My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 978: Don't mess with people you can't afford!

"Who can tell me what is going on here?"

Shirley's anger surged into her heart.

Unfortunately, this is not an official detention center, so there is no camera.

They didn't pay close attention to the situation here before, because according to their thoughts.

Even if Xiao Feng is Bruce Lee, he can't hold these black bosses, right?

But reality taught them a lesson. These black people who ruled the streets in front of Xiao Feng were just a bunch of little sheep!

Seeing their virtues, they were taken care of by Xiao Feng.

Just pouting like this, this has already explained the state.

"Ha, do you know? They seem to have believed in some religion, are they praying at this time?"

Xiao Feng smiled and leaned on the long sky bench inside.

The **** guys turned their heads secretly at this moment, but they suddenly stared at him.

The big man who turned his head secretly, immediately lowered his head.

"John, come and tell me, what are you doing?"

How could Shirley's small movements be kept from black.

At this moment, her lungs were exploding. She wanted to play Xiao Feng with him, but now it seems that Xiao Feng played him with him.

A few guys were sent in, just to give Xiao Feng a killer wand to kill him.

Then the next thing will be easier to do.

She had been in contact with many wealthy people before, and in her opinion, these guys were just stiff mouths.

If they were to find someone to clean them up, they would be honest.

This Xiao Feng doesn't look like he's quite big, but it's estimated that he was trained in the gym to pick up girls.

Really speaking of fighting fiercely in the street, how can it be better than John, a bunch of villains who have been bloodthirsty in the street all the year round.

John and his group all come from a gang called the Thirteenth Block.

This gang has been active all year round in Oakland, robbing Trafficker D, and doing nothing.

She has been staring at this gang since she came to San Francisco.

John and the others, the thugs in this gang, are the objects she focuses on.

But she didn't mean to arrest them, because she understood that it was useless to catch these few.

It's better to put them on the street, wait until when there is a big action, and then catch them all at once.

Anyway, the underground politics in the United States is like this. If you kill a gang, another gang will soon come up.

If you keep them, they may be able to ensure the peace of the place. ,

Therefore, she is very familiar with these people, and this time she deliberately caught so many demonstrators who came to fight Xiao Feng.

But now it seems that Xiao Feng was not beaten, but a few blacks were beaten instead.

Then the John raised his head and glanced at Shirley.

When this guy looked up, Shirley was taken aback.

Originally, this guy's face was dark, and he couldn't see how he was injured.

But at this time, he could see that both eyes had been beaten and his throat was sealed, although the injury was not visible in the darkness.

But my eyes were so swollen that I couldn't open them, and only a seam could be seen.

"Ah, are we praying?"


Shirley yelled angrily when he heard John say this.

Obviously this John was afraid of being beaten by Xiao Feng, he would rather offend them than betray Xiao Feng.

"You, Stanley, what happened to you?"

Shirley turned her head again and looked at another black man who was pouting.

This guy is the most grumpy of these thugs.

Hearing Shirley's greeting at this time, he raised his head and glanced at Shirley.

Then there was an expression on his face that was uglier than crying.

Shirley glanced at the guy's expression and jumped back in shock and almost didn't lift her leg to kick him.

Because this guy's face has been beaten completely out of human form.

His skin was as dark as John, and he couldn't see where the swelling was.

But the bridge of his nose collapsed next year, and his eyes, like John's, were almost swollen from the eye sockets.

What's more terrifying is that this guy has a mouth full of blood, and he can see the broken teeth falling out with the saliva.

At this time, Shirley was already out of anger, if something happened to these people under her jurisdiction.

Even if she was a high-level agent from Washington, she couldn't eat and walk around.

"You, what did you do to them?"

She pointed at Xiao Feng angrily and asked.

At this time, Xiao Feng shrugged like an American.

"Sorry, Shirley, I don't know what you are talking about?"

"You just said you asked me to come back to assist in the investigation?"

"But you actually handcuffed me and locked me here, what do you mean?"

"Do you think I am a Chinese, I don't understand the laws of the United States?"

"Or, do you think that the master behind you thinks that through this, you can let me conquer?"

Shirley completely exploded her hair at this time, and she raised her fist to smash Xiao Feng.


But her fist was raised, and it was grabbed by the deputy behind her.

"Shirley, you can't do anything to him, or you'll be hit by him."

Shirley, who was irritable, gradually calmed down at this time.

It is true that if he really hit him, and if he really applies for an injury inspection, then he will be unlucky.

Although I have already crossed the line, there are some red lines that I cannot cross over.

If you pass those red lines, then you will be unlucky.

"What the **** did you do to them?"

Shirley calmed down and asked Xiao Feng coarsely.

Xiao Feng laughed.

"Agent Shirley, you wronged me, I really didn't do anything to them!"

"They do it voluntarily."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at the black people and shouted aloud.

"Hey, let me say you guys, you are pouting here, are you voluntarily?"

"Yes, sir."

"We are all voluntary."

"Yes, no one forced us."

When several black people answered loudly, they still bent their heads against the wall.

Obviously they were taken care of by Xiao Feng before.

Xiao Feng sneered in his heart. It seems that the set of earth planes commonly used in domestic prisons works just as well when brought here!

This set of techniques, he had also heard others talk about before.

It is said that this is the best way for the old cell boss to clean up the newly-introduced second stunner in the prison.

Let him squat with his waist in this way for a day, it is the dragon who has to cross it.

It's a pity that the time is too short. I haven't waited to see the effect in the United States. It's about to end!

These guys looked at each of them, but they couldn't help fighting.

He felt that he didn't use any strength, so he spanked these guys to pee and knelt down to call grandpa.

And he once again fully enjoyed the fun of ‘exercise’.

It seems that I have a talent for boxing. I heard that this profession is quite profitable.

A boxing match can earn hundreds of millions!

It's a pity that I don't have a bad money now, or I can really think about it and make some money by boxing.

"You, follow me."

Shirley knew it now, and couldn't ask anything more.

Those guys can only raise their blood pressure.

She simply took Xiao Feng to the interrogation room next to her, and she let Xiao Feng sit on the opposite side.

"Mr. Xiao, do you know why we are looking for you?"

Xiao Feng, who was originally a fool, suddenly sat upright, and stared at Shirley with a cold face.

The opposite Shirley, who was about to put pressure on Xiao Feng, felt a sudden darkness in front of her eyes.

An aura of thousands of troops rushed towards his face, opposite Xiao Feng's cold face.

I don't know why, but it makes her feel chilled after seeing it.

She was speechless for a while.

"You know? Isn't it the master behind you, wants you to come over and put pressure on me?"

"Let's say, who is the master behind you? Let him come and meet me."

"Also, you tell him, this is my opportunity for him."

"If he can't show up here and apologize to me before it gets dark today, then it won't be that simple."

"I don't have so much time to play with you!"

If someone else talked to Shirley like this, Shirley would have been tempted to slap him in the face.

But I don't know why, she just didn't dare to face Xiao Feng.

In the interrogation room, not only did not cooperate, but also threatened FBI agents face to face. This is very ridiculous.

But this is the fact that is happening right now.

Shirley felt very humiliated, but she was messed up for the first time.

Because of Xiao Feng's momentum, she has a feeling that this person is definitely not talking big.

He can definitely do what he says.

That means this guy is also a great guy.

Could it be that this time, you kicked yourself on the iron plate?

Thinking of this, Shirley didn't want to continue interrogating.

Instead, he took out the phone and walked out of the interrogation room.

But here she just dialed the phone to her funder.

On the other side, the door of the warehouse was knocked open from the outside with a bang.

An armored vehicle actually rushed outside and smashed through the gate and rushed in.

One by one, wearing masks and helmets, all armed to the teeth, rushed into the warehouse.

"Raise your hand!"

The special police officers were holding guns and shouted at them.

"Did you make a mistake? We are FBI agents!"

Shirley came to the front of the police cars and questioned the special police loudly.

But one of the special police officers smashed her to the ground with a gun butt.

"We are not mistaken, Shirley. It's just that you are the wrong person this time!"

The man took off his headgear as she said, and Shirley immediately felt cold when she saw it.

Because of this person, it is her opponent in the game, Jason!

This guy led the team to break into here, which shows that she really got the wrong person this time.

"Jason, you bastard, you have no right to do this."

"No, I do. What you did before was to discredit the game."

"You watch, you're done..."

Saying that Jason waved his hand, a silver bracelet was brought to Shirley's hand.

At this moment, she happened to see Xiao Feng walking out of the interrogation room just now, accompanied by Director Edgar.

"Look, I told you a long time ago, don't mess with people you can't afford!"

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