My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 330 Somewhere, Trapped In Time: THE VOW

Brand-new day...

Quinn opened his eyes and never left his gaze to the girl lying next to him; tempting to plant a kiss on her cheek that facing his direction. Also, on her forehead, to her nose, most especially those lips. However, he has to assure if she's still the girl he made love with until the sun rises a few hours ago.

Cassandra moves to her left side, facing Quinn. Slowly, very slowly— he brushes off the strands that fell on her cheek. He loved a full view of her beautiful face. He cannot content himself just to stare at her, but he would do it even the entire day, and he won't get tired too.

Definitely, he is the only woman he could ever love. Time may pass by, life maybe changes or whatever may come ahead. There won't be any change how his heart throbbed, but always know she is the one he loves.

Quinn was like watching a slow-motion moment of a drama. Cassandra slowly opens her eyes, adjusting to the small light that coming from the window between the drapes of the curtains.

She smiled and reached his face, playing his earlobe with her thumb. Quinn's tears fall from his eyes.

"I'm here," she assured him.

This time, his silent cry become sobs. Of course, happiness overwhelms him she didn't disappear, and she's still here beside him, sharing the same bed. Cassandra dried his eyes. To make her believe she is the real one, she planted light kisses on his forehead, on his nose, and his lips.

Unsatisfied, he clutches to her hips and pulls her closer, then kisses her passionately. She is responding lovingly, proving she is the real one.

Quinn parted his lips, then sat up on the bed. "Come on," he said, helping Cassandra to get up, then sit on the bed, facing each other.

He took his ring from his finger. This ring, it was Cassandra who bought it on the same day she first disappears. This ring is the most beautiful and precious gift he ever received.

Quinn reaches for his necklace and takes the ring out of the chain. Since Cassandra keeps disappearing to this lifetime, he kept the ring as the person she switches to might wonder why she has this kind of ring.

"Cassandra Marivella Chen Young, do you take me as your heavenly husband? May yesterday, tomorrow, in another lifetime, or a new life nor today become the past life... I promise, to love you whether from this life or in another life... even the life that forgotten or does not exist anymore to the present lifetime. May in the Spirit World or Heaven Sky... you are the only woman I would ever love."

Slowly, Quinn put the ring on her finger. The ring that belongs to her. After then, Cassandra took the ring she bought for Quinn, and after putting the ring on his finger, she confessed her vows with flooded eyes.

"Quinn Williams, do you take me as your heavenly wife? May in this lifetime, nor the life that does not exist anymore, in forever and eternity... I promise to love you... may yesterday, tomorrow, or today... either in our next life and in the Spirit World or Heaven Sky... you are the same man I would ever love."

With his other hand, Quinn wipes the tears that keep flowing from her eyes. The vows have exchanged. Quinn holds Cassandra's face with both of his palms, then kisses her passionately.

Meanwhile, behind this scene are two people that close them witnessing the whole eternal vow. And the next scene is not for them to watch further. Carefully, Levi closes the door to give the lovers a private time together.

Levi took Madison's hand and hold it tight. His peers at her are warmly gentle. Madison responded when Levi kisses her in the middle of the hallway in the presence of Butler Pete and the two MAS15 bodyguards.

"Let's head to the kitchen and make some breakfast for them," Levi said after he parted their lips.

Madison could only do is a nod. She's still in a daze after that honeyed kiss they shared. Together, hand in hand, Madison and Levi went to the kitchen and then prepared a special breakfast for the reunion and celebration of love by these two people that so much dear to them.

Back inside the bedroom; are two souls once again their bodies become as one, beat their heart together as one, and make their soul bind forever. Over again, they make sure that every second they were together well spent the only for each other.

Heavy breaths and sensual cries echoing in every corner of the room. Once they've reached the height of pleasure, once again, Quinn brought Cassandra to the bathroom and washed each other's body, playfully... their lips brushing tenderly, till they become burning kisses.

After the bath, Quinn put the robe around her body. He also wrapped himself with one then carried her toward the wardrobe. Quinn planted a kiss on her forehead after he put down into the settee.

"I could hear someone is knocking. I better check out before that person barge in," kidding, Quinn told her. Cassie giggles then nodded.

Peeping at the door, Quinn saw butler Pete brought a movable table. "Good morning, Master Williams. I am just here to deliver breakfast. After then, I'll vanish from your sight."

He smiled. "Thank you, Butler Pete. Please come in. Anyway, you can't vanish yet. I want you to bring new blankets and sheets."

Butler Pete pushing the movable table inside the bedroom, then bowed before he left. "I will get them, right away, Master."

Quinn was actually blushing. Butler Pete carefully closes the door. He exhaled then striding toward the storage room on this floor, dancing. "Cha… cha… chum…" his rhyme while kicking his feet and turning around.

The two MAS15 bodyguards who replace the night duty exchange gazes, and shake their heads; shrugs a shoulder. It's not their business if whatever going on.

Once Butler Pete left the room, Quinn picked up the bouquet of fresh-cut lilies that includes in butler Pete's delivery. He read the notes and smiled. Delighted, he strides back to the wardrobe and gives to Cassandra the notes and lilies. Her eyes spark and face brightens after reading what's written.

"Please, enjoy your day, Mama and Papa."

— Madison

Teary eye, Cassandra looked up at Quinn. He leans and then kissed her. He then helped here getting dress. Butler Pete came back and quickly Quinn replaced the sheets and put the dirt one into a laundry basket.

He felt small arms hugging him from behind. Letting Cassandra, she presses her head into his back while breathing his scent. Slowly, he turned around and held her chin to kiss her once again.

If only, this day would never end…

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