My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 250 Vol. Six- Two: What Omen Is This?

Their eyes meet and their heart talked. She leans on the door and suddenly she feels shy in front of Quinn.

She watches him walking towards her, and he looks down staring at her face. "Tell me that I am not dreaming," he said.

Quinn places his arm to the door that made her pinned on it. His other arm then began stroking her face and hair.

"How about, you find out if this is only a dream," she teases him.

Quinn leans and murmurs close to her ears, "you naughty, future Mrs. Williams." He then gently bites her lower lip before he entirely covers her mouth. And they kiss like there is no tomorrow.

They stayed embracing each other after that passionate kiss and no one who dares to break in this beautiful moment they had together. Both of them wanted to cope up with the days they were away from each other.

"Thank you for visiting me. I felt like, am going crazy, if I am not got to see you soon," Quinn mumbles. Cassie giggles for him acting childish.

"President, before I forget, you have to eat the lunch I brought."

"Hmm... can I skip the meal and have my dessert again?"

Before she could reply, Quinn is kissing her one more time. "Quinn..." she gasped while catching her breath.

"I am madly in love with you. I don't know what I am going to do if I lose you."

Cassie parted her body then looks up, she stared at Quinn and saw his sincerity. She wants to tell him how much she loves him too, but no words are enough, to describe how she was overwhelmed by his love.

"Am so happy," she just buried her face to his chest as a response, "I love you so much too."She sighed.

"So do I... I want to see you every day, that when I woke up each morning, it was your face I could see... and during nights, it was you I have a glimpse of before I close my eyes."

Quinn kisses her eyes, drying them as it was now flooded with tears. The kiss then lowering down to her nose, and brushing his lips against hers... and they've kiss once again.

After that heartfelt exchange of sweet words then kisses, Quinn and Cassie now seated at the long sofa in front of the food she prepared.

"Did you make all of these?" Quinn feasted his eyes from the food in front of him.

"Yup! But Mama teaches me in most of them," she giggles. "What do you think?" she put a spoon of stew in Quinn's mouth.

"Hmm... this taste good! The spicy flavoring is just right," Quinn praises.

"You like them?" She is referring to spicy dishes.

"Yes. I have always been here around Asia, so I got to taste a lot of spicy food. Wow, this tastes amazing!" Quinn began tasting the squids rings she fried and mixed into cucumbers, tomatoes, and large onions.

She happily observing Quinn while eating the food she prepared for him. She woke up so early in the morning to start cooking them. She heard when her parents discuss an important meeting at YKG company with the Board of Investors.

And so, she asks her father if she can come along to Mainland City and visits Quinn. Landon is actually against this, but her Mama Hannah is on her side. Her mama scolded her father of being overprotected and strict for no reason against Quinn. All she did is watch her parents arguing cutely about it, she was amusingly listens to them until her papa give up.

And right now, being by his side, only one thing she is wishing... and that is to be with Quinn every day and take care of him as her husband.

"Hum... what is it? Quinn asked her after he'd notice that she was just staring at him.

She shook her head and smiled. "Nothing..." she leans to his ears. "I just can't wait to become, Mrs. Williams."

With her words, Quinn was sent to cloud nine. Does this girl know how that would affect him? He might don't wanna give her back to her father later, and just locked her inside his arms all his life, and never let her go.

Meanwhile, inside a private room in one of the hotel's restaurants, are Quinns's executives have gathered around. They were supposed to give their reports to the President, but after hearing that the Empress has arrived and with the Dragon Emperor right now, they won't dare to enter that office and ruin their special moment.


During dinner, Quinn takes Cassie in a Parisian restaurant. She instantly remembers of their first date. She is holding back her tears while taking the seat Quinn pulls for her. She thanked him and suppress her desire to kiss him as a reward.

They were on the same table she reserves for her birthday. Here where it all began the wonderful memories with Quinn.

And Quinn notices how she was a bit emotional. He reaches for her hand and kisses the back of her palm.

Cassie's phone rings in her bag, she took it out and saw a text of her father saying:

"Your Auntie Mina prepared a lot of dinner at their house. I will go ahead, then I will just pick you up around nine."

Puzzled, she was happy that she can spend more time with Quinn tonight. She wonders how her papa will miss this out to watch out her date... but well, never mind. Her papa seems becoming considerate toward Quinn.

With this, she merrily told Quinn that they will be having dinner alone tonight. Quinn was actually a bit surprised but then his smile widen. It is all because he caught Landon walking away from the restaurant. This is a good sign, he is very close to winning his father-in-law's favor, and completely trusting him one day.

* * *

Somewhere in Hungary. . .

Isabella heard a knock on her office, then her mansion's Headmistress entered the room carrying a platter.

"Lady Isabella, a message arrives for you." The headmistress place the platter next to her teacup.

Isabella picks up the note and reads what is written. Later on, she began sobbing and holds her chest. It throbs painfully. Once again, her love is gone while she continues living in this world. She grew tired now.

"Milady? What happens?" Madison just arrives from Paris, and she witnesses this.

"Madison!" Isabella stretches her hand toward Madison. She runs to the lady and takes her hand.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

"What's wrong?"

"Madison, what omenis this?"

Madison was confused. The lady is often a riddle to her. "What happens?" She curiously asked.

"I cannot foresee anything anymore. And the death of Edward is the proof that I don't have the capability any longer."

"What that means, milady?"

"I am afraid, Madison. Yet, I haven't fulfilled the promises of Carlisle and Marivella. However, I no longer hold any permission to meddle in their fate or anyone's at the present."

"Help me, Madison. I want you to do something before I die. Because I don't have a hold anything anymore of what will happen next. This world is completely on its own."

Madison totally confused about Isabella's words, but she is prepared to do anything for her family. What is about to happen?

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