My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 366 - Somewhere, Trapped In Time The Guardians of the Past?

Planning a safe escape is what Carlisle must do. He peeks outside the window, watching the group of horsemen has now crossed the bridge, and so they have to move quickly.

"Gene, escort them to the Eastern woods," his order. "Charles, please help them."

"Don't worry, leave it to me. But how about you?" asked Charles.

"We will go separate ways. I will lead them to follow us so you all had time to escape."

"You will lure them away?" Charles confirmed.

"Yes. I will entrust you with their safety. Please hide Marivella for time being, I'll go notify her parents later," Carlisle requests to his childhood friend. Charles nodded then patted his shoulder. Carlisle then turned back his attention to his right hand.

"Gene, let the others know," he commanded him, who did not waste time and run outside to relay their Captain's order.

Marivella, who was only listening, she gathered her courage to speak with once her lover... "Carlisle, I want to—" she paused and gulped, biting her lower lip, she averted her gaze. Carlisle is peering at her lovingly. There are a lot of things she wanted to talk to him but maybe this is not the right moment.

"Marivella, I'm sorry for what my mother did to you. I will go home to talk to her after we separated. I won't let anyone harm you even if that person was my family."

After stating this to her, Carlisle steps out of the room to assemble half of his group and half will escort them. Now it left her with complicated feelings about this whole thing. She sighed.


Going separate ways maybe is the best, she thought. There are a lot of things had happened already. It was like, there are no ways that it can mend what's broken. Not them but by the people surrounding them. Marivella held the tears that attempted to escape from her eyes.

Meanwhile, delay no more, Gene and Charles lead their escape through the back of this villa. After Carlisle made sure of their successful flee, he and his seven soldiers rode their horses toward the western direction. They were chased, but this part of the city is where they are familiar more than anyone.

Carlisle nodded at his men, and he went to a separate alley, which his men lure them to a poverty part of the city. The royal guards halted and hesitant to enter this part of the city. They turned around and chase no more.

Meanwhile, Quinn and the others successfully arrived in the Eastern Forest of Old Paris. Charles brought them to a house hidden in the middle of the woods.

"This is my aunt's villa. It was a smaller house, but there are rooms for everyone. No one will suspect people are hiding."

"Thank you, Charles."

"No problem, Marivella," he smiled, then shifted his attention toward Levi and Quinn. "If do you want to stay here, you are very welcome anytime you stop in the city."

Levi and Quinn glanced at each other and then looked at Charles skeptically.

"Oh, Carlene mentioned that you travel places."

"Ah… that, yes! We are travelers!" Levi who replied after Quinn elbowed him. He forgot that Quinn pretending as mute.

"Um, Charles, can you show us the kitchen?" Madison quickly changes the course of their conversation. We better to have some coffee, and I am sure everyone is hungry."

"That's right! Pardon for my slowness!" he chuckles. "You are my visitors, I must the one to accommodate you all."

"Don't worry, Charles. Let the girls do that," Marivella wink at Madison, and she nodded.

"Then, Mademoiselles, please follow me."

"Wait, Doctor Charles. Can we ask permission to check the whole house? We wanted to familiarize the place, might someone pointed out our location, we would like to make countermeasures when we are attacking in the future. We have to prepare at all times."

"Oh. Yes, you are! That's brilliant, monsieur! Don't think as strangers, feel like home!"

"Thank you, doctor."

Charles nodded. He then led Marivella and Madison to the kitchen.

Taking the stairs toward the second floor of the villa, Quinn shook his head. Levi understood that Quinn is ridiculing him.

"What?" He can't help but glare at Quinn then rolled his eyes. He can't blame his past life if Charles can't take his eyes off at Madison. If he had not known that Charles was him, he already gets jealous and beat him. But like what he mentioned above, he can't blame his past life to fall in love with Madison.

Although Madison is wearing a face veil, her eyes are alluring. Whoever to stare at her, would immerse at its charm.

What they knew, Charles is in love with Marivella. But looking at them now, they look like very good friends; similarly to Levi and Cassandra from the future.

Quinn and Levi looked at each other. It seems they have the same conclusion. Charles has eyes to Carlene… not to his adopted daughter but to the one who came from the future.

It looks like this what truly happens. Charles grows love toward Madison upon the meeting of the past and the future. That is why there is no story about Charles and Carlene of the past. Levi heaved a sighed. He felt relieved.

Quinn looked around before he spoke. All their escorts including Gene were outside down below; already changing back to their French Royal Army. Also, Charles was with the girls.

"That's deep, huh?"

"Nah. I am just feeling relieved to discover the truth. I thought, Madison and I have a fatherly and daughter affair in the past, that is why they haven't written our love story."

"It looks like, there is none to tell," Levi added.

"Hmm… In my point of view, you are correct. You and Madison did not develop a forbidden relationship."

"Like you and Cassie in the life that does not exist anymore."

"Now you mentioned it, this is something very intriguing to me."

"As you can't read the book, let us review the Book One…" Levi began.

"It was the Montfort, De La Rue, and Williams who manipulates everything since the beginning. Uncle Henry is an unwanted child for Williams because her mother is from a poor family. And so, they sent away his mother and Henry grew up without a father after died when they run away. Henry then meets Lily De La Rue and falls in love, but in that lifetime, my mother Katherine is in love with your father and uncle Edward was engaged to Lily."

"Katherine told the two families and Lily taken back to Italy. Not knowing she is pregnant the family told her to keep it a secret… then lied to her after she gives birth and told her the child died. But they sent you to your father by Katherine who tried to win Henry's love. However, she's rejected over again and your father raises you."

"Then Uncle Landon saw Lily and learned the truth. He told Lily about her son, and Lily contacted Henry through Landon. Henry made a trip here to Paris to see her and you to meet your mother. But when the three of you are trying to escape from Edward, the car got into an accident and only you who were alive in which the families sealed their mouth about the death of Lily De La Rue and Henry Williams that a scandal for the Montfort. Then the rest of the story: Landon, take you back to the US and make sure you are in good hands. But something happens and you end up living with him… and then Cassie born, but you got sick. He adopts you to use his insurances and family fortune he inherited."

"Further, the rest of the story is about the Williams Medical Research Team, Doctor Dave took you by Nicholas Crow's involvement in the sake of his wife Larah De La Rue. And then, the Kang's that lead the death of the Young's and that made you believe Cassie is dead. But she was alive because of you, brother Quinn!"

"If the present people, that was us, right? Or whatever you can call us, we are the reason there is Cassandra and Quinn's love story that leads to a Reset Life."

"But can't you imagine brother Quinn? We are like orbiting the same path. We, as from the future; we are entangled to the past as they have met us like what is happening now. And they as the past would entangle to the next life that leads to the life that does not exist anymore." Levi explained.

"And we, who from the future will never exist if Lady Isabella failed to kill Marivella and Carlisle," he added.

"Their death is what leads us to immortality and reincarnation... above all, this time travel," Quinn concluded.


"Then, we are here not to change anything or else?"

"Or else, we will not exist in the future…"

"That is why we have to make sure that everything will happen, brother Quinn."

"Mostly, someone granted to travel back in time to redo a big mistake or change our fate to have a different result in the future."

"But we have a different purpose?"

"Yes, brother Quinn. We are—"

"More like the Watcher of Time and Space?" Quinn presumed.

"I like that title, brother Quinn! Maybe, the Guardian of the Future?"

"We, from the Future are the Guardian of the Past?" Quinn quoted.

"Yes, brother Quinn! It seems this is our job. To make sure that no one changes the past."

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