My Stubborn Mistress
Chapter 300 Somewhere, Trapped In Time: This Is So Unfair
Everyone looked at each other. Which part of the book? They began recalling every chapter of the book. The way Cassie now acted, the accident is just fresh to her.
"We better to ask her if what is the last thing she remembers before she lost consciousness," Levi's suggestion.
"We will do it," Blaire volunteered. She glances at Riley, who nodded at her; agreeing to her plan.
Levi clapped. "That sounds great!" Then, he shifted his gaze to Madison and asked her. "So, how must we introduce you to Cassie? We can't just tell her you are her daughter or something without a long explanation."
"But isn't she know this reincarnation thing after her twelfth birthday? Larry raised the question. "They went to New York to meet someone, and they learn about Carlisle and Marivella, then Cassie plans to tell Quinn after they meet in Paris."
"However, she forgot them, but only having collective memories," Hendrick countered.
"Okay. Maybe be that's a helpful case for us. We need not explain everything to her, but just play that the life she has now been still hers." Henry's opinion that agreed upon by everybody.
"That's a good plan. We need not tell her she was from another time, and there's someone she switches body with..."
"So, we must lie to her?" Hannah is against the idea, although she understands the situation.
"Honey, she acted like twelve years old. Besides, she will get confused if we reveal everything to her." Landon responded to his wife.
"And the people she supposes to know. She won't recognize them, her school, and her friends," Quinn added.
"Quinn is right," Henry seconded.
This made Landon ponder the things he better to decide for his daughter. The presents Cassandra had different memories that never happened to her daughter. "So you all saying that we can't let her go back on the Island?" Landon asked Quinn.
"There will be people she won't recognize that confuse her."
"That would be true, honey." Hannah reached for her husband's hand and squeezes it.
"So we must stay here?" Landon glanced at his wife.
"Or at Lady Isabella's mansion. There, we can watch her over," Madison suggested, who was just listening.
Landon thinks it is the best suggestion he heard. He could assure his daughter's safety. "Maybe the best idea, we are all lost now. And I want to find my daughter as soon as possible."
"And about Madison, we better to introduce her as Cassandra's cousin. Besides, she is both from Williams and Chen's. Her ancestors are both of us." Henry asserted.
"That's right!" Lily realizes something. "You were a Williams!"
"And Auntie Hannah's distant relatives," Levi added.
"Hmm… Quinn and Levi have become cousins because of us, their mothers. It does not matter when one day, you and Levi got married."
Madison dropped her mouth on the floor. Her cheeks flushing, and she does not know how to counter this. She glances at Levi, and he just ignores the conversation, but busy talking with Quinn. She just smiled at the ladies in front of her.
What must she expect? Levi is not in love with her lets everyone had their assumptions whatever on their mind.
"So it means, we are relatives from Dad's side!" Blaire shared her conclusion.
"Even though you are my brother's daughter, and so my niece if we base the reincarnation thing, but we are more like cousins!" she said, then hugged Madison.
"Um, I guess," Madison's chest overwhelms from this meeting. She did already know this stuff, so she is happy how she was accepted and welcome.
"And you are Chen's long-lost family," Hannah said, then hugs her as well. "From my grandma Marivella. It truly amazes me."
Her eyes never left Madison. She resembled Cassie a lot, and she was anxious if where is her daughter now.
"I will do everything I could to bring her back, Auntie Hannah," she told the lady.
"Thank you." Hannah smiled, saw hope in Madison.
Afterward, Madison then requested Hannah. "Can I talk to Cassie, Auntie?"
"Sure. I better be the one to introduce you."
"Thank you. I got an idea of how to ask her, and things to discuss with her."
"That's good then."
Hannah brought Madison toward the playroom. It surprised Cassie seeing her, who looks like her.
"Honey, meet your cousin Madison. She is living in Hungary," Hannah introduces her.
"Really?" Happiness showed on her face. "Wow!" she exclaimed and hugs Madison tight.
She also hugs Cassie and attempts to feel if she could grasp a memory by holding her. She parted from her then take both of her hands.
"I heard that you are unwell, so I come and visit you. How are you?"
"I'm a lot better!" cheerfully, Cassie replied.
"Happy to hear that. But do you mind if I ask you something?"
"Can you remember what happens before you lose consciousness?" Madison did not waste time.
"I guess, I do."
"Can you share that with me?"
"Am..." Cassie looked at her mother and Hannah nodded.
"Well. The last thing I could remember is Uncle Martin brought me to the Eiffel Tower festival. But it started raining, and I went to buy something with Mimie, then I can't find the way back. And what I could remember, I was near the fountain which my head aching bad, so I sit on the ground and crying."
"Behind me looks, people fighting. I don't know who are they."
"I see. It is time around when you just arrived here in Paris?"
"I guess so."
"Okay, that's all. Thank you."
Cassie smiled. Madison felt a little guilt. She didn't notice that she patted her head and comb the strands of her hair. Cassie from that book has a very sad life, alone, and treated badly before Quinn finds her again. "Don't worry, everything will be okay," Madison quoted.
"Hum?" Cassie gives Madison a confused look.
"Ah, nothing. Anyway, I'll go talk to, ahem, brother Quinn. We have a few things needed to discuss with everyone. So I will go back to the library."
"Oh, but you will stay for a while, right?"
A flash of fear shows in her eyes and Madison caught that made her heart throbbed. "Ah, yes. I will stay," she responded. Cassie now smiled happily from her answer.
"Pretty Auntie, how to do them?" Keida approaches them and handed to Cassie her doll.
"Oh, let me see."
Now her attention was with the kids she played with… Madison and Hannah take the chances to leave and go back to the library. Hannah wipes the tears in her eyes as she could feel the lonely life of the Cassie they with now. She cannot avoid feeling pity for her, because her parents in that life left her being orphan after they got killed. Landon joined his wife; comforted her while Madison shared what they learned.
"She told us that, the last thing she could remember is the time Martin brought her to stroll around the Eiffel Tower but lost around the Fountain. So, it was the time around when—"
"Wait, a minute. Quinn was there!" Larry could remember that chapter of the book very well.
"But he was drunk and fight with the locals," Levi added.
"Yes. We look for him, and he was in an argument," Derek said.
"Then we go to prison!" Larry laughs as it happened in their present lifetime.
"And you propose to me." Karen steals the spotlight.
"And where I meet Daichi for the first time," Riley added.
"Wait! Why am I the one who can not read the book?" Quinn complains. "This is so unfair."
Feel devastated, at least, he wanted to know the whole story written in the two books. So he knew how to act in front of her. He then notices that everyone whispering to each other. His left brow twitches on the side.
And what is the meaning of this? He felt frustrated that everyone seems hiding something from him.
Well, everyone just knows how Quinn and Cassandra in that book; having an active sex life.
And Landon won't encourage him to read them.
"We better to ask her if what is the last thing she remembers before she lost consciousness," Levi's suggestion.
"We will do it," Blaire volunteered. She glances at Riley, who nodded at her; agreeing to her plan.
Levi clapped. "That sounds great!" Then, he shifted his gaze to Madison and asked her. "So, how must we introduce you to Cassie? We can't just tell her you are her daughter or something without a long explanation."
"But isn't she know this reincarnation thing after her twelfth birthday? Larry raised the question. "They went to New York to meet someone, and they learn about Carlisle and Marivella, then Cassie plans to tell Quinn after they meet in Paris."
"However, she forgot them, but only having collective memories," Hendrick countered.
"Okay. Maybe be that's a helpful case for us. We need not explain everything to her, but just play that the life she has now been still hers." Henry's opinion that agreed upon by everybody.
"That's a good plan. We need not tell her she was from another time, and there's someone she switches body with..."
"So, we must lie to her?" Hannah is against the idea, although she understands the situation.
"Honey, she acted like twelve years old. Besides, she will get confused if we reveal everything to her." Landon responded to his wife.
"And the people she supposes to know. She won't recognize them, her school, and her friends," Quinn added.
"Quinn is right," Henry seconded.
This made Landon ponder the things he better to decide for his daughter. The presents Cassandra had different memories that never happened to her daughter. "So you all saying that we can't let her go back on the Island?" Landon asked Quinn.
"There will be people she won't recognize that confuse her."
"That would be true, honey." Hannah reached for her husband's hand and squeezes it.
"So we must stay here?" Landon glanced at his wife.
"Or at Lady Isabella's mansion. There, we can watch her over," Madison suggested, who was just listening.
Landon thinks it is the best suggestion he heard. He could assure his daughter's safety. "Maybe the best idea, we are all lost now. And I want to find my daughter as soon as possible."
"And about Madison, we better to introduce her as Cassandra's cousin. Besides, she is both from Williams and Chen's. Her ancestors are both of us." Henry asserted.
"That's right!" Lily realizes something. "You were a Williams!"
"And Auntie Hannah's distant relatives," Levi added.
"Hmm… Quinn and Levi have become cousins because of us, their mothers. It does not matter when one day, you and Levi got married."
Madison dropped her mouth on the floor. Her cheeks flushing, and she does not know how to counter this. She glances at Levi, and he just ignores the conversation, but busy talking with Quinn. She just smiled at the ladies in front of her.
What must she expect? Levi is not in love with her lets everyone had their assumptions whatever on their mind.
"So it means, we are relatives from Dad's side!" Blaire shared her conclusion.
"Even though you are my brother's daughter, and so my niece if we base the reincarnation thing, but we are more like cousins!" she said, then hugged Madison.
"Um, I guess," Madison's chest overwhelms from this meeting. She did already know this stuff, so she is happy how she was accepted and welcome.
"And you are Chen's long-lost family," Hannah said, then hugs her as well. "From my grandma Marivella. It truly amazes me."
Her eyes never left Madison. She resembled Cassie a lot, and she was anxious if where is her daughter now.
"I will do everything I could to bring her back, Auntie Hannah," she told the lady.
"Thank you." Hannah smiled, saw hope in Madison.
Afterward, Madison then requested Hannah. "Can I talk to Cassie, Auntie?"
"Sure. I better be the one to introduce you."
"Thank you. I got an idea of how to ask her, and things to discuss with her."
"That's good then."
Hannah brought Madison toward the playroom. It surprised Cassie seeing her, who looks like her.
"Honey, meet your cousin Madison. She is living in Hungary," Hannah introduces her.
"Really?" Happiness showed on her face. "Wow!" she exclaimed and hugs Madison tight.
She also hugs Cassie and attempts to feel if she could grasp a memory by holding her. She parted from her then take both of her hands.
"I heard that you are unwell, so I come and visit you. How are you?"
"I'm a lot better!" cheerfully, Cassie replied.
"Happy to hear that. But do you mind if I ask you something?"
"Can you remember what happens before you lose consciousness?" Madison did not waste time.
"I guess, I do."
"Can you share that with me?"
"Am..." Cassie looked at her mother and Hannah nodded.
"Well. The last thing I could remember is Uncle Martin brought me to the Eiffel Tower festival. But it started raining, and I went to buy something with Mimie, then I can't find the way back. And what I could remember, I was near the fountain which my head aching bad, so I sit on the ground and crying."
"Behind me looks, people fighting. I don't know who are they."
"I see. It is time around when you just arrived here in Paris?"
"I guess so."
"Okay, that's all. Thank you."
Cassie smiled. Madison felt a little guilt. She didn't notice that she patted her head and comb the strands of her hair. Cassie from that book has a very sad life, alone, and treated badly before Quinn finds her again. "Don't worry, everything will be okay," Madison quoted.
"Hum?" Cassie gives Madison a confused look.
"Ah, nothing. Anyway, I'll go talk to, ahem, brother Quinn. We have a few things needed to discuss with everyone. So I will go back to the library."
"Oh, but you will stay for a while, right?"
A flash of fear shows in her eyes and Madison caught that made her heart throbbed. "Ah, yes. I will stay," she responded. Cassie now smiled happily from her answer.
"Pretty Auntie, how to do them?" Keida approaches them and handed to Cassie her doll.
"Oh, let me see."
Now her attention was with the kids she played with… Madison and Hannah take the chances to leave and go back to the library. Hannah wipes the tears in her eyes as she could feel the lonely life of the Cassie they with now. She cannot avoid feeling pity for her, because her parents in that life left her being orphan after they got killed. Landon joined his wife; comforted her while Madison shared what they learned.
"She told us that, the last thing she could remember is the time Martin brought her to stroll around the Eiffel Tower but lost around the Fountain. So, it was the time around when—"
"Wait, a minute. Quinn was there!" Larry could remember that chapter of the book very well.
"But he was drunk and fight with the locals," Levi added.
"Yes. We look for him, and he was in an argument," Derek said.
"Then we go to prison!" Larry laughs as it happened in their present lifetime.
"And you propose to me." Karen steals the spotlight.
"And where I meet Daichi for the first time," Riley added.
"Wait! Why am I the one who can not read the book?" Quinn complains. "This is so unfair."
Feel devastated, at least, he wanted to know the whole story written in the two books. So he knew how to act in front of her. He then notices that everyone whispering to each other. His left brow twitches on the side.
And what is the meaning of this? He felt frustrated that everyone seems hiding something from him.
Well, everyone just knows how Quinn and Cassandra in that book; having an active sex life.
And Landon won't encourage him to read them.
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