help but sit squat.

Xiao Feng at this time was a demon in his eyes.

It is the lion king who has the advantage of bloodline suppression in the jungle and can go unimpeded.

And he is not even a rabbit, at best it is a frog in the way.

"Take this away too, lest it dirty my place."

As Xiao Feng said, he threw over the sofa cushion that Bruce had just sat on.

It was as if the sofa cushion was contaminated with the plague, which made Bruce feel extremely humiliated.

He has never been humiliated so personally.

But looking at the sofa cushion that was thrown in front of him, like dog food, he didn't dare not pick it up.

At this time, he could only pick up the sofa cushion in a desperate manner and walk towards the gate.

At this time, Xiao Feng's words reached his ears.

"Damn it, it looks like this sofa is going to be thrown away too, bastard, and the carpet."

"Ah, Xiba, I don't want to stay in this room anymore. Helen called the decoration company and asked them to come over to tear down all of this place and renovate the entire room. All the furniture was lost."

"Damn frogs, it makes the whole room smell like a toad."

Hearing this, the veins on Bruce's neck jumped up.

It's too much, don't bring such a bully?

I am still a dog in front of the Americans.

How come you, as a Chinese, can't even count as a dog?

Actually can only be regarded as a toad?

You are too bully, I fight with you.

He throws the sofa cushion away, and the transferee will go and fight Xiao Feng desperately.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw two half-human pit bulls venomously against him behind him.

In the living room far away, Xiao Feng was holding his arms and watching him sneer.

"Why? Not convinced yet?"

"You want to come and touch I don't mind naturally, give my dogs an extra meal!"

Just after using the blood energy in his heart, after seeing Xiao Feng's cold eyes, all of them disappeared immediately.

Even the thighs and knees actually felt a little soft.

Bruce didn't know what happened to him today.

In front of Xiao Feng, he had lost ground.

He never wanted to continue to lose face here.

I turned around and left, but after only two steps, I heard a cough coming from behind me.

He could only go back and picked up the sofa cushion that had just been thrown on the ground.

A huge humiliation came to his mind, he didn't know how he got out of this winery.

After driving out of the winery, Bruce pulled up to the side of the road.

Then he pulled the sofa cushion out of the car and threw it on the ground with punches and kicks.

Fortunately, there are no people around here, otherwise people will see him as a mental illness.

After a punch and kick, Bruce finally felt that breath.

Then he took out the phone, found out the number of his immediate boss, and dialed it out.

"BOSS, things are not going well..."

"The other party is very rude, and very unfriendly to our flagship capital."

"Not only did he not want to cooperate with us, but he also cursed our company and even the United States..."

Being bullied outside as a dog, I naturally asked the owner to complain, and then asked the owner to help myself out.

Bruce knew the urination of his boss, and when he heard Xiao Feng cursed the United States as a boss, he exploded on the spot.

"What, bastard, he really said that?"

"Well, let this **** wait to meet the anger of our Americans!"

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