My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 217 OUR LOVE STORY- 31: A Mafia Members Before

Cassie's phone keeps ringing as Hannah has been calling her daughter to talk again. They were unhappy with how their daughter was talking back now.

"Ken, can you knock on Cassandra?" Hannah requested her nephew.

"Auntie, she won't open the door. Kenneth has been trying to talk with her." Ken sighed.

"Okay, watch her closely, please. We've decided to go home soon. We will settle a few things here then, we will fly back to the island."

"Okay, auntie." The call ended and Ken glance at Kenneth who's shaking head telling him Cassie is not responding.

Behind this door is Cassandra trying to dial Shun's number, but he wasn't answering. Is he busy at work? But she badly wanted to talk to him. It's clear now, that her family is separating her from him. Whoever told them, she was mad because that's way too rude of minding other's business.

Is Joanna who told her parents? But she was sure, Joanna wouldn't do that to her. Although she is the only one who knew then who told her parents? How did they know that she now has a boyfriend and she is hiding their relationship?

She needs to find a way to see Shun soon. They should have a serious talk. She is willing to tell her parents, but she can't bring it up yet to them until now they found it out from other people. She was more in the bad situation of how she can have a good talk with her parents about her having a boyfriend when after the last talk she has with her mama that only ended in arguing.

She doesn't want to be a bad daughter but at least, they should listen to her side also. Now, how she can get their trust when they think that she is not honest to them? What she better do now?

Ah, she gives up dialing Shun's number. Also, she just ignores her cousins outside her bedroom who tried to talk with her.

Evening. . . Cassie was knocked again to invite for dinner. Yet, she still ignoring them so Ken brought her dinner and left outside her door. Good thing, she and Joanna already have a talk and she believes that Joanna hasn't told her parents.

And Shun hasn't contacted her yet which unusual. He would always reply to her texts and he will leave a message if he can't reach her. What is happening to him?

How if, she will leave the island tonight? But how can she meet up with Shun if she can't connect to him?

Now she realizes, she actually doesn't know about him a lot. She even doesn't know where he lives. He did mention he has a sister and parents but working far away. Totally, she actually doesn't know everything about him.

What she better to do now if she doesn't know where to find Shun? She should go to the hotel then. Cassie sighed.

Shun was actually like a puzzle. A missing pieces, not only one or two but most of the pieces. She only knows a little about him.

But maybe she can ask brother Daichi or Miss Loura? Ugh, she was now having a headache thinking about this all. She suddenly standing in a crossroads with many directions. Which one she should choose?

Fight her love for Shun? Her family seems won't be convinced that she is feeling real and true towards him because of her age.

If they have known already and that's the reason they were doing this now, then only a little percentage that they will listen to her and tried to understand her. And so she needed to talk to Shun and discuss this with him. . . but then, why she can't contact him now?

Meanwhile, Quinn was currently above the sky. His plane is one destination, Southern Africa. He took a glance at Lucas and Jessie who busy chatting nonsense stuff.

He resumes from reading the reports he requested from Rudolf. On his hand, is a couple of folders about Landon Young and Hannah Chen.

He scans their files and he was shocked by what he found out. Landon Young is an ex-member of SECTION 11? Quinn asked himself.

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What does this mean? He once a member of the Mafia Association!

Quinn next to look over is Hanna Chen's files. SECTION 13!

Cassandra's mother is once a guest in Section 13. She hasn't become a full-fledged member, but she was listed that once joins SECTION 13 when she is 15.

Kenneth told him, that Landon knows him very well. This is because they were involved with the Association once!

Then, is this helpful? Them being aware of his position right now, could this be an advantage to win Cassandra's parents approval? Or this will become harder instead?

And why do they haven't enroll Cassandra at SECTION 13?

Argh, a lot of questions to him now!

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