My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 17 Raining Men

As promised, Shun was waiting for Cassie on the same spot he parked earlier during lunch break.

The classes ended at 4:00 PM, but the students who assigned today's cleaners were still running around the school building, and Cassie is one of them.

Quickly, Cassie finishes the cleaning because she already saw Shun waiting for her to go home together. She takes a peep in the window once again, and now Shun talking to the school principal.

"Hey, who are you looking there down below?"

Her classmate asked then also takes a peep, "Oh... isn't he is the rich man you live with recently? You really were lucky Cassie!"

Her classmate says it loud and so the others heard of it. Her other classmates run towards the window and stare at him while talking to their school principal.

The girls were daydreaming about him, and are squealing then sighing. They were envious she got to live with him in the same roof, they did keep telling her how lucky she was...

Well, maybe she truly is, no, she was blessed indeed.

The cleaning now is done, so she rushes outside where Shun has been waiting already.

She heads right away to her bedroom and takes a shower. She was reeking with sweat from doing Physical Education this afternoon.

Cassie wore comfortable house clothes then decided to go downstairs. She went to the kitchen to check auntie Ling to help out making dinner her surprise she saw three beautiful men occupying the kitchen.

The Master was in front of the electric stove stirring the casserole. Mister Rudolf washing the vegetables in the sink and Mr. Daichi cutting something. He's back facing her and so she did not saw his face.

Daichi feels her presence so his head turns at her direction, "Oh Miss..."

Her eyes widen and astound looking at Daichi, his eyes were crying and his nose also watering.

"What ha..." she lowered her gaze and search what he was cutting, she found out it was just an onion.

She covered her mouth not to burst out laughing, Daichi's face was too funny to handle.

She was amazed by seeing these men moving around her kitchen, although she doesn't own the Villa anymore still like in a dream having handsome men in front of him.

"Can I help something?" she asked ready to lend a hand.

"It's alright missy, we can handle this," Daichi winks between his running nose and teary eyes.

"Okay, but..."

"Just go and wait in the living room," Shun ordered her.

Unwillingly, she gives up and steps back when she remembered to ask whereabouts of auntie Ling. It was Rudolf who answered her.

"Her daughter will come back home from the hospital in the mainland city so they will fetch them at the airport."

"Oh, the baby!" she exclaimed excitedly.

She's been already anxious to meet the baby.

Since she was kicked out of the kitchen, again, she has no choice but sits in the living room then.

Lately, she was often kicked out from doing anything in the kitchen. Why she has a feeling that somehow, she was spoiled since these men arrive?

She gets her phone to message Joanna and kills time while the men busy cooking.

She's in the middle of typing when Mr. Jing entered the main door. He is carrying some fruits and a few stuff.

"Good evening, Miss," he greeted.

"Good evening, Mr. Jing," she responded.

Did he was from shopping? Wow, even Shun's Head Bodyguards doing errands for the house.

She shook her head in disbelief. She continued typing and send it to Joanna.

Cassie: Hey,

Joanna: What's up? Am glad you still alive.

Cassie: What?

Joanna: Hehe...

Cassie: What are you doing now?

Joanna: Nothing. Just reading some comic in Webnovel.

Cassie: I see...

Joanna: How about you?

Cassie: Nothing. Just sitting in the living room.

Joanna: Where's your boss?

Cassie: They were in the kitchen.

Joanna: What!? Don't tell me they were now having dinner and you have to wait after them? Looks like they were so unmanly and not so gentlemen!

Cassie: Hold up... you've been imagining ridiculous things. Stop watching too much drama.

Joanna: What? Of course, I would get angry!

Cassie: Wait, hear me out first...

Joanna: Then what?

Cassie: My master and his assistants cooking in the kitchen and they just kicked me out, rejecting my help.

Joanna: Oh...

Cassie: Yup! So am a little bored just waiting here.

Joanna: Miss Young! I hate you.

Cassie: What now?

Joanna: I am your best friend! You should share your blessings when it's raining men in your kitchen!

Cassie laughs. She understands what Joanna meant... she texted her that auntie Ling wasn't there tonight so she'll try to ask her Master if she can come over and stayed overnight.

She sits up from the couch and went to the kitchen to ask her master.


"Miss Cassie, do you need anything?" Daichi asked her.

"No, nothing...I just wanted to ask permission if my classmate could come over then stayed overnight."

She glances at Shun who's now making some pasta sauce, it smelled so nice.

"Who's classmate?" Shun asked without turning his add but keep mixing the ingredients.

"Joanna Chang," she answered.

"Chang? Does her dad's name is Ruben Chang?"

"Yes, uhm... Master," she replied.

She still can't call him 'brother Shun' in front of his assistants. She felt awkward for her to say it suddenly.

"I see... okay,"

"Oh, really?"

Shun glance at her then nodded.

"Thank you, Master Shun!"

She bowed then runs back to the living room and picks up her phone then texted Joanna immediately for the good news.

Joanna texted her back that she already told her parents and she is now ready to leave, she will send by her dad.

Receiving this message, she runs towards the front door.

Meanwhile, Shun was exiting the kitchen when he witnesses what happens next.


Shun's loud voice echoing inside the Villa. Hearing from outside, Jing and other two bodyguards rush inside.

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