My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 262 Vol. Six- Thirteen: Cassandra Died On That Acciden

Budapest, Hungary

Isabella was in her secret room; sitting quietly in one of her single couch near the window. She looks outside and looks up to the sky, she sighed. Holding a copy of a book from the year 2014, she fixes her gaze back to where she stops reading.

It is a History Book from the time Dae-Hyun hasn't learned the truth yet. It is the time when everything hasn't changed yet. And it is the time, the Young Family died.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

Yes. Cassandra died in that accident. And yes, Quinn already lost her in the future. It is just correct, that Quinn mourns when she is gone.

Hwa-Young, to find Klein in the human world, she uses Cassandra's body to bring him back to the Spirit World. Hwa-Hyung took Cassandra's fragment soul back to her body, and that made her alive once more, along with Hwa-Hyung memories; who had memories of Marivella.

She sighed. What everything is written in this Book, never happened to the present time. Moreover, Cassandra will turn eighteen soon. She is twelve when that happens.

Unfortunately, she can not foretell what's coming in the near future anymore. She also wonders if she could travel again when a Blood Moon reveals once more.

And the Blue Moon will emerge in 2020; she needs to prepare everything soon. Isabella glance to the moon, which is hiding behind those dark clouds in the European Northern hemisphere tonight, before it set down on the Southern sky.

The time she could feel her immortality, she can envision what the dark clouds bring; everything she could see now is only a blank space.

Isabella fixes her eyes back to the book, she wonders if she must burn it? Through time, when she could travel every Blood Moon, she tried to talk to these leaders who began the world wars. Same to Dae-Hyun, she let them saw the future. The time they gained so much power, but still has tragic ends, and all the power they achieve never lasts.

Isabella put back the book in the vault she is keeping them. Soon, she wanted to burn the book. Although, she also thinking if she should let Madison and Levi saw them; being knowledgable is the best for the Keepers.

Indeed. They are the best candidate to be the next generation as The Keeper.

The Keeper; are those who will keep memories of the past. Even the rest of the world would forget after a RESET, they who will still remember everything.

Isabella stepped out of the Secret Room and shut it locked. She went back to her table then organize the files that now piling up in front of her. Her life is much easier when Madison is around, but she has a very important job right now.

Isabella heard a knock on the door and she expects it was her butler to announce her dinner was prepared.

"Milady, someone is seeking an audience with you."

The butler mentioned the name of her guest. She was a bit surprised. She notices that he often paying a visit.

"All right, I'll be there in a moment." She told the butler.

Isabella prepares herself before she will join her visitor in the Tea Room. She headed down to one of her tea rooms located on the first floor of her mansion.

Edward Montfort is her guest tonight. He tried to stand from the single sofa he seated, the moment he saw her entering the room.

"Please, Monsieur… you need not stand." she gestured at him to stay seated.

"Good evening, Lady Isabella." Edward greeted her politely and partly bow.

Isabella nodded and responded. "Good evening, Master Edward. What I can help you?" she asked afterward.

"Um, I have a few things I needed to take care and so, I paid a visit. Pardon if I trouble you in my sudden appearance." Edward answered.

Isabella smiled gently. "Do not worry yourself, Monsieur. Everyone is welcome to my mansion."

"I am much grateful, milady."

Isabella averted her gaze from Edward. Somewhat, his gazes were getting warmer each meeting they have. Or maybe because; she was affected by now as she is losing her immortality, slowly...

"How about supper? If the master hasn't eaten yet, it would be an honor to share a table with you."

Edward's face brightened upon hearing an invitation from Isabella. "I am much pleased with an invitation, from you milady. I would never refuse such an opportunity."

* * *

Isabella seated in the long table with a ten seating capacity. She chooses this Hall so that, she and Edward would not be that far from each other, and could exchange words naturally.

Yes. Across her is her lover, who was reincarnated as Master Edward Montfort. He was silently eating the supper that served.

"The Thompson family are such a great chef." Edward praises.

"And the most loyal ones," Isabella agreed. "Incredibly, one of the most reliable family."

"… that is why I would be in peace. Having Madison by Levi's side, I can rest assured." his serious assertion.

Isabella just nodded. In this situation, she can visualize a random small scene, but her immortality is wearing out. Isabella slightly tilted her head on the side and Edward noticing this...

"Are you feeling unwell, milady?" Concerns now wrote all over his face.

"Hm, don't worry. It must be just overwork."

"Milady..." Edward seems to desire to discuss an important matter with her, but he chooses to delay it.

"Then, maybe I better call it a night, for the lady to get a rest."

Isabella smiled lazily, she felt tired certainly. Probably, this is the effect of having a mortal body. "Thank you for understanding, Monsieur."

Edward nodded and then slowly stood on his feet. He is hesitant about whether to come closer toward Isabella to give his respect or just leave the room.

"How about if I escort you outside? Let me see you off, Master Edward." She proposes.

"Such an honor, milady."

Isabella led Edward toward the main door of her mansion. He bowed to her before he stepped inside of his car.

Isabella nodded upon seeing the car slowly driving toward the gateway of this mansion. She meets Edward gazes for the last time, and she could feel that she open herself to him for the first time. 

She turned around to hide the tears forming on her eyelids. Did Edward able to see her fragile self in the past? Did she render to him; if who he is to her in the past?

Her heart throbbing with such pain. More painful than the knife she stuck to herself. "Howard, I am sorry!"

She made a long stride toward her bedroom. Upon entering the room, she leans on the door and cries, letting her body slide down to the floor. She cannot hold her tears again. So this is the feeling of being human?

She has been immortal for so long. When she stays like one, she could easily suppress the pain, sadness, pity, and every emotion human could feel…

She does feel them, but it will easy for her to control them. However, right now, she wanted to be a human for once.

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