My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 237 OUR LOVE STORY- 51: Joanna's Birthday Presen

It was Joanna's 18th birthday and her parents just throw a special birthday dinner as her request not to organize a party celebration for her when Christmas Eve is just around the corner. Besides, she was too busy helping Cassie to organize this unforgettable school Christmas Party soon. 

Before this, Joanna making a joke to her parents that they should better to save up the money and spend it to her weddinginstead, that almost made her mother pass out of how she began thinking about this thing. Worse is, her brothers only laugh at her that she even has no boyfriend and she won't have one, so how she will get to marry? She really wanted to spank her brothers to their opinions about her.

Her thoughts were actually thinking more about using the money for her college than just wasting it to a grand party, they weren't rich like the Young family. So she was more concerned about her future, duh. She blurted this to her brothers.

And earlier, they were blabbing unnecessary words to Rudolf. How she could face him now? Her brothers really did a great job of embarrassing her, and that awkwardness was piling up.

Joanna sighed. Right now, Cassie should have hanging out with her already, but since Cassie has a boyfriend who's staying on the island lately, she was now lonely! 

She looks on the floor and her birthday gifts were piling up now on the corner, she wondered what they are and she is anxious to open them. She sat up from her bed and sits on the floor, one by one, she read the greetings card and the names of the givers until she spotted the gift that was from Rudolf. She was very surprised and never expect him to remember wrapping a gift for her.

What is it? She becomes antsy to open it right now. Is it a ring? She would definitely say yes! Wait-- why she is thinking of this thing when he is not even her boyfriend?

Ah, she is just assuming. How boring. She is the only one who always initiates to show her feelings, and that is way embarrassing upon realizing again of what she'd done earlier. 

Joanna didn't notice but she actually began opening the gift that addresses from Rudolf, she screams after realizing that and found out what he gives her. 

The people in the living room and in the kitchen was startled from her scream, they heard then her footsteps and witness how she suddenly jump at Rudolf who currently helping in the kitchen. Everyone was dumbfounded of what she'd done, most especially of what she squeals. 

"Yay! I love you!" 

After she realized of this awkward moment, Joanna slowly withdrawing her arms around Rudolf's neck and step down on the floor, she was actually hanging from his body which is, he was this tall. 

Joanna quitely marches back to her bedroom and simply ignoring everyone's reaction to what she'd done. She brought herself so many humiliations encounter all in just one day! Ugh, why she wasn't able to control the urge to do it like the kiss? She did saw how her parents dropped their mouth on the floor, also the expression of their visitors. Even if they were just the Young family, but her behavior is inappropriate, when especially President Quinn was here as well! 

Joanna didn't notice how her brothers followed her until she entered her bedroom and shut the door. They glance at each other then runs towards Rudolf. 

"Brother Rudolf, please don't reject our sister's confession!" They asked the flustered guy who still cannot move on from their sister's ninja moves. 

"Ah, but I don't think that was--" he saw how Mayor Ruben Chang and Principal Dina Chang were shocked for what their daughter did just now. He sighed. He actually does not know how to react to this situation, which he doesn't want to let Joanna feel that embarrassment of what she did. 

Rudolf meets Mayor Chang's gazes at him, he is throwing those questioning look like asking if there were something going on between him and Joanna. He also glances at Quinn who is grinning at him. Shit. He will now become a flavor to his fun. 

Meanwhile, Dina and Ruben have been communicating through their eyes about their daughter's action. Is this why Joanna bring up about a wedding instead of her debut party? 

"Tsk, tsk, teenagers these days-- ugh," Landon shaking his head while commenting this, but Hannah elbowed him and she is giving him that warning gazes to shut up. Cassie has just seated next to him then Quinn after because the overprotective father is watching the guy not to make physical contact with her daughter. 

Cassie bit her lower lip so that she can't make a sounded giggle when her father acting like this. . . she glances at Quinn and they exchange sweet gazes but Landon coughs to ruin the mood. Hah! Her father is really acting like a child.

"Okay, dinner is ready!" Auntie Ling announces. 

"I'll go and fetch Joanna," Cassie volunteers then sat up from the long couch. She strides towards Joanna's bedroom then knocks on the door. "Joanna? It's me."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

"Come on in, it's not locked!" 

Cassie heard Joanna shouts from the other side of this bedroom door. She pushes it to open and there she is, Joanna was comfortably seated on top of her bed and browsing her new phone. 

"Hey, dinner is ready. Who's present is that from?" She asked afterward. 

"Guess, what?" Joanna smirk. 

"Oh, I see. So that was Mr. Rudolf's gift to you. That's way costly, huh?" Cassie stared at Joanna's phone, it was the latest and one of its greatest specs is was built for gaming and a long-lasting battery, and it is truly an expensive one. You can already buy an expensive engagement ring with the price of it.

Let say, Joanna and Mr. Rudolf are great friends, but she believes, that a friend won't just spend this much if there is no special feelings and understanding towards the opposite being. Could be possible? Hmm... Cassie keeps her thoughts.

"What are you thinking, Miss Young?" 

"Nothing," Cassie answered even though that smile playing on her lips. "I just thought, that you were actually not serious about making the first moves." Cassie saw how Joanna blushed.

"Don't tell me, there is something happens before this?" She was suspicious. Cassie could recall of this expression, the same one from earlier at the school.

Joanna put down her new phone and shared to Cassie of what foolishness she did earlier, which she and Cassie squeals in a low voice. However, there are three naughty kids listening outside the door who runs towards the adults and reveals, that their older sister and brother Rudolf had kissed at the school.

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