My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 348 - Somewhere, Trapped In Time She's Jealous?

Inside that cold room are two bodies expressing their love and become one over again upon reaching the height of their longing for each other.

Quinn brushes Cassandra's sweaty hair from their intense making love. Kissing her forehead, she pillowed his chest and arms tightly clutching his waist. Truly, they don't want to separate as the fear lives within their hearts.

It was the moment they don't wish for the morning to come, which other lovers wishing for the next day have arrived to see each other again in their secret meeting place... but as for them who fate separates them the moment they close their eyes, they wish for the clock to stop and forever holding each other.

"Soon... we don't need to fear anymore," Quinn promised.

Cassandra nodded. She's staring at Quinn's deep blue eyes, the moon behind him, and she admires the marvels it brings.

Lovingly, he peered at her beautiful brown eyes sparkling upon hitting by the illuminating moon shining beneath the sky.

Quinn brushing off the sweat on her temple and forehead then whispered,

"I love you."

* * *

Tears trailed down her cheeks. His voice still echoing inside her head. She's back again in this life.

'Quinn...' Her heart also cried.

"What are you doing?"

A loud voice yelling at her after that loud bang in the door and noisy footsteps coming closer to her bed.

"Do you want us to be late for our flight? I told you I need that breakfast before six in the morning!"

She sat up. They're switching bodies again and so; she doesn't know what she should have to do. "I'm sorry, Aunt Lydia!" she said, and then ran downstairs and began making breakfast.

Cassie glances to a small calendar on top of the counter, it is Saturday. Again, Lydia and Mimie will go on a trip as she perceived. What date today anyway? Oh, according to the date, she will celebrate her birthday soon...

She could hear Lydia mumbling to Mimie while they stepped down on the staircase until they get out of the door to bring their luggage to the car. The mother and daughter came back to the house to had their breakfast... then Lydia reminds her of the usual: like not wandering around as Martin says, that she should answer her phone when Martin calls her, and other things. She just nodded as an answer.

She listens to the car engine starting up until the vehicle noise fading away. Cassie walks toward the door and peeps on the window. Finally, they're gone. She locked the door and then ran upstairs. She dropped her body to the bed then cried; she misses Quinn so bad. They were just together but again; she woke up alone.


She sat up. She better go to Cara's store and spends time with her friends here. Cassie rides her bike then parked outside the store


"Hello, Auntie Alice!" she greeted cheerfully.

"Ah, Cara stays home. You haven't texted her?"

"Oh, it's out in my mind. Is something wrong?"

"She catches flu. I am worried about her, but no one will look after the store."

"Oh, I am free, Auntie Alice! I'll go visit her at your house."

"Is that fine? How about your Aunt Lydia?"

"Don't worry. They were on a business trip," she replied, then smiled. They seemed aware of how Lydia treated her bad.

'So, Cara is sick. She better hang out at her house than going home alone.' Cassie murmurs to herself.

She pedaled as fast as this road had to climb. On her back could overlook the Eiffel Tower, she halted to glance the tower behind her. She heaves a sighed. It will only make her missing Quinn staring at the Tower like this, and then reminiscing their time together.

Last night before they could strip each other's clothes, they stepped out of the car and watch the Eiffel Tower instead to calm down the rising heat between them. But still, kissing each other throughout the viewing. After then, they had a wonderful dinner together with Madison, Levi, and Ken. They play the cards while having tea before they headed to bed.

When the night falling deep sleep, Quinn sneaks in, and they spent another night together. But when she woke up, she's back to this lifetime. Cassie wipes her tears. Pedaling fast, her attention steal by someone in which she got a glimpse of the body that becomes so familiar to her.

The guy cleaning the front garden. Cutting the dead vines and flowers. Someone bought this mansion, and he is Quinn!

Too late. She already hit the fire hydrant, and she already stumbles on the sidewalk. She goes tumbling from her bike.

"Ouch..." She groans. Good thing she wears the safety gear to protect this body. It is not hers, and so she needs to take care of it.

Oh, she needs to get out here! She crawls and pulls the bike. She quickly hops in and pedals as fast as she could.

'Damn it, Quinn! You shouldn't have walking around half-naked!'

She screams inside her head. It distracted her, staring at his bareback, and she noticed one thing. There is a birthmark on his back like a butterfly shape? What is the difference between Quinn here and the Quinn in her lifetime?

Ah, does not matter. All she needs is Quinn. But her hip still aching from that fall. This is bad.

Cassie arrived at Cara's house and a maid let her come in. She hangs out with Cara until five in the afternoon. Along the way, she stopped in front of the mansion where she saw Quinn cleaning up.

The garden set up now. Her father taught Quinn in this life of how to plant and take care of them.

In this life, Quinn and her father get along well. He treated him as his son. But life is too cruel. I have hurt everyone. This lifetime deserves to change. Everyone should be happy. Her prayers in front of the altar. Cassie stood from kneeling and then lit a candle before she stepped out of the door.

However, she saw Quinn climbing the steps. She needs to hide! Cassandra steps back inside the church and searches a place to hide. Secretly, she peered at Quinn, following him. He stopped in front of the replica to the painting her mom loved so much. Quinn then takes one of the seats and kneel.

Ah, she must leave now! Cassie quickly leaves that place. It was now dark, and she could see the moon tonight. It was too beautiful where she shines behind the Eiffel Tower. Cassie looks up at the church and to the moon. She clasped her palm then prayed to the sky that this life may change its course…

Cassie strolls around central Paris when she crosses path with Quinn once again. She hides and then secretly she followed Quinn. She always brings a face mask, and so she wore it. Quinn entered an expensive bar. Oh, she is a minor yet and so; she tries to wait for Quinn outside. One hour pass and he come out. He looks sober.

She saw a few females wearing too short clothes like almost nothing they hide. They tried to block Quinn's way and tried to talk with him. Her heart throbbed with jealousy. Still, she is Cassandra and Quinn only belongs to her. There should be no other woman he fools around because she on this life forgotten him for now, but soon, they will be together.

The women followed Quinn despite how he ignored them. She feels anger. She saw a trash can and got an idea. She pedals her bike at a speed then bumped into the can. The trashed scattered on the street toward those girls.

"What the heck!"

"Piece of sh**!" yells by the other. It startled them when the trashed can land behind them.

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