My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 120 Please Wake Up

Her day passing like slow motion, is what Cassie been feeling. She may grateful that she is getting fine now with the help of her medicines, but waking up that next to her is empty feels depressing more than thinking she is lost on her own memories... without Shun by her side when she woke up, and without Shun when she closes her eyes at night, she feels too much loneliness.

Then another day had passed without him... Shun said, he won't come back till Monday but, he did not also promise to text her or call her. She wanted to hear his voice; his whispers to her ears, his fingers stroking her hair while she pillowed on his chest, his smile and sexy voice laughing echoing in every corner of her heart...

She felt the night is longer... she can't wait for the next day to come and finally got to see him again. She misses him badly. Cassie closed her eyes and praying to have a dream of him tonight.

'Shun, I really missed you...' her heart whispered.

The sun hid behind those vast clouds in the sky the next morning.

While Cassie still sleeping on her warm bed, three couples seriously talking inside the study room this early. Blaire cannot stop crying and Meisha stroking her back to calm her down. They received a call from Rudolf this very earlier.

"I wanna go there..." Blaire said between sobbing.

"Doctor Derek doing everything," Meisha whispered to her.

"Why now? Why God is too cruel to my brother!?" Blaire cannot stop herself not to blurt out.

"Blaire?" Meisha a bit surprised to hear her words but he understands why she had said it.

"Am sure this is not God's plan to happen... please don't say that okay? Have faith," Meisha tried to comfort her.

"But why my brother has to suffer like this? He just wanted to be happy! Why this is happening to them? How are we going to tell Cassie about it?"

They cannot answer her. As well, Daichi and the others felt troubled about the news. Earlier, Rudolf made a call to Daichi to inform everyone that Shun is not waking up. His medication procedure is finished at the moment, but he is not showing of waking up.

"I want to see him! He needs to wake up! Cassie is waiting! What we will gonna tell her that he isn't coming back yet? Let me talk to him! Surely he could hear us!"

"Blaire calm down, we shouldn't let Cassie notice that something is going on. Let's wait, maybe your brother would wake up later today. If Shun still not waking up tonight, then,go to the facility tomorrow," Daichi advised.

"Okay. Thank you, brother Daichi," Blaire calming a little now.

"There is something we should do better in Shun's absence..." Kier quoted.

"We better to watch out now, Dale reported that Julius Kang's men are on movement again. We need to stay calm and focus on Cassie. We all know that it is Shun's main concern if ever he was here," Riley asserted.

"We should act normally at all times. I will go to the office today to handle all the matters in the corporation. We should act more people... I will request for David to patrol around here and Matt to continue following Kang's men," Kier appended.

"Levi Montfort is closely watching Julius Kang. He stays longer to make sure Cassie's safety while Shun is away. If he won't wake up yet, then we better to inform Master Montfort and asked his cooperation to deal with Julius Kang," Riley proposed.

"Can we really trusted him?" Blaire asked.

"In my observations, he is. We could trust him," Daichi who answered her.

Blaire nodded. She trusts Daichi's judgment to a person. They continue discussing important matters when someone is calling Kier. After the call, Kier shared the information he reserved.

"The Media start investigating about Cassie's family. They wanted to know more about her."

"Then, it is time... Let the show begin," Daichi quoted. Everyone nodded and Jean just listening quietly.

"I will go to The Peninsula and settle important things," Blaire announced. "Jean, come with me..."

"Okay," Jean nodded. Kier told her already everything about Cassie even if she actually nothing could help, but she will do what she could do. Cassie is the same age as her sister. She is missing Lena.

"Are you sure to go to the office?" Meisha asked Blaire worriedly.

"Yes, I am okay now."

"Alright. I will go and meet James to talk about what Shun instructed before he left," Meisha said.

"We have to continue what we already been planning... the sooner, the better."

"As what Shun anticipated, the media will began being curious about Cassie."

"The evidence and information are already in place..."

"Once the media found out something and release it to the public, the Prosecutors will begin to investigate and more interesting to reveal."

"Once the Prosecutor's got their attention, Julius Kang cannot hide. Dad will quickly file the case," Kier appended.

"Then Wilson Kim must prepare to show up."

"Yes. Julius Kang will sure look like he saw a ghost came back from the dead."

"That's for sure..." The three men look at each other.

Even without Shun, they will make sure to make plans very well to follow what he has been baiting to the media, and for Julius Kang.

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