My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 989: Taking such a big step,

Cage and Jensen placed a $2 billion order in one breath.

These ointments were used to treat the wounded this time.

There must be many more, which will be stored as strategic materials.

And if the effect of this transaction is very good, there will definitely be a steady stream of orders in the future.

This magic drug combination can be said to be the key to Sunshine Hospital to open the US market.

As far as Sunshine Hospital is concerned, the U.S. market is even open for the king.

And Xiao Feng's plan is to wait for the acquisition of Voegelin.

Hehe, this magic medicine combination can be sold to Voegelin.

With so many turning drugs, Voegelin wants to turn losses into profits. Isn't it very simple?

But, Xiao Feng calmed down again quickly.

The amount of this business is so large, so you still have to be very cautious.

In particular, these are drugs, and they will also be used on wounded American soldiers.

In addition, there are so many American doctors who are not convinced.

Maybe those guys will give you a trick.

People in the U.S. eat it dry and wipe it out, but they do nothing less.

So Xiao Feng was more mindful.

"Mr. Casey, if you want to purchase, that's okay, but I have one condition."

"Oh? What are the conditions, Mr. Xiao, please speak up."

Cage was also taken aback when he heard that Xiao Feng still had conditions.

"First of all, after we sell this ointment to you, we will send a physician to guide patients to use it at any time."

"Secondly, I hope you can issue a disclaimer. If someone uses drugs illegally, or if they are uneasy about using drugs, then we are not responsible."

Xiao Feng couldn't understand the urinary **** of these guys in Europe and America.

Back then, the United States was hit by Hurricane Katrina.

There is a Chinese company that has a big brain, and wants to take this opportunity to open up the American market.

So he took the initiative to donate a batch of gypsum board to the United States.

I originally wanted to mix up a good reputation and open up the American market.

But I can't think of it, this time it can stabbed a hornet's nest.

After local residents used their plasterboard to decorate, they suffered from nosebleeds and headaches.

This is because the quality of this gypsum board company itself is not good enough.

I thought it could fool the domestic people with the standard set, but fooled the Americans.

As a result, he stabbed a hornet's nest and was directly sent to the dock by the Americans.

The lawsuit lasted more than ten years, and the lawyer's fees alone cost more than 30 million yuan. Later, it lost 200 million yuan in compensation.

For this matter, Xiao Feng just wanted to scold that company deserved it.

Kneeling and licking on the pole, this is the end.

What's more, their own gypsum board is not good enough. Xiao Feng really wished that he would go bankrupt soon.

So as not to harm the people of the country again.

Of course, their affairs also sounded the alarm for Xiao Feng, that is, don't substitute Chinese thinking into the thinking mode of Europeans and Americans.

You see, when the epidemic was severe before, they imported masks, testing reagents and other equipment from China.

Either you purchased non-compliant masks yourself, and they didn’t work well.

I even raked back and said that the masks you produced were unqualified.

Either you do not use the test reagents according to your test reagent standard, and then the test is inaccurate.

But he raked back and said that your test reagents were not working well.

Just because of the existence of this kind of guy with arrogance and prejudice.

If you put the best things in their hands, they will use them badly.

A monk with a crooked mouth can hardly be serious.

So I have to guard against them!

Hearing these two conditions proposed by Xiao Feng, Cage and Jensen were taken aback for a moment, and then they changed their faces with very strange expressions.

Obviously they all knew what Xiao Feng was worried about.

But considering it from Xiao Feng's perspective, Xiao Feng was right to think so.

After all, the Americans have a criminal record in this regard.

And their trip did come with other purposes.

At this time, Xiao Feng smiled slightly when he saw the two of them hesitating.

"If the two of you can't agree to my request, then forget it."

"Although this is a big business, I think it's better to be cautious."

"It's not that I don't want to save people. It's just that if I save someone and put a name on my back, then for me, this is unnecessary."

Hearing what Xiao Feng said, Cage and Jensen became anxious at once.

"Mr. Xiao, don't worry, wait for me to call for instructions."

Cage got up and went out after speaking, leaving Jensen sitting on the opposite sofa, smiling awkwardly at Xiao Feng.

After a while, Cage returned.

"Mr. Xiao, we can agree to your request. When the delivery is made, we will issue a disclaimer to you."

"In addition, you have to send a doctor to supervise the use. We also agree to this."

After all, Cage and the others are also afraid that the American doctors will spoil them.

Cage and the others knew the urinary **** of the U.S. doctors naturally.

Many of this group of doctors are arrogant and arrogant, thinking that Lao Tzu is number one in the world.

If you take a discriminatory perspective and treat the wounded soldiers with medicine, you will really put people to death.

The insurance company behind them would have lost a lot of money.

After spending money, people are not saved, and they might have to go to court in the end.

At this time, the insurance company cannot agree.

Therefore, Xiao Feng proposed to send someone to guide the medication, and the insurance company behind Cage and them naturally couldn't agree.

The agreement was quickly reached, and Xiao Feng would naturally not have to come forward for the rest.

Cage and the others will naturally contact Guan Zhenhai to complete.

Cage got up and said goodbye, but before they left.

Cage said something with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao, in fact, I think you should immigrate to our country. With your qualifications, if you want to get a green card, that's a matter of minutes."

Xiao Feng laughed: "There will be a chance in the future."

He never thought about immigration.

And even if he wants to immigrate, he prefers Ithaca instead of the United States.

Seeing Xiao Feng's noncommittal attitude, Cage didn't continue talking.

But before leaving the house, he turned around and said something to Xiao Feng.

"Mr. Xiao, Jonathan. Mr. Carter, let me take him to apologize to you."

As soon as Cage said this, Xiao Feng's face suddenly changed.

"What? Is Sauron's boss Jonathan?"

Jonathan. Carter is the big boss of Flagship Capital, and the person behind the scenes who had previously arrested Xiao Feng.

Speaking of this guy, Xiao Feng was full of fire.

He hasn't freed his hands to find this guy to settle the account. Didn't he expect this guy to come back again?

At this time, he looked suspiciously at Cage, Sauron, and what is the relationship between this love of beauty and flagship capital?

"Well, in fact, Jonathan is also the main advocate for purchasing supplies from Sunshine Hospital this time."

"It was his vigorous initiative that made the insurance company's determination to bypass those doctors..."

Cage and Jensen talked to each other again, explaining to Xiao Feng.

But Xiao Feng's expression was already cold and severe at this time.

"Gentlemen, please don't circle with me! Answer my questions."

"Is Jonathan the big boss of Sauron Company? If so, then we don't have to do this business."

If the big boss behind this company was Jonathan, Xiao Feng would never deal with them.

If you don’t do it with Sauron, you can do it with other contractors.

Xiao Feng didn't want to do it yet, because of the stupid things that offended the Americans because of this business.

Upon hearing this, Cage and Jensen shook their heads quickly.

They all saw that Xiao Feng was not joking. It seemed that the grievances between him and Jonathan were not so deep.

It is definitely not something that Jonathan can solve with such a little kindness.

"Mr. Xiao, I think you may have misunderstood. Jonathan will definitely not be the big boss of Sauron Company, let alone the big boss of Hobby Company."

"In fact, he is just a minority shareholder of Sauron Company."

"When the company held the board of directors before, he just stood on the side of the proposal and approved it."

"We are just giving him a message this time, so please don't confuse Jonathan and Sauron."

Seeing the two people trying to explain, Xiao Feng understood.

It seems that Jonathan just wants to take a ride. It's best to fool the past.

"That's good, so be it!"

Xiao Feng didn't have the thought of talking with the two of them, so he drew a gesture.

The security captain Owen got up to see off the guests.

When Xiao Feng returned to the room, he picked up the phone and dialed Guan Zhenhai.

At noon in China, Guan Zhenhai received a call from Xiao Feng.

When I heard that a large order worth two billion dollars was about to be smashed, I was shocked on the spot.

"How much? Two billion dollars?"

"Am I right?"

Guan Zhenhai couldn't stretch it anymore.

Xiao Feng smiled: "Calm, calm. Let's talk about pricing."

"Well, this magic drug combination, in China, we priced a set of 1,000 yuan. For Lao Mei, the price will naturally increase!"

"I see, how about giving them a set of two thousand yuan?"

Guan Zhenhai directly doubled the price of the drug, but Xiao Feng criticized him on the spot.

"Laoguan, Laoguan, you... are you too courageous? How about doubling it?"

"I think it will be a set of fourteen thousand!"

"Ah? Boss, flip so much? Is this okay?"

Guan Zhenhai was shocked by Xiao Feng’s offer. The boss is taking too much, right? Aren't you afraid of getting involved?

"What's wrong? Anyway, the lives of Americans are precious, regardless of whether it is black or white."

"After more than 10,000 yuan is converted, it is only two thousand dollars."

"For his life, the insurance company will have fun."

"Why don't you go to the U.S. Hospital? The money is not enough for them to get an ambulance!"

When Xiao Feng said this, Guan Zhenhai shut up immediately.

He knew how expensive medical bills are in the United States.

If the ambulance is dispatched once, the starting price is 400 dollars, if there are more lifeguards involved in the treatment.

Haha, just on the way to the hospital, the cost is enough for you to drink a pot.

As little as a few thousand, as many as tens of thousands!

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