My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 176 The Secret of the Past: Blood Moon

Two hearts celebrating love, while two filled with envy. . .

Old Shaman: You are not supposed to be here, but your greed who give you will and survive. Now, how can I serve you?

Klein: How can you send my soul to where she is?

Old Shaman: Ah, you are wishing for a Rebirth? Is that what you wanted? However, I don't have the power to send you to where she will be born again.

Klein: Tell me how!?

Old Shaman: Is this soul was binding to someone?

Klein: Yes.

Old Shaman: Then, you have to kill him.

Klein: What?

Old Shaman: After you killed him, then kill yourself next.

Klein: Why I should kill myself after!?

Old Shaman: These two souls, once they received a Wedding Ritual and a hundred of fireballs past the sky, they will be granted to always find each other even how many times they die and they are born again.

Kill yourself to follow this soul to the spirit world. This soul will find her and after this soul finds her, would you just sit around?

Klein: Are you telling me that I can follow where she will be reincarnating?

Old Shaman: Yes. But first, are you certain, this is what you want? You should think carefully because the payment is the happiness of the 10 generations of your family.

Klein: I don't care!

Old Shaman: I see. . . then you have decided.

Follow what I told you, kill him and yourself. And the most important part, she must die as well.

Klein: What!?

Old Shaman: Him, her, and you must die at the same time. Blood Moon. . . you must do it when the sky turned red.

Klein: And when is that?

Old Shaman: After the Seventh full moon.

Klein: How I could be reborn after she reincarnated?

Old Shaman: After you've done it, when you successfully killed them and you all die, you will gain the knowledge of what you needed to know when you become a soul again.

Isabella: How I could be with him on his next life?

Klein: Isabella? What are you doing here?

Isabella: I want to be reborn where he will be reincarnated!

Old Shaman: Hmm. . . if you are meant for the same people, then that can do.

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Klein: What do you mean by that?

Old Shaman: This lady, both of you can kill them at the same time, and kill yourselves next. . . the four of you can go to the Spirit World together, and both of you can follow the 'fated souls' to their next life. That simple. . .

However, remember this, 10 of your next generations will suffer and will never find happiness.

• • •

South Korea, the year 1820

"Dae-Hyun, your aunt Hae will give birth soon! Go and called your father and your uncle Jung-Hwa!" Madam Jee ordered her fourteen-year-old son.

"Right away, mother!"

Dae-Hyun Chen quickly rides his horse and summoned his uncle and father in the Capital. After Minister Jung-Hwa Chen heard the good news, they quickly ride back to the House of Chen along with his brother.

However, some bandits ambushed them in the woods. They fought them.

"Dae-Hyun! My son!"

"He was hit and badly wounded!"

"Doctor Han! Where is he?"

"Minister, he was helping the Madam to give birth!"

"What happened to my son? Dae-Hyun!"

Madam Jee tried to tend her son's wound. But not long after, Dae-Hyun stops breathing then a newborn baby cry heard all over the house.

However, Madam Jee is mourning for the death of her son.

"Mother. . ."

Madam Jee's eyes grow wider. She can't believe when her son breath again.

"Dae-Hyun! You're alive!" She keeps crying but with happiness this time.

"How is she? I want to see her."

"But your badly wounded?"

"Am fine." He slowly sits up and gets up from the floor.

To his parent's amazement, they were very confused about how he immediately recovered.

"Uncle, Auntie, I want to see her."

"Dae-Hyun? How? Isn't you died?"

"Am fine, uncle Jung-Hwa," Dae-Hyun smiled. "Can I carry her?"

"But, Dae-Hyun. . ."

His uncle seems troubled.

"You shouldn't hold her, might. . ."

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"She has marks, Dae-Hyun! How she can find a husband? When people saw this, they will call her a monster! Cursed!"

"Why it is my daughter have to suffer like this?" Madam Hae cried while holding her daughter.

"What are you talking about, uncle Jung, Auntie Hae? She is very beautiful! And I will protect her from everyone who will go to bully her! I will kill anyone who will hurt her!"

The couple was surprised by his words but thinking that someone will protect their daughter is the most important.

"Thank you, Dae-Hyun!"

"Can I carry her?" he asked.

"But your wounds?"

"Don't worry, I am a fine aunt Hae!"

Dae-Hyun takes the baby from her mother and carried her gently.

"She is very beautiful, auntie Hae! As beautiful as those Lilies in your garden," Dae-Hyun's gazes fix at the flowers outside planted nearby this room.

"Then let's name her Hwa-Young! Means, a beautiful flower!" Doctor Han suggested.

"Ah, yes. It's a beautiful name," Dae-Hyun murmured then smirked.

"Welcome to the world, Marivella. . . this country has such a complex system, you know that? It's just perfect for you and me. . . with the marks on your back, no one will have the courage to marry you. You will only belong to me."

• • •

France, the year 1843

"Master Irvine, Doctor Howard is looking for you." the butler informed.

"Okay, Alexander, thank you."

Irvine put down the hairbrush for the horses and he patted the good horse. Black is his grandpa's gift when he was 10 years old. It was fifteen years ago.

"I'll come back later, Black."

Irvine takes his shirt that hung in one of the barn posts then wore it.

His servant is looking at his back again.

"What is it, Taylor?"

"Ah, no Master. It is just that--"

"The birthmark on my back?"

"Yes, Master. I believe it's awesome! It was like a butterfly too!"

Irvine just laughs and shook his head. He taps his servants back before he left the barn.

Inside the Williams, Mansion is the old Doctor Howard patiently waiting for his great-grandson.

"Great-grand, you're looking for me?"

"Irvine, come here."

Howard is now a hundred and three years old.

"I received news, that Raymond Chen has died. I want you to go and send my respect."

"Here's the gift we prepared, Irvine."

Reichard Williams, son of Isabella shows him a different box on the coffee table.

"What are these?"

"I did a little research about Raymond's family to give a gift to each of them. Bring them and give personally, to each of them. The king has important words as well regarding your assignment in South Korea."

"One of the information I got is Raymond's grandson was an Imperial General. The name is, am kind of having difficulties to pronounce it. . . General Dae-Hyun Chen."

"I see. . ." is all he could say.

Irvine checks one of the boxes and he saw a beautiful hairpin with flowery shapes of rubies and emerald.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Reichard asked him.

"Yeah. For who is this, by the way, grandpa?"

"For General Dae-Hyun's wife. I think, her name is. . . Hwa-Young Chen, if am correct in pronouncing."

"Hmm. . .Hwa-Young Chen," he repeated. "Okay, I'll have to bring an interpreter then?"

* * *

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