My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 308 Somewhere, Trapped In Time: This Is Just A Dream

Once again, she woke up in an unfamiliar room. Cassie blinks her eyes many times to adjust her vision to the light. She thinks it was early in the morning as the light from the sun blinding her, and so she averted her gaze from the window.

She tilted her head on her right side then notices that she no longer alone in this room than the first time she woke up, now more patients places in her ward. Cassie wanders her gazes might she'll find a familiar face, but none she recognizes but strangers.

Cassie having trouble to process everything at the moment. Is she still in the same place as before? The time when she becomes twelve years old again, and then with a shaven head and told that her parents were dead.

Why does she keep coming back to this nightmare? How could she escape from here and go back to where her parents are alive, and Quinn was on her side?

She badly needed to see Quinn. She is missing him very much, but she doesn't know what to do in a situation she has right now.

Quinn… she sighed.

She wanted to fall asleep again might when she wakes up, and finally; she goes back in reality.

But as she just woke up, sleep is elusive for her. Cassie then asked herself if where her Uncle Martin goes to. She needs answers to all the questions inside her head. She has been contemplating things until half an hour passed, and someone she knew finally arrived.

"Mimie!" Gladly to see her. But to Cassie's confusion, Mimie is glaring at her, then seated loudly to the chair beside her bed. She crosses her arms over her chest, completely ignoring her, but only browsing her phone. Mimie is wearing a headphone, and she could hear subtle music from it, meanings, she won't hear whatever she wants to speak with her.

She wondered why Mimie was rude to her. They were like sisters, as she was like an older sibling to her. Why she's treating her bad? What she did to her that she would get angry at her? She was confused again.

Then she recalled that this is possibly just a part of her bad dreams, and so, from now on there are a lot of changes that will happen while it trapped her inside this dream. That's right. What she must think is that everything was a dream.

This is just a dream. Cassie mumbling to herself.

Maybe all the people she knows will treat her differently then? But she also wonders if she could meet them in this dream. If so, can they recognize her? Because she has a bad feeling that things inside this dream are far from her reality.

She wanted to cry. She faces on the side, giving her back to Mimie as she held the tears that want to escape from her eyes at any moment.

Quinn, where are you? Her heart longing to see him. And so, it cannot hinder her tears from trailing down her cheeks.

It was afternoon when finally her Uncle Martin came back and told her the good news. She can go home. Later in the evening, she was discharged from the hospital, and her Uncle Martin brought her into his apartment. To her amazement, it is the same house they were living in from her reality.

Confused, Lydia was also indifferent toward her. She could feel that something is off, but she ignores this feeling as for her mind; everything was just a dream. Martin told her she'll just go straight to the room she shared with Mimie to take some rest.

While taking the stairs, she glances at Lydia, and she caught that glare she darted at her but then wearing a fake smile when his uncle came out from the kitchen.

"I will call you when supper is ready," Martin told her.

Cassie nodded and resume from climbing those stairs. It was the first time that her dreams were very detailed, and it amazes her. It seems she could also do anything she wanted in this dream. Again, she wanted to ask, what is going on here?

Upon entering the room she knew owned by Mimie, a two-bed greets her. However, she could tell that there is a big difference between the two beds. On the right side, is a very fine bigger bed with a lot of stuff, such as a huge shelf and a study table with a computer. She also saw a laptop and an iPad on the bed and things she was sure owned by Mimie.

On the left side were a plain bed and almost an empty shelf. That must be hers? Well, she was just guessing. Cassie strides toward the plain bed and sits. The least, the bed is soft.

She then remembered that there was a window on this part of the room where her bed placed. So, she climbed the bed and reached the curtain to open the window.

Her heart throbbed from the sight of the Eiffel Tower. Instantly, tears escaping from her eyes once again. She and Quinn made plans to watch the Eiffel Tower at night. Now her tears flooded for real. She shoved her face into her palms and cry because she remembered that Quinn first proposes to her in the attic where she could have a nice view of the tower like this.

Quinn... she wailed.

* * *

Present Time

Quinn is searching for Cassandra to tell her dinner finally served. Everyone was already in the dining hall, but she wasn't there, and so Quinn volunteered to look for her.

He then found her on the veranda where she could have a full view of the Eiffel Tower.

"It's cold out here." He could see how she jolted when he spoke behind her.

"Brother Quinn," she turned around to face him, but she also averts her eyes not to meet his gaze.

Quinn understands that he did a very embarrassing action earlier. He almost kisses her that absolutely, it shocks her. And now, she is avoiding him. Quinn saw when Cassandra stepped backward away from him. It was dark, and so he didn't notice how her face is flushing upon seeing him, is the reason.

He was staring at her face when the Eiffel Tower lighting once again, and it was so beautiful.

"Maybe you don't want to miss this?" he told her and encouraged to turn around to observe the lighting of the tower at this hour.

Honestly, his heart wrenching from the pain because he remembered his first proposal to the real Cassandra... and he promised that they would watch the Eiffel Tower together that day she was gone.

Quinn gets back to his senses when a soft, warm palm wiping the tears that had fled from his eyes. Surprised, overwhelming, longing were the factors to blame for his next move. He loses control of himself, and he pulls Cassandra by waist closer toward him and kisses her hungrily.

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