My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 10 Beautiful Sunse

Cassie leads the way in the forest. She makes sure to takes the trail where the trees in full bloom in this season. She occasionally takes a peep at her bike's side mirror...

Shun's Angry face now becomes bright, it was like his true self, he seems really enjoying this walk. She sighed in relief that now her Master was in a good mood, but she still has no courage to talk to him about the few things she wanted to straight out.

She felt that he was spoiling her which is she really don't understand why he needs to do those things that completely unnecessary.

He is her master to serve with, not the other way around. Cassie thought.

"Oh, look Master!" She saw the fruits are now good to harvest.

Shun fix his gazed following the direction her finger pointing to... it was a fruit tree and the fruits are now in right time to harvest.

She stopped pedaling and jump off out of her bike. She dropped her bag and run excitedly towards the tree. She was about to climb when an angry voice yelling behind her.

"What are you doing Cassandra!?" Shun asked angrily.

She was confused. What's the problem with this guy? She sighed.

"Have you not realize you are a girl?" he asks again.

Still confused she replied, "Why? I just wanted to pick some fruits. I believe everyone could harvest whether a girl or a boy."

Shun's mouth dropped. What is this young girl thinking? He heaved a deep sighed.

"Cassandra, have you not analyzing the situation? It is not only dangerous for you to climb that tree but think first! You are not alone and you wear a skirt!" Shun explains tries to control his anger.

How if Cassie's with is another man and not him? Shun thought. He just now began realizing as well. This place is dangerous for Cassie to take. Who knows? How if there's someone lost their mine and do something to Cassie? This forest is completely isolated and far away from the residents. If ever, a convenient to do a crime. He doesn't like the scenes playing inside his head.

Starting tomorrow, he will not allow Cassie to take this route anymore. He needs to assign someone to watch and make sure this girl won't do reckless behavior. He sighed.

Cassie doesn't know what Shun's thinking and she still has no idea why he is angry at her again.

"My goodness Cassie, you should realize I am a man. How if you are with someone else? Haven't you thinks it's indecent for a girl like you at your age still doing such things?"

'This stubborn girl', Shun added this inside his head.

Cassie stayed silent. Shun is right. She never did realize that her clothes are not appropriate. She's wearing a school uniform. Although she wore fitted cotton undershorts, how embarrassing for someone seeing under her skirt!

After realizing this, her face got red. What am I thinking!? She is not alone. Besides, she is just used to be alone doing these things that are why she lost mind about it.

She looks away and bit her lower lip. "I am sorry, Master. I, I just used to be alone that is why I never thought of this. "

She heard Shun release a deep sighed.

"Alright, if you really wanted to eat this fruit, I will be the one to climb."

Cassie was stun. Seriously? She can't believe it. She stares at her master dumbfounded.

Shun looks up the tree and analyze how to climb it. Luckily,its branches are abundant, he could climb it easily. He began to reach the lower branch then makes a step into each stem. He made the climbs effortlessly.

He now began picking up some ripe fruits. He looks down at Cassie to ask her to catch them, but the young girl just looking up blankly.

"Cassie?" he shouted once more.

"Ma... master! What is it?" she asked. What she's doing!? That is so embarrassing!

"Am saying to prepare to catch them,"

"Uh, okay master!" she replied enthusiastically. She then makes a pose preparing to catch.

Shun one by one drop the fruits. She's good at catching and so she never misses any. In the end, they pick up a lot and they are now helplessly staring at the fruits they gathered. There's no way they could bring them all.

Shun and Cassie stare at each other. They can't help to laugh hard. They really did have fun for not noticing.

Shun patted her head. "Let's use my shirt to bring the rest," Shun suggested.

They fill the basket on her bike and Shun undress his T-shirt. Cassie's eyes widen then avoiding to stare at Shun's perfect body. What he's doing? Does he realize he has a minor companion? This is bad to the heart. Her cheeks are burning.

She takes a glimpse at Shun who now tying both ends of the sleeves of his shirt to cover the hole on its neck then he began putting inside the rest of the fruits.

"Can you carry them, Master?" she asked worriedly.

Shun chuckles. "What do you think?"

Shun carry his shirts that full of fruits effortlessly. He did a regular exercise at his house so he still keeps his built in this way. And carrying the fruits are nothing.

"Let's take the shore, Master!" An idea suddenly popped up inside her head.

"Hmm? Sounds a great idea." Shun smiled at her suggestion.It's been a while.

Cassie leads the way. She pedals extra slow as Shun's pace is now slowing due to carrying so many fruits on his arms. She can't help to grin, he looks so handsome and his muscular body is...

Wait! Cassie was startled. What she's thinking about?!

Shun gasped for what displayed in front of him. The sky now began changing its color. The sun is preparing to rest for the day.

Cassie notices how he was mesmerized of the scenery. Many tourists did find that the sunset on this Island is the best in the world. That is why many lovers did travel just to watch the sunset.

Shun and Cassie now headed home. And to be expected, they found few lovers found their spots around the shore. Most of them have their cameras and capture this moment. Some lover took photos of each other but there are couples that just stay seated in the sand and enjoy the sun that about to set.

There are few that having a photo shoot of the beautiful sunset, waiting patiently for the sun to kiss the salt water.

Then they noticed few kids playing tag along in the beach, Cassie recognized the kids.

"What are you doing here? It's a little bit far from home isn't it?" she asked. These kids are from the neighboring village.

"We accompanied the foreigners, Cassie!" replied by the eldest of the kids.

"I see," she nodded.

Cassie glance at Shun. Somehow, she thinks is luckier. Even if she is already a completely orphan now, but she still living comfortably more than before compared to these kids who in such a young age, they tried to earn money because of the poverty they're living in.

She smiled while staring at Shun's face when the guy turns his head and caught her. Shun's head tilted on the other side like asking her what's going on?

Startled, she's trying to find an alibi. "Ah, am just thinking that we should share the fruits with them!"

"Of course, that's a good idea."

Truth is, he started feeling numb from carrying this heavy. He began thinking, doing exceeding is not enough. He still needs to be used to of heavy things to carry regularly like chores. Maybe he needs to help to carry the bags of cement into the truck, or shoveling gravels?

Ah, this does not matter for now. Shun thought.

Cassie opens his shirt and took out a lot to give to the kids. They are so happy receiving the fruits. Cassie stared at them happily eating.

"You know, I admired these kids," she told Shun.

"In such a young age, they tried to earn little money as their parents only have an ordinary life, and so, their parents just can give less to them."

This situation is common anywhere, she believes.

She felt a pat on her head. She looks up and saw a smiling face of his Master.

"Let's go and shared the fruits with everyone back at home."

"Okay, Master!"

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