My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 145 Her Sponsors


Madison hit the gas and speed up. She drove as fast as she could on this circuit. This is her last chance, she won't miss the chance to win this one. Another lap she completed and three more laps to finish. She wanted to stay, she wants to prove that she could still drive faster as she could.

"Come on!"

"Madison? Calm down," Levi warns her.

"I am!"

"Focus. You can do it," Levi keeps coaching her. She is kind of distracted lately, Levi thought.

"Just drive as you always been…" Levi continued to encourage her.

"I know, but…" she is a bit mad now. She shouldn't be like this. This isn't her. Madison continues completing her laps when Kenneth past her, he almost got her.

"Did you see that!? Sh*t!"

"Calm down. There's more dangerous to happen in a real race."

"Yeah! But he really doesn't care at all! Do you really want a racer like that?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll talk to Coach John later," Levi also doesn't like the way Kenneth is driving. However, one of their sponsors backing him up. He doesn't have all the decision is the truth.

"Just keep driving calmly. You have the last lap."

"Okay, trust me then," Madison looks at Kenneth's car. She tried harder to catch up.

Madison now tailing him but she admits, Kenneth is actually a good driver but what she doesn't like is his reckless and boastful way of driving. Madison just concentrates in following to Kenneth's car when pain strikes her head.

She groans. She did force to close her eyes then try to look straight at the road.

"Madison, are you alright?" Levi asked worriedly. He heard when Madison is like in pain.

Madison tried to recover and she was surprised by the car in front of her, too late to hit the break nor pulled off to avoid the car. A big clash happens next that flew Madison's car.

"Madison!" Levi yells and runs fast towards Madison's car. "Madison! Wake up!" Levi tried to take her out but she was stuck. The other crew immediately put the fire down and tried to help to rescue her.

Madison tries to open her eyes. She wonders if where she is now. She felt a little body pain but nothing more except to her head… not because of the crashed but the same pain she felt before that.

"Are you okay? Does your head felt a concussion? I'll call the doctor," a warm worried voice she could hear. It was from Levi.

"Where am I?" She asked him.

"You were in the hospital. I want to know if there's no injury you have."

Madison did felt her whole body. She doesn't feel pain or anything. "I felt fine…" she told Levi but her head still having a slight pain.

"You groan in pain before the crashed, what happened?"

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes. What happened?" Levi keeps asking her until she will tell him about it.

"No. Just a headache," that's true anyway.

"Is that all?"

Madison glance at Levi before she answered him, "yes, nothing to worry much."

"Did you tell my parents?" She's worried they will know which she actually hides for now until she will become an official race driver and compete at any race.

"Don't worry, I did not."

Madison felt relieved. "But, I was out now, right?"

Since she joined the program, the competition is too heated up. Without a huge backup, she wouldn't survive. She realized, she truly is poor to compare that sponsored trainee by Montfort's investors and product sponsors. If not because of Levi who believed in her and supported her throughout, there is no way she could be accepted on this tryouts. However, she still fails Levi in the end.

"Am sorry…"

"What are you talking about?"

She cannot read what Levi is thinking at the moment. "I lost, means I have to go home, right? I will just be made up to my parents why I didn't take the job."

Instead, she heard Levi's laughs. Madison gave him a confused look, her eyes are questioning him.

"Why you concluded everything right away? Have you heard me saying anything? How if, you make sure to have a complete rest? I want you to stay here for a couple more days."

"What do you mean by that? Why?"

"Trust me. Your driving isn't the problem here."

"Is this mean?" Madison wanted to assume that she wasn't kicked out yet from the program.

"May I don't hold all the decision but the rest of the sponsors, but I promise you will not going to kick out and I won't allow it. That is why stay here and get some rest. Understand?"

Madison felt the warmth inside her heart. Levi is doing a lot of favors for her. She wanted to assume what's going on between them. Sometimes she wonders why he helps her out too much like this… that is why she is doing everything to prove that she deserves to become the Montfort race driver.

Like what Levi wanted, she stayed for another two days in the hospital before she went back to the Circuit and ready to show her driving skills again. Levi told her yesterday, that she was allowed to take a turn of practice today. She may lose the chance to drive on the Formula 1 Prelim but doesn't mean her driving skills is not enough. This is her last chance to show off all she got. She must break her record today and prove that she deserved to race.

"Look who's here?" Kenneth walks toward Madison after he notices of her presence. "This is strange, how did you able to get permission to keep coming here? The program is over, those who don't deserve was already kicked out of here, and you are one of them."

Madison just ignores the guy, she pretends that there's no other person on that circuit but her only. She knew that Kenneth already wants her to fail since Day 1… and even though she ignores him now, Kenneth keeps talking at her.

"There is no doubt, you sleep with the young master Montfort that is why you really got him to side you even how you failed on our final test. Imagine? He--"

Madison gives Kenneth a heavy punch on his face. She could pass whatever insults he would throw at her, but speaking about being using her body to get Levi's support until now is she won't let it go just like that. She doesn't care anymore even if Kenneth has big shots backing him up. She prepared to be kicked out but first, she won't allow anyone to insult her this way and drag Levi's name into a mess.

"You b*tch!" Kenneth furiously gets up from the hard ground and won't care if she is a woman, he wanted to hit Madison back.

"What's going on here?" Levi who just arrived in the racetrack asked the crowd.

Everyone stayed silent. No one dares to speak about the reason for this commotion between the two drivers. Levi glared at the black-eyed face of Kenneth. He is already aware of his attitude.

"I'm leaving now," Madison who decided to give up. If they were going to kick her out then she'll leave now before they'll do that.

"What are you doing?" Levi question Madison who is about to leave the circuit. Where is that Madison she meet weeks ago?

"I am not needed here anymore, so I am going home."

"And who decided for you to leave?" Levi is more sounded like he is talking to the people around them instead.

"Until I did not say it, you can't leave. Besides, talk to your sponsors if you truly wanted to back out now from the race," Levi told Madison who is now confused.

"My sponsors?" She asked puzzly. "What are you talking about?"

Later then, a truck entered the race track carrying a brand new race car at the back.

"No parents would just watch their daughter falling down without proving she can do it," Levi told her meaningfully. She was more puzzled with his riddles.

"A parent would always wish for their child's success."

"Wait, what with this quote from you? Why are you talking about my parents? Did they know already?" She is a bit nervous. She wonders why her heart beating like this while staring at the car in front of them.

A crew took off the cover and it is completely displaying its entire beauty. Madison watched the car moving down to the ground when the crew pushing it out from the truck.

"Is this for me for real?" She felt unbelievably astounded. Her eyes were full of admiration staring at the car. "But I never heard my father has wealth. How did?" She was stunned.

"I am not talking about your parents on this lifetime," Levi smirked at her.

"Wait a minute, what is this all about?"

Levi gestured at her to stop, and he went to the car hood and pull off the plastic sticker. After Levi completely peeled it off, a logo of her sponsor reveal. No, it is not a logo at all, but a Family Seal of the Aristocrats. Madison's mouthed dropped. It is the Williams family seal!

Levi peeling off more fake stickers and reveals another sponsors name around the car. She is a little familiar with these names because Levi showing it to her who they are. Her other sponsors are the UKG Developer Co., Young Production Entertainment then most especially, the Crow Corporation and the Williams Research Center Institute.

Standing alone, it is enough to see that Crow Corporation is backing her up. Compare to any huge sponsors the Montfort has, still, Crow Corporation is the major investor and sponsor of the Montfort Racer Club.

And the last sticker Levi pull off on the header panel, reveals her very own name, Madison Moore.

"I presume, you are ready for NASCAR Touring Cup Series?"

Madison open dropped her mouth, is she going to every continent of this world to race?

"The Finals for the Cup series will hold at Mainland City and that is before this year ended."

* * *

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