My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 297 Somewhere, Trapped In Time: Finding A Way

Montfort Library

Behind a closed door are the families gathered.

Upon arriving at the mansion, Cassie has been giving that baffled glance to everybody. Including the mansion, she is saying that she never been here before and not familiar around the house. Then they confirmed, that the person inside her is not the Cassie they knew, but someone else. Which she only could recognize are her parents and Martin's family.

The Bennett family attempted to reach their grandmother Isabella, but the messenger was miles away before he could relay the messages.

Karen who contacted someone shares the circumstances with everyone. "I already passed a message to Lance Collins. He is now preparing his trip to relay the message for Lady Isabella."

"Lance? I haven't seen him during Uncle Edward's wake." Quinn asked.

"Lance is the Head of Security who guarding the Shamans Village," Loura who answered.

"Oh. I see..." Quinn reacted. Somehow, he already knew of the shamans' existence, but he doesn't know where they dwell.

"In the village of the shamans: there are no electronic devices such as; a telephone or computer for

communication. And so, Lady Isabella and Miss Allison would not receive the messages even if I sent directly to them. That is why the message must relay personally. As an urgent and very important, Lance will go himself."

Now Quinn intrigued to know more about the Shamans or meeting them soon he hopes about. "That's good then... he mentioned nothing."

"And one thing that I heard, Quinn. Lance and CEO Laine Collins are in bad terms," Hendrick told him.

"Oh, family matters?" He was curious, as he must know the least of the situation about his business partners and King's Men Alliance.

"Yes. The Collins Family has private matters. Because the father arranged Lance marriage to someone he doesn't love," Katherine added.

"I see. That was sad…" he quoted. Everyone is eyeing him, as his situation was worse than anyone else in the world. The woman he loves is now missing in this life and possibly trapped somewhere in nowhere.

Imagine a space where there is the planet Earth, then an invisible world somewhere in the space; colliding into the real world. What disaster does it bring?

"Now, let's go straight to the matter we have to discuss. What are you two talking about earlier?" Landon asked afterward, giving intensity gaze to Quinn and Levi. He could feel, they know something why it's happening.

Waiting patiently for what they will share, the adults hearing already about these mysteries surrounding their world. And happening to their family still something hard to believe for them.

Levi first observes each of the faces in front of him, then he began. "Ahem. Before anything else, surely everyone knew already about the Time Traveler and the Keepers."

"I am a Keeper, and I meet someone as a Time Traveler, Madison," he confessed.

"Oh..." Everybody's reaction except the Montfort and the Bennett family.

"These passing days; during Uncle Edward's wake is the first time I went time travel," Levi continued. "Then followed the other night, when brother Quinn and I visited Madison. I just wanted to introduce them to each other. But Madison unintentionally, she brought us to the life that did not exist anymore."

"What are you saying, Levi?" asked Hannah.

"The book," Levi replied. "They were the life events that do not belong to the present life any longer after a RESET by the Time Traveler. Our life and all the characters in that book are us."

Everyone made a shock reaction, except for those who already aware of this truth.

"Are you joking on us, Levi?"

"No. He is telling the truth," Derek supported.

"I died in the book," Karen affirmed. "Left Derek being a widow and Keida being motherless."

Everyone now could recall everything in that book and possibly who they were in that book. They gasped in awe, astounded, especially Landon and Hannah.

If based on their daughter's behavior, she is acting like a person in that book. Having collective amnesia. Telling them they died in the accident, and she's still twelve years old.

The person inside Cassie now does not know anyone but only them. She did not recognize the mansion: Levi, and most especially, Quinn. She forgets Quinn in all the people.

"To make a story short, brother Quinn who saves Cassie from the car explosion, the one who we have here now."

"So this was truly your fault!" Landon accuses him.

"But Papa! I cannot stand just watching you will murder by them! I won't just sit around waiting for the three of you died!" Quinn responded to Landon this time.

Landon ponders to everything he said. And he admits Quinn doing a heroic deed, risking his life for them, even saying does not exist anymore. How if he died? Is he coming back alive? But where is his daughter? Did she trap in the book? Or whichever space in this universe?

"I will pick up Madison tomorrow and bring her here. She might figure out what is happening. She knows more than me. So I can not much of help how we could confirm if where Cassie right now."

"Did Cassie knew this story? I mean the book? Did she read this book?" Blaire who raise this question.

"Yes," Quinn answered. "She did already."

"When did this happen?" asked Landon, eager to know.

"During her visit when Martin's family got into the accident. I invited her one evening for a dinner date, then someone breaking in the house through the back after I sent her home. Gladly, she made a call Loura and—"

"Quinn runs barefooted to save Cassie," Larry reveals.

Everyone feels amazed that there is something like this happens before. A sweet encounter even before they officially become a couple.

"Ah, I remembered something. I made a phone call, and then I heard an audible sound: car horns, screeching from a vehicle, then people shouting at you about killing yourself and such. Is that time around?"

"Yes, Mom. Then I took Cassandra to Larry's house to make sure her safety. We both stayed the rooms in the attic but separately. Then I heard her crying in the middle of the night. When I check her out, she was crying after reading the book because the Cassandra in that book died."

Hannah sobs. "We must find our daughter," she told Landon.

"Don't worry, we will seek Lady Isabella's help to bring back our daughter. We must find her wherever she is."

"But Lady Isabella now lost her ability."


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