My Stubborn Mistress
Chapter 304 Somewhere, Trapped In Time: "All I Care Is My Life With You" r18
Where on earth did they go to? Quinn asked himself.
And he can't find Madison and Levi. Where did that couple go? He is mumbling.
Quinn could hear a lot of noises coming from the main road above him. He was inside a forest, so he follows the trails he found. When he gets off to the road, all he could see are carriages and horses.
What the heck??? What year did they go to? And why do they come to this time? Quinn keeps asking himself.
"Brother Quinn, what are you doing?" Levi grabs him.
"To look where were you! Why you leave me?" he then asked.
"We didn't leave you. We just wanted to survey the place and get us our clothes for this time."
"What year this is?"
Levi answered. "I don't know. But if we are in the beginning, these scenes are from Book 2: Cursed of the Blood Moon. We travel way back so far, probably, we are in the year 1700s."
"What the heck Levi?"
"We have in no control if where we could go to!" he exclaimed.
"Okay, then where is Madison?"
"She's waiting for us. Let's go."
Confused, Quinn follows Levi. He brought him to one of the residential buildings in this neighborhood, and he saw Madison waiting in the back of the building. She now dressed in the clothing of this century. That's right, they were in the 17th Century.
"Here, both of you can change your clothes with these." Madison handed them the men's clothing for this time. Wearing the clothing from the future, whoever going to see them would suspect them and wonders.
After they changed costume, they hid their clothes somewhere to get them again later.
"So, where are we?" Quinn asked.
"We're in old Paris, the construct of the Notre Dame has just begun," said Levi, then pointed a direction.
Quinn follows the direction Levi is pointing. "Interesting… but Cassandra wasn't here, is it?"
"I guess, she's not here. But I don't know why we're dragged into this time." Madison said.
"Maybe something important happens here, that is why," Levi asserted.
They continued sharing a thought when a window from the third floor of the building opened, quickly they hide. They saw three girls whispering in the window they lay down a blanket that tied each edge to create a rope. One girl began climbing down from it. After she steps down on the ground, they retrieved the blanket rope and the other two girls wave at her before they closed the window.
Who's that girl? She's sneaking out. Is she going on a date? Or meeting a lover?
Madison and Levi look at each other. They were trying to figure out which chapter they were in the book. What chapter when a girl sneaking out from a window?
"It could be, Marivella?" Levi remembers. Madison had the idea also, Marivella did it a few times, but the whole chapter is very interesting.
"Should we follow her?" Quinn asked them. He was completely clueless. He badly needed to read those books! Every travel they went to, he is the only one who knows nothing if what will happen next.
* * *
The Year 1770s
Marivella walks in a hasty toward the restaurant she has to go to. The moment she arrives in the place, she instantly spotted that handsome man who her date tonight. She strides closer to the table: he who quickly stood from his seat and pulled the chair across from him for her to sit down. Quietly, she sat on the chair and thanked him.
"You were beautiful tonight," he complimented her when they both settled down on their seats. "I mean, you were always beautiful," he chuckles.
"Thank you," her reply, then she smiled.
"Oh, let us order now."
"Um, I am not familiar with their dishes," Marivella honestly said.
"Then, would you mind I'll choose something light?"
"Sure, thank you."
Marivella observes him browsing the menu, then give their orders to the waiting server. He was very handsome tonight, looks too aristocrat. His blue eyes; anyone would fall for him. However, she can't return to his feelings.
"Thank you for treating me a dinner tonight, Doctor Montfort."
"I should be the one to thank you, for joining me tonight. And besides, we're not at work. So please, just call me in my name, would you?"
She smiled. "All right, but not at work."
"I won't mind, actually."
"Okay, Charles." They laugh.
"But I don't want a gossip rising in the hospital," she said. Everyone already gives glare at her as Charles gives her special treatment. No. It is because of Charles's ex-girlfriend.
But she did not only sneak out tonight to meet Charles. That guy surely waiting for her, but she already turned down his invitation to meet him tonight.
Behind the scene are three people watching them. Quinn surprised to see Levi and Cassandra having dinner. No. It was Marivella and Levi as Charles.
Wait a minute, the Levi likes Marivella, but he who hid their child and that was Madison. He glances at the couple behind him who looks at each other passionately.
His gaze fixes back toward Marivella. When Cassandra gets to age, she would look a lot like Marivella. She was too beautiful. He misses Cassandra even more.
'Hold on. I will come to you.' Quinn whispered into the air. He looks up in the sky and clouds began covering the stars.
Seeing this scene somewhat would have to make her jealous. But Levi tightly holding her hand. And the kisses they shared last night, that was real and true. This is just the past. And the two people who're in love with each other is she the fruit of their love…
After an hour and a half, Charles and Marivella parted and call it a night. She was strolling the woods as a shortcut when someone grabbed her.
The three of them who follow her instantly alerted but they recognize the guy, it's Carlisle.
* * *
It startled her when someone grabbed her by the arm. "Carlisle! What are you doing here?"
"Shush. I saw three people following you."
"What?" she looked around and saw three silhouettes watching them.
"Come!" He dragged Marivella, and she just followed Carlisle. She was not sure what happens, but they ended up running towards in the middle of the woods where they found a small cottage.
"I waited," Carlisle said after he lit the lamp they found hanging in the middle of this hut.
"Carlisle, I have to go home soon. Might Miss Sarah notices I am gone." She was about to step out the door when rain suddenly pouring down.
"Am I sailing to New Found Land," he announced.
Marivella slowly turned around to face him, and sadness fills all over his face.
"I don't know when I could come back," he told her.
She doesn't know what happened next. All she could remember is the rain pouring heavily. Striding closer to her, her eyes never left Carlisle.
"Marivella..." He uttered before he planted her lips with a passionate unbreathable kiss.
His hand slid down her back and started untying the lace of her dress. She sighed. She could feel his warmth palm brushing her skin.
Carlisle unhooked her dressed. Her beautiful breast displayed under the small light from the lamp. He kisses her again, down to her neckline while he began massaging her breasts. He pulled her into the floor and gently laying her down while continue kissing her.
Carlisle taunting the one while his other hand playing another. He teases both, using his mouth and hand. Nibbling one and pinching the other. Marivella sighed his name. Her body is completely devouring by him. She arches her back, responding Carlisle teases her sensitive chest.
After taunting one, Carlisle moved to another, shifting: tormenting them until reddened. His kisses trail down her stomach and into her navel. He successfully took the underclothing she wore that night and nuzzling that part of her body. Carlisle is preparing her.
"Carlisle..." Marivella cries after he grabs her hips and slowly made his way inside her.
"Hmm..." his hands holding tight both of her legs, thrusting deeper into her. Sometimes he will nip any part of her upper body: her ears, her neck, down to her chest.
Carlisle nibbles her shoulder blade as he thrusts deeper into her, and their pace increases each moment... Marivella's arms wrapped around Carlisle's shoulder; holds tight seeking strength to match his move. She then wrapped her legs around him and pulled Carlisle's head to kiss him.
"Marivella," he catches his breath, growling on top of her.
Outside of this hut is someone who feels awkward from the whole exercise. Levi and Madison went to get their clothes when the rain pours. He followed the lovers ended him trapped from the rain and heard all the noises these two working out. Now looks the heat subsided, and the lover began conversing once again.
"Let's go somewhere away from here," he whispered to her left ear.
Marivella parted from Carlisle's embrace. She sat up from the floor where they make love. "Are you suggesting to run away?"
"I have a friend in Russia. Let's go there and build our family."
"Running away?" She chuckled. "Then what? You're leaving your life here?"
"I don't care about my life here! All I care is my life with you," Carlisle spoke of.
"But I can't leave my family," Marivella responded after a moment of silence. "I know I am just a commoner. You are an aristocrat. And, running away is never a solution to a happy life," she added.
"But you are the one I wanted to spend my whole life, no one else! You are the only one I love!"
Sweet words... How wonderful to the ears. However, everything is just an illusion. She closes her eyes holding her tears from fleeing.
Everything would be just like a dream. She no Cinderella. Even Cinderella, her father is a duke. She not totally a commoner.
Marivella turned around and stood in front of Carlisle. She let her dress drop on her feet made her bare completely; then she steps out of the clothing.
Carlisle blinks several times, admiring the beauty in front of him. Marivella sits on top of him. He sat up from lying down: throwing his arms around her naked body, began kissing her again; biting her ear, nibbling her neck, while nuzzling her proud chest. He helps her way down to him, grasping her buttocks.
Carlisle held her tight, supporting her body in every thrust he made. Marivella closes her eyes, let the sensation overwhelm her.
Tonight, she will allow this lust to lose control over her.
All she wanted is to be with the man she loves.
Tonight, she will allow a being like Cinderella who has one night of her life…
And he can't find Madison and Levi. Where did that couple go? He is mumbling.
Quinn could hear a lot of noises coming from the main road above him. He was inside a forest, so he follows the trails he found. When he gets off to the road, all he could see are carriages and horses.
What the heck??? What year did they go to? And why do they come to this time? Quinn keeps asking himself.
"Brother Quinn, what are you doing?" Levi grabs him.
"To look where were you! Why you leave me?" he then asked.
"We didn't leave you. We just wanted to survey the place and get us our clothes for this time."
"What year this is?"
Levi answered. "I don't know. But if we are in the beginning, these scenes are from Book 2: Cursed of the Blood Moon. We travel way back so far, probably, we are in the year 1700s."
"What the heck Levi?"
"We have in no control if where we could go to!" he exclaimed.
"Okay, then where is Madison?"
"She's waiting for us. Let's go."
Confused, Quinn follows Levi. He brought him to one of the residential buildings in this neighborhood, and he saw Madison waiting in the back of the building. She now dressed in the clothing of this century. That's right, they were in the 17th Century.
"Here, both of you can change your clothes with these." Madison handed them the men's clothing for this time. Wearing the clothing from the future, whoever going to see them would suspect them and wonders.
After they changed costume, they hid their clothes somewhere to get them again later.
"So, where are we?" Quinn asked.
"We're in old Paris, the construct of the Notre Dame has just begun," said Levi, then pointed a direction.
Quinn follows the direction Levi is pointing. "Interesting… but Cassandra wasn't here, is it?"
"I guess, she's not here. But I don't know why we're dragged into this time." Madison said.
"Maybe something important happens here, that is why," Levi asserted.
They continued sharing a thought when a window from the third floor of the building opened, quickly they hide. They saw three girls whispering in the window they lay down a blanket that tied each edge to create a rope. One girl began climbing down from it. After she steps down on the ground, they retrieved the blanket rope and the other two girls wave at her before they closed the window.
Who's that girl? She's sneaking out. Is she going on a date? Or meeting a lover?
Madison and Levi look at each other. They were trying to figure out which chapter they were in the book. What chapter when a girl sneaking out from a window?
"It could be, Marivella?" Levi remembers. Madison had the idea also, Marivella did it a few times, but the whole chapter is very interesting.
"Should we follow her?" Quinn asked them. He was completely clueless. He badly needed to read those books! Every travel they went to, he is the only one who knows nothing if what will happen next.
* * *
The Year 1770s
Marivella walks in a hasty toward the restaurant she has to go to. The moment she arrives in the place, she instantly spotted that handsome man who her date tonight. She strides closer to the table: he who quickly stood from his seat and pulled the chair across from him for her to sit down. Quietly, she sat on the chair and thanked him.
"You were beautiful tonight," he complimented her when they both settled down on their seats. "I mean, you were always beautiful," he chuckles.
"Thank you," her reply, then she smiled.
"Oh, let us order now."
"Um, I am not familiar with their dishes," Marivella honestly said.
"Then, would you mind I'll choose something light?"
"Sure, thank you."
Marivella observes him browsing the menu, then give their orders to the waiting server. He was very handsome tonight, looks too aristocrat. His blue eyes; anyone would fall for him. However, she can't return to his feelings.
"Thank you for treating me a dinner tonight, Doctor Montfort."
"I should be the one to thank you, for joining me tonight. And besides, we're not at work. So please, just call me in my name, would you?"
She smiled. "All right, but not at work."
"I won't mind, actually."
"Okay, Charles." They laugh.
"But I don't want a gossip rising in the hospital," she said. Everyone already gives glare at her as Charles gives her special treatment. No. It is because of Charles's ex-girlfriend.
But she did not only sneak out tonight to meet Charles. That guy surely waiting for her, but she already turned down his invitation to meet him tonight.
Behind the scene are three people watching them. Quinn surprised to see Levi and Cassandra having dinner. No. It was Marivella and Levi as Charles.
Wait a minute, the Levi likes Marivella, but he who hid their child and that was Madison. He glances at the couple behind him who looks at each other passionately.
His gaze fixes back toward Marivella. When Cassandra gets to age, she would look a lot like Marivella. She was too beautiful. He misses Cassandra even more.
'Hold on. I will come to you.' Quinn whispered into the air. He looks up in the sky and clouds began covering the stars.
Seeing this scene somewhat would have to make her jealous. But Levi tightly holding her hand. And the kisses they shared last night, that was real and true. This is just the past. And the two people who're in love with each other is she the fruit of their love…
After an hour and a half, Charles and Marivella parted and call it a night. She was strolling the woods as a shortcut when someone grabbed her.
The three of them who follow her instantly alerted but they recognize the guy, it's Carlisle.
* * *
It startled her when someone grabbed her by the arm. "Carlisle! What are you doing here?"
"Shush. I saw three people following you."
"What?" she looked around and saw three silhouettes watching them.
"Come!" He dragged Marivella, and she just followed Carlisle. She was not sure what happens, but they ended up running towards in the middle of the woods where they found a small cottage.
"I waited," Carlisle said after he lit the lamp they found hanging in the middle of this hut.
"Carlisle, I have to go home soon. Might Miss Sarah notices I am gone." She was about to step out the door when rain suddenly pouring down.
"Am I sailing to New Found Land," he announced.
Marivella slowly turned around to face him, and sadness fills all over his face.
"I don't know when I could come back," he told her.
She doesn't know what happened next. All she could remember is the rain pouring heavily. Striding closer to her, her eyes never left Carlisle.
"Marivella..." He uttered before he planted her lips with a passionate unbreathable kiss.
His hand slid down her back and started untying the lace of her dress. She sighed. She could feel his warmth palm brushing her skin.
Carlisle unhooked her dressed. Her beautiful breast displayed under the small light from the lamp. He kisses her again, down to her neckline while he began massaging her breasts. He pulled her into the floor and gently laying her down while continue kissing her.
Carlisle taunting the one while his other hand playing another. He teases both, using his mouth and hand. Nibbling one and pinching the other. Marivella sighed his name. Her body is completely devouring by him. She arches her back, responding Carlisle teases her sensitive chest.
After taunting one, Carlisle moved to another, shifting: tormenting them until reddened. His kisses trail down her stomach and into her navel. He successfully took the underclothing she wore that night and nuzzling that part of her body. Carlisle is preparing her.
"Carlisle..." Marivella cries after he grabs her hips and slowly made his way inside her.
"Hmm..." his hands holding tight both of her legs, thrusting deeper into her. Sometimes he will nip any part of her upper body: her ears, her neck, down to her chest.
Carlisle nibbles her shoulder blade as he thrusts deeper into her, and their pace increases each moment... Marivella's arms wrapped around Carlisle's shoulder; holds tight seeking strength to match his move. She then wrapped her legs around him and pulled Carlisle's head to kiss him.
"Marivella," he catches his breath, growling on top of her.
Outside of this hut is someone who feels awkward from the whole exercise. Levi and Madison went to get their clothes when the rain pours. He followed the lovers ended him trapped from the rain and heard all the noises these two working out. Now looks the heat subsided, and the lover began conversing once again.
"Let's go somewhere away from here," he whispered to her left ear.
Marivella parted from Carlisle's embrace. She sat up from the floor where they make love. "Are you suggesting to run away?"
"I have a friend in Russia. Let's go there and build our family."
"Running away?" She chuckled. "Then what? You're leaving your life here?"
"I don't care about my life here! All I care is my life with you," Carlisle spoke of.
"But I can't leave my family," Marivella responded after a moment of silence. "I know I am just a commoner. You are an aristocrat. And, running away is never a solution to a happy life," she added.
"But you are the one I wanted to spend my whole life, no one else! You are the only one I love!"
Sweet words... How wonderful to the ears. However, everything is just an illusion. She closes her eyes holding her tears from fleeing.
Everything would be just like a dream. She no Cinderella. Even Cinderella, her father is a duke. She not totally a commoner.
Marivella turned around and stood in front of Carlisle. She let her dress drop on her feet made her bare completely; then she steps out of the clothing.
Carlisle blinks several times, admiring the beauty in front of him. Marivella sits on top of him. He sat up from lying down: throwing his arms around her naked body, began kissing her again; biting her ear, nibbling her neck, while nuzzling her proud chest. He helps her way down to him, grasping her buttocks.
Carlisle held her tight, supporting her body in every thrust he made. Marivella closes her eyes, let the sensation overwhelm her.
Tonight, she will allow this lust to lose control over her.
All she wanted is to be with the man she loves.
Tonight, she will allow a being like Cinderella who has one night of her life…
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