My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 295 Who Is He?

Another day passed, and Cassie still unconscious. Quinn never left her side even how angry Landon at him, who Hannah is the one pacifying her husband.

"Quinn," Hannah pats his back.

Startled, Quinn sat straight to his chair. He did not notice he falls asleep watching Cassandra all night.

"I convinced Landon to go home at the mansion. We will back after lunch for you to go home and take a shower then," Hannah told him.

"Okay, Mama. Thank you."

Hannah squeezes his hand. "No. Thank you. I know how much you worry about my daughter. That is why I was happy. I also wanted to tell you, I trust you."

"Mama," Hannah's word touches him, feel choking. "I love her with all my heart and for the rest of my life."

"I know, Quinn. Thank you. We are going now. Don't forget to take a nap, okay?" Hannah reminded him.

"Okay, Mama. Do not worry about me." He forces a smile on his face.

Later in the evening, Quinn came back to the clinic as fast as he could after he took a quick shower and changed clothes. Seated in a chair beside Cassie's bed, he was working with some documents sent to him over when he noticed that Cassie is moving.

Stood from the seat, he leans on her. "Cassandra? Can you hear me?" he asked, hopeful Cassie is waking up.

She reaches for her head. Cassie stared at her left arm after she noticed an IV connected to her vein. "Where am I?" she asked after a long moment of adjusting her vision in the bright room.

"You were in the clinic. I was so worried about you. How do you feel now?"

Cassie turned her head to his direction but her expression is blank, and Quinn wondered.

"How was your head? Is anywhere also hurting?" he asked further, but all he gets from her is a puzzle reaction. "Cassandra?"

"How did you know my name?" finally, she speaks to him.

But Quinn confused about the way she talks to him. "I know because—." he chuckled then reaching her head to pat but Cassie only slaps his hand. Quinn was in great shocked. Why did she act like this?

"Don— don't touch me," she pleads.

It dumbfounded him. He saw how she looked at him with fright. What is happening to her? He thought.

"Cassandra... I won't hurt you," his heart throbbed in a pained, he wonders why. When is the last time he felt this way?

In the door is Hannah carrying a coffee for Quinn. Surprised, she rushed toward Cassie upon seeing she was now awake. "Honey! You're awake! Oh, I am so glad." Hannah holds her daughter so tight.

"Is that you, Mama?" she asked, shock written all over her face.

"Yes, it's me, honey. What's the matter? Does your head still throbbing?"

She is shaking her head. Strange, she doesn't feel the pain anymore. Then she remembers to ask, "Papa? Is papa with you?"

"Yes, he is. He will be here soon. Oh, there he is!" They saw Landon entering the room. "Honey!"

"Papa? Papa!" she cried and hugged her father. Everyone confused about the way she acted.

"I thought, you and Mama died already!" sobbing, she murmurs.

Landon parted from his daughter, confused he tried to comfort her. "Why did you say that? Tell me, did you have a bad dream again?"

She nodded. So Landon brushing her hair. "Then, don't be afraid anymore. It was just a dream. I am glad you are alright," he told Cassie, and she smiled, the usual bright smile.

"Honey, how about Quinn?" Hannah asked.

Cassie glanced at Quinn, puzzle, she looks at her parents then asked. "Who is he?"

Somewhat, Quinn feels the roof falls on his head. Why Cassandra suddenly did not recognize him?

Landon and Hannah exchange glances at each other. They got worried why is their daughter acting like this? "Honey, can't you remember Quinn?" she asked her once again.

Everyone waited for her answer. When she nodded, Quinn wanted to cry. Why?

"Did you hit your head or something?" Landon asked worriedly.

"No. But— can't you remember, Mama, Papa?"

This time, it puzzled her parents. "What is it, honey?"

"We got into an accident, can't you both remember that?"

Levi is the person who was more shocked among everyone inside that room.

"But honey, we never get into an accident."

"Is that so? Then?" she looked at every faces inside that room.

"Cassie, can you remember me?" Levi dares to ask. But Cassie just shaking her head.

"Ahem! I guess we were better to conduct the tests she needs now she was awake, and there are a lot of things going on." Doctor Philip interrupted the confusing situation for everyone. "Jim, please bring her to the X-Ray room," he ordered his assistant.

Now that Cassie has gone to the lab room, Philip takes this chance to talk to Landon and Hannah. "Looks like, there is a serious problem here that is not my line. So then, I will introduce Doctor Carol, who is a specialist in special cases. I'll request for her to see your daughter." Doctor Philip suggested.

"Might need, please do. Tell us soon if what is happening to her, Doctor Philip."

Philip nodded then left to attend Cassie for her tests. Those left in that room began arguing. "What did you do to my daughter, Quinn Williams!"

"Calm down, Landon. I know you worry about Cassandra, which we worry about her too. Don't blame everything for our son. We will help your daughter whatever we needed to figure out what is happening to her," Henry speaks up this time.

Landon heaves a furious sighed. He believes that any father would get worried if something happened to his daughter.

"Please, everyone just calm down. If I could confirm later that my intuition is right, she is not the Cassie we all knew," Levi asserted. His statement confused everyone.

"What are you talking about, Levi?" Hendrick asked his son. Although he believes Levi has already analyzed the circumstances, this needed a thorough explanation.

"I need to ask Cassie about something... to confirm if my suspicion is correct," his reply to his dad's question, then Levi glances to Quinn.

"What do you mean by that, Levi? What are your thoughts?" Quinn asked curiously. He began understanding what Levi is figuring out.

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