My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 27 Put in the Pedestal


Daichi whistles seeing the line of the nervous executives who waited outside of the President's Office. Although this is not a new scene, the boss wasn't in a good mood. He put his employees on the edge of a cliff once again.

He forcefully opens the office door and marches angrily inside.

"Oi, where're that four eyes, man!?" he asked in annoyance tone.

The two Senior Engineers who currently make a report about the progress of the planning dropped their mouth in the floor. They truly admired their Head Security who doesn't care about his action in front of the dragon boss. The two engineers flew in the mainland yesterday, and they have no knowledge why this Head Security suddenly appears, they were nervous if something happens back on the island.

"Are you looking for Rudolf?" Kier's left brow twitch upward. This guy doesn't read a situation.

"He flew to Beijing for their annual meeting with his partnerships," Kier answered his question. "What's the problem?" he asked him back.

"That guy owes me big! How dare him to drop a call on me!"

"If he has nothing to say anymore, then he would just do that unless you piss him again," Kier asserted.

"Eh? I wanted to tell him that Missy needs a new computer so he could choose the latest one for the Miss and send it to the island! Am not even able to speak then he hangs up on me! Missy often fell asleep in the library to do her projects," he complains.

Ignoring Daichi's arrival, Shun finally raises his head and looks at him. He put away the report he's reading.

"Isn't this kind of issue is you must contact me directly?"

He scratches the back of his head, "Boss, I know that...but since that guy called me already, I choose to tell him to let you know then."

Shun sighed. He then notices the box he was carrying.

"Anyways, it is lunchtime should give your Executives a break!" while saying this, Daichi place the box above the documents in the table.

The Senior Engineers eyes widen of his action. This Head Security is truly something. The forehead of their boss now showing more black lines.

Everyone cannot bear the pressure, yet, this guy carrying more bad news. As for Kier, who witnesses the President's bad mood for a whole couple of weeks now, he wanted to drop Daichi from this floor because of his idiocy.

"What is it?" confused, Shun asked.

"Missy woke up very early this morning to buy the ingredients and cooks this for you, boss," Daichi smiles wide and raise a thumbs-up.

Shun's face suddenly brightens up hearing this. And as for other people's point of view inside that office, they were stunned noticing how quickly the President changed his mood.

"Kier, tell Rudolf's team to purchase the latest laptop," Shun requests. "and tell everyone I want to see them by 3:00 of the afternoon in the meeting room. They can take a break now," he added.

"Copy," Kier bow then left the room. He glances at his boss before he closes the office door. He shook his head in wonder.

Shun move his gaze to his engineers, "Engineer Park, bring the laptop tomorrow when you fly back in the island. Ask Mr. Chang to run a final check on it and tell him to teach Cassandra if there are parts she doesn't understand with the latest system."

"Ah...yes President Crow! Copy, boss," Engineer Park startles for a moment. He meets the eyes of his co-Engineer. While staying on the island, they've already heard about their boss living with someone name Cassie.

"Alright, you both can go home now and prepare to go back to the island tomorrow."

"Thank you, boss."

Dazedly, the two Senior Engineers bows then walk towards the door. They still can't believe what they've witnessed just now.

So there is someone who could actually cool down the fire breathing dragon. They both sighed after they get out alive.

The executives waited for the two engineers to come out from the President's Office to storm with questions. They were curious about what happens, but the two engineers weren't sure how to answer or what exactly they wanted to hear from them?

Then they just simply said, the boss just take a lunch break so everyone could the same as well. How come they could say, 'their Mistress must put in the pedestal and kneel bows at her'.

Of course, they should not commence a gossip about their boss.



"Then, am heading out too. I will go to The Peninsula to see Blaire," Daichi announced.

"Okay," Shun nods at him. "I'll entrust you to takes care of Claire to protect my sister from her," he said meaningfully.

Shun doesn't need to explain everything about Daichi's assignment. His Head Security already knows what he must to do. Daichi salutes him then left his office.

He stared at the lunch box then picks it up and carried it to the long table inside his office. He takes out the box from its wrapping then checks what's inside.

The smell of the food pleases his nose and it looks very tasty. So this is the food Daichi boasted about on his photos. Shun went to his desk to get his phone and dialed Cassie's number.

He immediately ordered Daichi to buy a phone after he learned from auntie Ling that Cassie doesn't own one on that very first day they've arrives on the island.

When they get back to the mainland, he right away registered Cassie and get her the latest phone where she could take clear photos from it. He even inserted a card on the phone box saying, she should call him or text him if anything she needs or there is a problem in the island...but Cassandra only sent him texts one time when she thanks him for the phone.

He learned that she was preparing for a periodical exam and have lots of projects...that is why he did not makes a call or text her, avoiding to disturb her concentration to study. One week has passed and she never sends him a text again.

He felt hopeless... what is he going to do with this girl?

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