My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 364 - Somewhere, Trapped In Time Escaping?

Levi quietly observes Carlisle and Charles discussing the rescue plan. He has felt overwhelmed to meet his past self. Charles looks at him then nodded. He even strode toward him and introduced himself.

"Charles Montfort," the doctor stretches his hand.

"Edward Moore," Levi took his hand. Secretly, his lips playing an amusing grin.

He felt astounded having this opportunity for talking to himself... if only he could tell Charles the truth, but the future has already lingered with the past too much, enough conditions for them all.

"Then, let us do this all together?"

"We will, Doctor Montfort. But first, we must do something," Levi replied.

"What is it?"

"We must hide our faces, and their uniform must not notice," Levi's suggestion pointed at Carlisle's and the soldiers' uniform.

Charles and Carlisle looked at each other. For them, Edward is right. Then, Gene burst out.

"That's right! We must act like the ninjas!"

"Ninjas?" confused Charles and Carlisle asked at once, felt intrigued.

"We must cover our faces not to recognize."

"Hmm... sounds interesting," Carlisle murmurs, thinking. He glanced at Levi and Charles, then nodded at each other. "We must do it like then..." he agreed.

Carlisle ordered three of his men to get some dark clothes. When they came back, they changed their clothes into an all-black to be unnoticed in the dark.

Levi excused himself to fetch someone for more body to help and came back wearing almost like them and his company.

"Captain Williams, Doctor Montfort, meet Henry Moore our older brother. I called him to help save our sister and Miss Chen."

"That's good!" Charles said gladly.

"The many, the merrier!" Gene blurts out humorously.

Levi dropped his mouth; Even in his past life, brother Daichi was this enthusiastic… he thought.

Carlisle astounded at Gene's enthusiasm, which Quinn who is familiar with Gene's behavior in his next life, just shaking head and holding himself not chuckle.

Later, they sent Gene to do another observe of how the royal guard does the cycle regarding their watch: where they position, how many guarding the front door, at the back, which rooms have guarded, then the officer stood as the leader of these royal guards.

Gene came back and reported the name of the officer who leads the capture or kidnaps is correct to name it. Carlisle's face darkened. He becomes known about this man; He works secretly to his mother if she has needed something to get done or to destroy. More likely is to kill. Carlisle clenches his fist.

Delay no more, Carlisle alerted everyone to move. One by one, they put the guards into sleep. With the help of Gene and other soldiers, they successfully took the royal guards and stripped them naked and hid somewhere, tied all over.

They replaced the royal guards and acted as the watch. After then, Carlisle, Charles, Quinn, Levi, and Gene went inside silently.

Like a wind, they swept each room.

"Who are you?" asked the guard who watches in the staircase.

Carlisle attacks the guard. He made a surprise attack and put the guard to sleep after he hit him on the neck. But there is one guard who appeared from behind Carlisle and about to shoot him. Quinn found a sword. Using it, he wielded the sword, slicing the gun. He kicks the royal guard's hand then Quinn next kicked the guard's abdomen and punch on the head.

Carlisle made a surprise attack and put the guard into sleep after he hit him on the neck. But there is one guard who appeared from behind and about to shoot him. Gladly Quinn saw it. He looks around and searched for a weapon or something he could use, then he found a sword. Using it, he wielded the sword, slicing the rifle. He kicks the royal guard's hand, and the rifle dropped on the floor… and then Quinn kicked out next is the guard's abdomen and punched him on the head. It knocked the guard down to the floor, unconscious.

Carlisle glanced at his direction, nodded at him. "Thanks, Edward."

Quinn just stays closed his mouth but nodded back. They introduce him as a mute since they knew the sign language, they can make them believe it was true. So many acts already. Quinn thinks.

* * *

Meanwhile, in a certain room in the villa, Marivella and Madison kept in the attic. However, loosen from knotting up is Madison's expertise. She's been studying the situation they are into at the moment. Listening carefully to the noises outside and eavesdropping to the guard's conversation; anger surging inside her chest.

They're mouth covered, she can't speak to Marivella. But she noticed she was calm and did not panic ever since when they arrested them. That is why, no matter what, she will protect Marivella because she heard the royal guards talking about how beautiful she is and if they may allow touching her later. 

And she won't allow that to happen. She's prepared to kill anyone who will touch her mama. Madison freed her arms from the rope. Marivella looked at her stunningly, asking how she did that. Madison freed her mouth from the cloth that tied to make them silent. She then unties Marivella.

"Carlene, how if?"

"Don't worry. I will find a way we could escape from here," she whispered.


Madison looks up. There is a window they could climb up, and so she must reach the top. Madison already checks out the old stuff kept in this room. There are old curtains that could be useful to them.

"Listen, I will climb up there, then drop this curtain, tie it like this in your waist and I will pull you up. She showed it to Marivella how to tie it properly.

"Marivella, make sure not to create any noises when we do it, okay?"

"Okay..." she nodded.

"All right, but first we have to secure the door."

"Huh?" Marivella is clueless. They locked the door from outside, but they must secure from inside, so they can't enter and discover they were escaping. "How can we do that?"

Madison used the ropes and fasten the door handle. After then, she pulls the rope toward each siding of the door and fastens it to the candle holder she found nailed on the door panel. When the guard's attempt to open the door, the rope will hold the door.

When they're done, she tied the curtain around her waist but first; She teaches Marivella how securely ties the curtain on her hips. Then, she prepares to jump the beam in the roof. She took off her shoes. Successfully; she made it quietly. Like a professional gymnast, she kicks her foot and sways her body until she's able to do a motion; pushing her body to stand in the beam using her hands.

Marivella, who watched closely gasped in awe. She thinks Madison's action is amazing. Now, Madison sits on the beam and gestured at her to tie the curtain on her waist.

After making sure she tied the curtain on her waist correctly, Madison gestures to cover her mouth. She nodded and did cover her mouth. Her eyes open wide when she felt that she rose from the floor.

Madison jumps from the beam to put weight and Marivella ascends. Using her foot, Madison reaches the fabric and tangled it up to stop their speed avoiding Marivella hitting the beam. They've stopped and Marivella wondered. She looks down at Madison. She saw that her foot entwines to the curtain which she thinks holding them both.

Realizing, Marivella quickly reaches the beam to freed Madison from holding their weight… slowly, Madison landed on the floor. She then pulled the curtain to bring Marivella closer to the beam.

Successfully climbing the beam, Marivella sits on it, then untie the curtain on her waist. She dropped it to Madison. Marivella is curious about what Madison will do with it. 

Having both ends of the curtains, Madison jumps and rides on it. Using her skills, she ascends on the beam sweat less. Marivella never blinks. She was astounded, which she was like watching someone does an aerial silk dance, similar to the performers in a circus.

'Oh…' she gasps. It is like those in the circus show when a beautiful female like the Trappists.

"Where did you learn that? Are you working in the Circus?" she asked after Madison sat beside her.

"Oh, actually. Just a friend taught me," she lied. But truth is, this was part of her training ever since she was little. Learned how to fight and possessing different skills is Lady Isabella's instruction. The Lady used to tell her that maybe someday, she could use these skills on her missions or job needed to get done.

She never anticipated that she could actually use her abilities to save and protect her mama.

"Oh, wow! You are amazing! I would like my daughter to be like you!"

"Ma— Marivella…" teary-eyed, she hugs her. She held not to cry. "Ahem! Okay, let's go before they notice us."

She let go of her then stood on the beam… they began crossing it toward the window on the roof. They now get out of the attic.

"Wow. This place was beautiful." Marivella cannot help to appreciate the view they were seeing from the roof of the Villa. They could see the central city and it is dazzling from the streetlights.

Madison wandered her eyes to the entire city below. "No way!" she burst out.

"Carlene? Is something wrong?" Marivella asked, wondered of her reacting like that.

"Oh, no. It means the roof has a beautiful view," she lied once again. But this place is actually the present Montfort Mansion. She could recognize the churches around.

"Hmm… now, how do we— Carlene? Why are you crying?" full of worries, Marivella asked her.

But, she really can't hold her tears anymore.

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