My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 355 - Somewhere, Trapped In Time The Mysterious Painting


Butler Leroy is reading a book when Cassandra peeping at the door. It is morning, and the rain has stopped before the dawn breaks out.

"Ahem. Good morning, Miss Young," he greeted the girl.

Cassie blushed. Humbly, she returned the greetings. "Good morning, sir."

"Ahem. Just address my name, Miss... You can call me Leroy."

"Oh... but, um... Mr. Leroy," still, she can't have a grasp of not calling anyone in a manner. 

Everything felt too strange to her. She doesn't understand most of the things that had happened this passing day. Until now, she can't determine if everything is just a dream. But it is too detailed and a kind of long already. Is she was like asleep for days?

Cassie was on her thoughts when a woman approaches them pushing a serving cart. The woman greeted her, with this she's back to her senses and stared the woman. She resembles someone but uncertain who.

"Miss Young, this is Marie. She will be your companion while Master Williams is out of town, with Master Montfort and Miss Moore."

"Oh. It does not need, Mr. Leroy. I don't want to trouble everyone," worried, she said.

"Master Williams instructed us, Miss. We bound to follow his orders no matter what."

Leroy peered at Cassie. She keeps her silence like; she is contemplating things. Their masters have been already instructing them what to do if they have to face this kind of situation. Gladly, Marie was here to help them out.

"Okay, then..." she agreed in the end. Overwhelm, she bowed at them, showing gratitude. "Thank you very much."

Leroy and Marie looked at each other and then smiled.

"Allow me to serve your breakfast, Miss."

"Oh…" she steps back and widely opens the door, giving space for Marie to enter the room. Pushing the cart inside, she brought the food in the balcony and finely arrange on the table.

"Thank you very much, Miss Marie. I can do it for myself, actually."

"Don't mention it, Miss Cassie. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to call me."

"Um... since I get lost in the mansion, I probably need someone to show me around, Miss Marie."

Marie smiled warmly. She could spot the resemblance of Alesia at Cassandra. "No problem, Miss..."

"Cassie... just call me Cassie, Miss Marie."

"Then, just call me Aunt Marie."

"Can I? That sounds cool! Um, Aunt Marie..."

Marie smiles and hid the sadness on her eyes. Peering at Cassie's bright face, she's honored to be with the one from the life that does not exist any longer. Her smile is full of innocence behind those painful memories she buried deep at the back of her head. And so she wondered if Cassie would remember these events when she goes back to the life she thought that real.


* * *

Outside, Leroy heaves a long sighed. He needs to check if his master has awoken now. The old butler strides toward the library.

"How are they?" Leroy asked Pete, who is cleaning an old painting.

Pete halted from what he is doing then glanced at their Masters and Doctor Derek attentively monitored the three people lying on the floor. He notifies the doctor when no one has awoken yet after five hours ago. After checking them up, the doctor called someone from the facility to bring medicines and everything he needed.

Checking up their condition every one-hour interval, he manually recorded their blood pressure and heartbeats even if  Derek putting an advanced gadget. The facility also developed like a watch tool to put on the wrist. With this, the results were displayed on his PC Tab after connecting its system.

He also put an IV to Quinn, Levi, and Madison... then injected the needed nourishments to sustain their body's need might they will stay unconscious until tomorrow.

The system that Quinn requesting for him to build seems badly needed the soonest. Facing this kind of situation, they needed the advanced devices to monitor everyone's health during this time travels. They do not just stay unconscious for hours, but it has been 12 hours since they're gone. Unlike what Miss Marie reported in past events, it just took a few hours.

Derek writes it down on his notes. What information he has, they don't stay longer. He needs to study the procedure and thorough plans of what data he should put on the machine. This is something not only an ordinary medical system. He needs expert people about advanced technology.

"Doctor Williams, do you need more coffee?" Pete asked Derek.

"Ah. It looks like, I needed more."

"How about you, butler Leroy?"

"That sounds great, butler Pete. Let me finish what—" Leroy paused. He thoughtfully stared at the painting and asked, "Aren't these eyes are familiar?"

Pete steps backward from the painting and halted at Leroy's side. "What do you mean by that, brother?"

Derek curiously listens to the butlers' conversation. Now, he's intrigued to check the painting and so, he strode toward them. "Who painted it, anyway?" he asked butler Pete.

"This painting was almost 300 years old, and Doctor Charles Montfort who paint it. According to the words that pass to each generation, the doctor painted it after meeting a very interesting girl with a beautiful name and a velvet night eye color."

"Here... this initial with the letter C ... still mysterious to everyone in the Montfort family ."

"So, who is this girl? Her face covered with some clothing, so we cannot see her whole face."

"And I am certain she is not Marivella."

"She has bright brown eyes," Derek retorted.


The three of them fell in deep thoughts when Marie came in. She wondered what the three men staring at... "Ahem. Is there a problem, gentlemen?" she asked curiously.

"Ah, Miss Marie. We're just curious if who is this woman."

"Oh. Isn't she more look like Madison?"

"Miss Madison Moore?" Pete and Leroy said at once.

"I could determine the eyes resemble someone, yes. And the covered face, I could see Madison all over," she said then walked toward the sofa. She is about to sit when she notices something. "Why is the book staying lying here?"

Marie picked up the book. And flip the pages. "Are they reading this before they travel time, Butler Pete?" she asked.

"Yes, Miss Marie. The masters are reading the book, and we cannot dare to touch it after then..."

"I see." Marie notices a little fold on one page. She read it then gasped.

"Something wrong, Miss Marie?" Derek asked the lady.

Marie quietly read that part then covered her mouth. "Something replaces some pages."

"What? Is that even possible?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I encountered it. I never heard one before."

"What the changes it says?"

Marie looked up and perceives at the curious and anxious faces of grown-up men in front of her. She then began narrating the part that has changes.

"Splattered the extract blackberries to these bitches clothes, I feel satisfied. But one is about to slap me. However, mama came back and defended me." Marie continued.

"Mama has a beautiful hand. Gently, she tended the wound on my palm. I got them when I made a fake fall." Marie paused and shook her head.

"This is not happening. It sounded Madison would do like one," she laughs nervously. Her silly niece!

"Are you saying now, Miss Marie that what happens to them is written in the book now?"

" Is this a sign of changes ? Does the book change itself after Madison and others traveling back to that century?"

"Looks like, the book has become Madison's point of view," she announced.

"Wow. This is unbelievable!"

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