My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 362 - Somewhere, Trapped In Time A Rescue Plan

Watching secretly from a distance, Levi wanted to attack these soldiers and take Madison away. However, it will cause more trouble for them if he does that… besides, it will also put Marivella in danger. He has to be patient.

He followed the carriage and observed quietly. He needs to make sure where they will bring Madison and Marivella before he will notify Quinn to plan how to save them.

Marivella and Madison brought to a villa outside Central Paris. He has a bad feeling about this and began analyzing the situation. Hearing a lot of rumors about Marivella and the incident yesterday, it must be the main reason they capture her.  But he believes this is not all about yesterday. Are they planning to hide her until the Gala is over?

There are questions circulating among the aristocrats regarding the Chen family who invited at the Gala. For them, the Chen family doesn't deserve to attend such gatherings; even if the visitors are from the country where they came from. The reason that there are other Koreans in the country but did not mention as invited of the said Gala… and so, they've question over again why the Chen has to attend?

Levi makes sure where the two girls kept hidden inside the villa. Once he confirmed which room, he quickly fetches Quinn.

"Levi? What's the matter?" Quinn asked. He could see how worried Levi's face.

"Brother Quinn—"

"Did something happen to Madison?"

"Someone took them, Marivella and Madison."

"What do you mean by that? By whom?" he asked anxiously.

"It must be about yesterday. There are Royal guards barged inside the Chen residence and took them." 

As a member of aristocrats, they already familiar with every French soldier or cavalier uniforms and gear.

"Nonsense! It is just women's fight!" anger registered all over his face, at the same time worried both for Madison and Marivella.

"Madison and Marivella offended the mayor's granddaughter... surely, that girl requested something to her grandfather to take revenge, but I have a feeling that it is not only the reason."

"What are you suspecting, Levi? That it was Carlisle's family? I mean, my family who behind this as well?"

"It must be. They who have authority aside from the King."

"Then we must save them and Marivella should attend the Gala tomorrow night."

Earlier during lunch break, Madison went back to the abandoned house. They were in the middle of the discussion, and she found them arguing about the upcoming Gala. And so, Madison informed them that Marivella invited her as a companion. They have no choice but send her in to observe at the gatherings. Most of all, to find out who is this Prince of Korea visiting the country of a sudden. It sounded like bad news.

"What we should do, brother Quinn?" asked Levi. He cannot wait to save Madison as soon as possible. "We have no men to call on and take care of this like in our present life."

"We need someone's help from this era."



"How can we inform him? We can go near him."

"We need someone to do that too."

"All right. I know some kids around the area that seems close to him."

"That's good then, and we must check Marivella's family. They probably worried already."

"We also need their cooperation," Levi suggested Quinn his plans to reach them out and help to save Marivella and Madison.

Urgently, they headed to the town's marketplace after they finished making a rescue plan. Levi talked to the kids he became friends with, hanging around in the marketplace. He instructed the older kids to go to someone and give the bad news. These kids are also Marivella's friends, and so they're worried about her.


Until now, Caroline cannot stop sobbing. She was in great concern about the two girls, especially her daughter Marivella. In this country, they are powerless but only relying on each other. Louis went to the Mayor's office immediately the moment he arrived after Peter fetches him and informed for what happened. However, the Mayor was not in his office. Also, the city police personnel denied that they haven't received such order to capture two girls today. And this Peter confirmed that it might be true as the people who came wore different uniforms. They concluded that it must be the Royal guards.

"What we will do now, Louis? Where is our daughter?" Caroline queries between sobs.

"They did this when the prince arrived."

"What? They have arrived already?"

"Yes. Dae-Ho requested my presence to be there, but I refused because it is unnecessary. But then, this happens to Marivella."


"Don't worry, I will ask some people I know around. Maybe they heard something about and someone noticed the carriage and could point out where it goes."

They were in the middle of discussing things when they heard a loud knock from the main door. Louis opens the door and surprise who it is.

"Captain Williams!"

"Monsieur, good evening," Carlisle salutes as a greeting. "I heard about what happened."

"Come in, Captain Williams," Louis opened the door wide to let Carlisle step inside. He brought him to the living room where the whole family gathered.

"Brother Carlisle, please save our sister!" Peter and James run toward Carlisle the moment they have a glimpse of him.

"I will do everything to find her," he promised.

"I tried to look for my daughter but no one knows about this, Captain Williams. Our first suspect is the Mayor."

"Don't worry, Monsieur. I already sent my trusted men to investigate and look around. If the soldiers are from the Royal guards, then they made a big mistake upon doing this."

"How if?" Louis is hesitant to mention the things that bother him.

"What is it, Monsieur? Did you suspect that my family is also behind this?" Carlisle understood. Even he would think about this too. His expression hardened, he clenches both of his palms. He glanced at Caroline who keeps wiping her eyes from the tears that won't stop from falling.

"Do not worry, Madam Chen. I will look for her." Carlisle knelt in one foot on the floor and holds the woman's hand.

Caroline nodded. She felt anguish not only about the disappearance of her daughter but also about her love life. She could see how much Carlisle loves Marivella, but his world is full of tension if her daughter insists on entering his life. She doesn't want her daughter to suffer and have such a hard life. But what is happening to her now?

"My poor Marivella," she snorts. 

Louis joins Caroline on the couch and puts his arms around her shoulder. "We will find them," he comforted his wife.

"Them? She's not alone?" Carlisle asked curiously.

"Yes. She invited her new friend to attend the Gala, and so we also made a dress for her. I learned she helped Marivella many times against those women, but they also captured her. Carlene even tried to protect my daughter when the soldier is dragging her out. I know they won't do such things if they weren't insulted first. My daughter is like that, and they were just poor girls against those soldiers!" Caroline exclaimed between her sobs.

"Don't worry Madam Chen. I will double-time to find them. I must leave now to help the search. My men surely able to gather some information."

Carlisle was about to head out when another knocks on the door. One of his private soldiers enters the room and whispered something to him.

"Monsieur, there is someone looking for Carlene, said her brother."

"Oh..." Caroline gasps.

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